Are The British, More Specifically The English and Welsh, Actually Truly White?

Now I know what you guys are saying, "user of course they're White just look at them". But the thing is when I look at them I find that while most do in fact look White there are a few that look strangely different from the rest.

There seems to be a small but noticeable amount of dark and swarthy Brits and I don't think its due to them having a tan. Its seems to be their natural skin tone.

Granted simply being dark and swarthy doesn't mean you're not pure White European. After all, the French and Southern Europeans in general are also sometimes dark and swarthy but they're usually pure White European for the most part. Its just really weird that a people from Northern Europe would also be pretty dark in skin tone. If not darker.

Honesty a lot of these Britbongs could pass as Turkish and it seems to be concentrated in England and Wales. Scots seem to be the exception.

So anyway, the question is are the English and Welsh White?

Attached: Russell Brand, Swarthy Englishman.jpg (768x432, 37K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Some of them even look Jewish like John Oliver. I wonder why.

Attached: John Oliver Englishman.jpg (220x303, 13K)

Here's a pic of Mr.Bean. Looks pretty Turkish to me.

Attached: Mr.Bean AKA Rowan Atkinson.jpg (777x768, 129K)

Gee, I wonder...

Medniggers and jews been mass migrating here since 1750s + chinks, pojeets and nignogs in smaller amounts. Not even counting the ancient things. Britain was genetically damaged because of the Roman cuckpire. There was a “”””””””””white British”””””””” man who took a Y chromosome DNA test, turned out he had a sub saharan negroid male ancestor form Roman times. The Romans brought jews, niggers, North Africans and other Middle Easterner trash to Britain.

>When Syrians, Algerians and Iraqis patrolled Hadrian's Wall

You can't erase your sub-saharan black Y chromosomes. subhuman negroid genes are there forever

The Roman Emperors Septimius Severus, Severus Alexander, Philip the Arab, Elagabalus, all had Middle Eastern ancestry some of them born in the Middle East. Septimius Severus had both Middle Eastern and North African ancestry and was born in Africa. The entire Severan dynasty was descended from him.

Roman armies in Britain included North Africans and Syrians and Mesopotamians. And full blooded niggers too.

Here's some more Jewy looking Anglos.

Attached: Its Coming Home.jpg (660x371, 52K)

anglos are the master race of whites so if we aint white then you are niggers

>After all, the French and Southern Europeans in general are also sometimes dark and swarthy but they're usually pure White European for the most part.

"Past studies had shown that Southern Europeans such as Spaniards, Greeks and Italians had more genetic variability than people from Northern Europe; other studies showed they had a small percentage of what looked like sub-Saharan ancestry."

"The team found that for Southwestern Europeans (those from Italy, Spain and Greece), between 4 and 20 percent of their genomes came from North Africa, compared to less than 2 percent in Southeastern Europe.

The study also found that the apparent sub-Saharan ancestry in these populations was actually the result of North African lineage."

>what is a no true scotsman fallacy?

shut your nigger dick loving mouth pierre

welsh & scottish are the best

Where's the greekbro, its a bit early so maybe he's sleeping

What is it with Meme Flags spamming any thread that mentions Southern Europeans?

Where are you from user?

I honestly won't consider this thread a success unless he comments.

I may have been wrong about the Scots cause I found a swarthy Scotsman.

Attached: Oh no no no no.jpg (500x683, 154K)


Attached: 1527531744969.jpg (1200x897, 85K)

Precisely. Problem being that many wannabe Englishmen are nonwhite subhumans in denial
>Meme Flags
Less of a meme flag than (((christian))) inspired abominations the UK and Nordic posters have

>Where are you from
I'm actually from fucking Europe. North.

Attached: 1569275131305.jpg (1796x859, 347K)

>Master race of Whites

I'm pretty sure those are Germans and maybe Norwegians.

>amerimutt calling anybody else nonwhite
my fucking sides

Attached: 1557692710586.jpg (1018x765, 42K)

>I'm actually from fucking Europe. North.

Sure Achmed, let me guese you're pissed off that no one consideres MENA Sandniggers White while they consider Southern Europeans and the French White?

Why don't you show your flag just to see what Northern European nation you're from?

White Americans are still pure White though Leafbro. Just because we have large amounts of immigrants doesn't mean most White Americans have race mixed.

>MAMA Mia mi amore please a-no leave meah!

Wait they're Welsh and Scottish.

Attached: Swarthy Celtics.jpg (655x430, 28K)

>White while they consider Southern Europeans and the French White?

>when you are so White 20% of your genome is MENA and 2% apefrican black and countless nationalists in Northern, Central and Eastern Europe alike consider you to be the arabs of Europe

Again show your flag if you want me to believe you.

Anyway Italy, Spain, and Portugal have higher IQs than North African nations. There's a 10-15 point gap and it seems to be racial. And they match closely with other Europeans by all the graphs I've seen.

Attached: 1566650585811.png (1600x1440, 515K)

sure, look a dna result

Attached: 78975666.jpg (1200x900, 101K)

What are you doing in Argentina?

Waiting for the worms


Attached: Thinking Pepe.jpg (400x400, 29K)

>Just look at them whites
>Brown eyes, brown hair
Sensible chuckle

>Anyway Italy, Spain, and Portugal have higher IQs than North African nations.
Who cares? Ashkenazis have high IQ too, but I don't want those subhumans anywhere near my Homeland.

You wonder how come many "Britons" and "Franks" look the way they look?

Here's your answerThat + some rare genetic mutations occuring within all Northwest and Northeast European populations in small amounts like those two here

God, don't be so dump, that's not me, is only a twitter DNA result, I was trying to say that you are amermutts... I HATE WHEN I NEED EXPLAIN MYSELF

Wow. It's almost as if a small percentage of people all over the world have ancestry from distant lands and look different from the rest.

Half breed potatoniggers.

Anglos are Germanics dipshit.

Oh I thought you were an American in Argentina. I've met one here before so I thought you were like him.

Anyway that DNA result shows that guy was pretty much pure White and I wouldn't even trust that 0.3% African shit since its common for DNA companies to add shit just in case you're too pure.

Askenazis only have high IQs due to race mixing with Whites.

Why don't you show your flag Mustafa?

I don't know, maybe this guy is from alabama and fuck some slaves 350 years ago, I mean is a option

Sure its a possibility but then again even Southerners seem to be pure White.

Yes. There's no non European admixture in the British gene pool. You know this. You're just trying to spread D&C propaganda.

the welsh are greek

>Askenazis only have high IQs due to race mixing with Whites.
That + breeding paterns with selection for intelligence.

Again, who cares? Out they go. If you look like a roach, 99/100 one of your ancestors was a roach

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To be honest I don't know US genetic is a interesting thing, but probably they are, most of southerners are from england and probably some french

I am as white as milk in winter.
Only time I go dark is after a bit of the old summer sunshine.
(Real)Brits are an odd mix.. but white is our colour.

I'm just asking questions. The Pirate Meme Flag seem to have a vendetta towards Meds for some reason.

>If you look like a roach, 99/100 one of your ancestors was a roach

Takes one to know one Mustafa.

Show flag please.

Attached: Turkroach.gif (500x734, 18K)

>A Hue Hue monkey calling anyone else in the world a mutt.

Yikes and Cringepilled.

Attached: Disgusted Pepe.jpg (250x173, 6K)

Men like these built the greatest empire the world's ever known

Say something nice about them

Attached: Englanders.jpg (2000x1366, 328K)

>for some reason
And guess who brought the jews here?

Romans BROUGHT the jews to Europe to begin with.

"Hellenistic Judaism, originating from Alexandria, was present throughout the Roman Empire even before the Jewish–Roman wars. Large numbers lived in Greece (including the Greek isles in the Aegean and Crete) as early as the beginning of the 3rd century BCE. The first recorded mention of Judaism in Greece dates from 300-250 BCE, on the island of Rhodes. As early as the middle of the 2nd century BCE, the Jewish author of the third book of the Oracula Sibyllina, addressing the "chosen people," says: "Every land is full of thee and every sea." The most diverse witnesses, such as Strabo, Philo, Seneca, Cicero, and Josephus, all mention Jewish populations in the cities of the Mediterranean Basin."

THANK YOU, southrons!

Honestly only the fat one looks low IQ. The other ones look normal.

Attached: Swarthy Anglos.jpg (1200x630, 99K)

Once again Muhamed, show your fucking flag.

Anyway I find it funny that you blame the romans for bringing Jews into Europe but no Nord or Germanic have tried to get rid of them with the exception if Nazi Germany. All the rest used them for finance.

I find this highly offensive. These men should all be arrested at once.

don't fall for all this white-infighting shilling, euckers

Attached: 1.png (750x683, 204K)

I'm just asking questions. The Pirate Meme fag is the one who literally think Britons are all part black and Middle-Eastern.


How is it even a slur coming from your dirty southron mouth, when so many of your ancestors were named just like that?

> but no Nord or Germanic have tried to get rid of them
Because the jews were banned from living in our lands, retard. Very much like shitalian scum was discriminated against in early days of the HRE

> one who literally think Britons are all part black and Middle-Eastern.

Who knows* that SOME "Britons" are part ape part sandcoon-kike

Because John Oliver is a kike dumb fuck

Cope harder mutt

Attached: FCC70B43-8763-49D5-B98F-3E8172C2C96B.jpg (476x401, 50K)

Again if you're truly from Northern Europe show your flag. Why would you even hide it if you're so proud of being Nordic or Germanic or Celtic?

You seem to come to every Southern European Med thread and tries to start shit but you won't even show you fucking flag. Its clear that you're some MENA person or perhaps Latin American that hates Meds for being considered White while you're not.

I'm not a Sandnigger and I don't really feel any affection towards them.

Show flag please.

Attached: Pepe Holding A Rope.png (600x842, 142K)

If some Britbong has some very distant ancestor from 2,000 or 3,000 years ago that isn't White would even show up on most DNA tests? Would it not over the generations go back to zero?

He comes from a long line of English aristocracy. Highly doubt that he is partly jewish
>Again if you're truly from Northern Europe show your flag.
>no subhuman roaches post from Northern Europe
lmfao. 999/1000 you are a medshit based in NJ. A living example of invasive roach species that try to infilitrate Northern Europe and her colonies

I tried looking it up but I couldn't find anything.

What is it with Americans calling others Amerimutt? Are you an immigrant?

I'm from Texas faggot and no I'm not some Mexican Wetback.

Just show flag and then I'll take you a little more seriously.

Attached: Quim Barreiros Folk Singer.jpg (2670x2713, 741K)

Subversive Jews/Negros/Mullatos with memeflags strike again.

Attached: IMG_20190917_084101_658.jpg (320x320, 26K)

He's probably some MENA Sand monkey that hates that he's not seen as White.

Absolute filth. Why are memeflags on Jow Forums?

That "Britbong" can fuck off somewhere else from England.

Racetraiors in family tree = shit tier genes
Since when preservation of the English blood purity is subversion you fucking spastic?

we never had flags on 8/pol/ and here before the cuckening you redditesque moron

Why won't you post with your flag?
Just stop being such a faggot.

Who truly knows. They should ban to see where this Sandape comes from.

Why do you fags think any Euro with dark hair or eyes or swarthy skin must be part something else?

>we never had flags on 8/pol/

Yikes, a Crippled chan user. Why don't take your meds schizo.

Show flag or GTFO. People with memeflags should be completely ignored.

>Why do you fags think any Euro with dark hair or eyes or swarthy skin
Because more often than not people like that are part roach. In rare cases of Sean Connery or Thomas Anders - its genetic mutation

>a Crippled chan user.
cripple chan actually achieved some goals and had helped to spread ethnonationalist propoganda
escort yourself back to plebbit

>In rare cases of Sean Connery or Thomas Anders - its genetic mutation

So you're moving the goalposts? Why is it in those examples its some genetic examples but in the rest is due to some race mixing that happened hundreds or even thousands of years ago?

>cripple chan actually achieved some goals and had helped to spread ethnonationalist propoganda

Like what? If anything Honeypot Chan is full of Feds, Schizos, and people too autistic to engage in meaningful conversions. Nice job though getting New Zealand to ban guns and become more cucked than ever before.

Also show flag Karim.

Brits with a dark complexion are a remnant of Roman colonisation of Britain

Show flag, shitskin

He won't cause then he'll be found out as a MENA Brown Sandnigger.

It's simply neolithic farmer blood.
Most think, the more white, the more European, but swarthy Sardinian-looking people have been there first.

Watch this:

Attached: 1259511394814.jpg (400x271, 22K)

modern british people are literally inbreds (old english british) mixed with foreigners, basically retarded mutts

that’s why they all have shit teeth, bald at the age of 20, and get gangrene and liver spots by 30. am I wrong? if any UK people reply, post your face

Brand is half Italian, Oliver is half Jewish, Atkinson is part Spanish.

Why do you never post full Brits?

>Why is it in those examples its some genetic examples
Because people like Thomas Anders and Mads Mikelssen come from nations that didn't experience historic southron/arab/nig immigration, whereas those "Europeans" located in the south did?
>If anything Honeypot Chan is full of Feds, Schizos, and people too autistic to engage in meaningful conversions.
Same goes for 4/chan/ + it has way more nonwhites and does jackshit to advance ethnonationalism
who cares about being first. majority EEF "Europeans" should be fucking purged the fuck away

EEF were the very opposite of feirce warriors we come from. puppy-eyed peaceful bitches

cool theory but iirc it's not really supported by the genetics of brits. I believe that it's been determined that the Romans left very little, if none at all genetic impact on Britannia.

iirc, the answer is the swarthiness of some Britts and the "Black Irish" and etc. (baring any sort of very recent race mixing going on in the UK) supposedly either comes from the remnants of celtic Iberians or from the original inhabitants of prehistoric British Isles, ie: the people who built Stonehenge. These were the people who were recently misrepresented in the Cheddar Man sculpture (that tried to make him look like a nigger as best they could). Anyway, these prehistoric Brits supposedly had a swarthy complexion very similar to what you would find in current Sardinians with a significant number of them having blue eyes. There's also been part the Atlanian theory that the back side of Ireland's people had contact with North Africa's people during it's prehistory. This was done via sailing routes. Irish of that area have singing customs and other cultural practices similar to some ancient North African practices. Ofc, these ancient prehistoric North Africans would be some form of Mediterranean people. IIRC, this theory is also not supported by genetic testing.

Attached: Cheddar-man-960x540.jpg (960x540, 62K)


That's two actual Jews and an Anglo.

But you seem to think that they heavily race mixed to change their intelligence and physical appearance when in fact they're still over whelming European. And lot of them are still pure European White.

Jow Forums isn't as filled with feds and we at least tell them to fuck off. You probably think the Feds in Honeypot Chan are based and redpilled for promoting violence. As for non-Whites I would say YOU yourself aren't a prime example since you won't show you own flag.

But all Euros have EEF, some just have more than others.

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Attached: Kikeometer.gif (383x282, 22K)

First of all, the oldest deep rooted genepool of the British isles is swarthy. The Welsh are just about the most native of anybody in the islands and they're also the darkest native people in the islands.
Secondly, the input isn't non-caucasoid, it's Mediterranean:
- Average DNA make-up of Native English
British (37.61%),
Europe West (20.45%),
Irish (20%),
Scandinavia (9.39%),
Iberian Peninsula (3.09%),
Italy/Greece (2.01%),
Eastern Europe (1.85%),
European Jewish (1.51%)
The 'Aryan' phenotype comes from the Baltic sea region anyway.

I was just curious and being a little sarcastic, the Pirate Meme Flag on the other hand wants to kill off or kick all Southern Europeans and any Northern Euro with swarthy skin or dark eyes or hair.

But strangely he doesn't show his own flag to show what North Euro country he's from.

They are a mixture of Nordic and Mediterranean

Attached: 1280px-Passing_of_the_Great_Race_-_Map_4.jpg (1280x895, 412K)

>neolithic farmer blood
That's a PC way of saying nigger/mongrel blood.
Originally all Europeans were white, blonde haired and blue eyed but got fucked over due to mixing with invading niggers. Balkans got fucked by this whilst the Scandinavian countries were harder to get to for niggers so less of them went there.

does this look white to you?

Attached: 1475136497265.jpg (480x360, 52K)

Why is it with Nordicists thinking all Europeans looked 100% the same and that any remotely minor difference in phenotype is due some wide scale race mixing?

Even the Koreans and Japanese, despite both being Northeast Asians, look somewhat different from each other.

Who are you replying to? Anyway no he doesn't look White. He looks like a Gypsy or Indian.

It's because that's what happened.
This race mixing happened tens to hundreds of thousands of years ago.

All of the races have separate origins. Look at the Australian Abos for example. They're pretty much a pure race(pure shit but you get what I mean).
This explains those ridiculously pitch black niggers and this explains some of those extremely pale white people.

Depending on the location Europe was a melting pot the ones up north survived the easiest because of how hard it was to get up there back in those days.

>greeks are not niggerised but Swedes are
seems legit
Not suprised shit like that comes from a southron retard.

how about you ditch sourceless charts and post a proper peer reviewed studies like I did?

>Jow Forums isn't as filled with feds
are you legitimately retarded?

and violence is good.

its simple

you kill nonwhite subhumans and cucks = the government and nonwhite subhumans get nervous

>But all Euros have EEF, some just have more than others
that's what I said: "majority EEF = dysgenic roach"
>Iberian Peninsula (3.09%),
I>taly/Greece (2.01%),
>Eastern Europe (1.85%),
>European Jewish (1.51%)

Can they launch a study outside of those subhuman-infested port towns and London for once? Proper Britons are 100% Northwest European

>This race mixing happened tens to hundreds of thousands of years ago.

So why would something that happened that long ago affect someone's physical appearance right now?

pretty based, fair question OP

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