Leftypol OCs tend to have quite a few words due to how much substance certain topics have. The brainlet-right uses 'toilet humor', as most of their demographic are underage fags that are incapable of grasping political theory that takes more than ten minutes of research. As long as 'nigger' is in the meme, it's a good meme for them.
Too many words hurt their small brain, and it's just so tiresome for them.
/leftypol/ Lefty Meme Thread (Communism/Anarchism)
>Leftypol OCs tend to have quite a few words due to how much substance certain topics have. The brainlet-right uses 'toilet humor', as most of their demographic are underage fags that are incapable of grasping political theory that takes more than ten minutes of research. As long as 'nigger' is in the meme, it's a good meme for them.
>Too many words hurt their small brain, and it's just so tiresome for them
I'm not reading all that shit nigger
>political theory
You know theory doesn't matter when empirical data contradicts it. No one cares about what you think the world is or should be like when we have data that goes against your political theory.
>Leftypol OCs tend to have quite a few words due to how much substance certain topics have. The brainlet-right uses 'toilet humor', as most of their demographic are underage fags that are incapable of grasping political theory that takes more than ten minutes of research. As long as 'nigger' is in the meme, it's a good meme for them.
Too many words hurt their small brain, and it's just so tiresome for them.
I don't have any basedjacks downloaded sorry
also tldr
Guys what do you do when you encounter Nazis and other Fascist fuckheads on the internet? Lately I can't help but to argue with them for hours and it's wasting my time and my spirit
What can I do to help the causes of the left?
The right can't read.
cut off penis shitlord
That's mean though, I dislike Nazis but I don't think we need to cut off their penises
Nazis are subhumans. They will never understand, as their axiomatic values are based around conspiracy. They are in their very core, illogical.
They try to put on a facade of some sort, trying to act strong and what not, when in reality they are just losers. Exploit that. Meet them where they're at. Bully them. They must be treated like animals.
The left is about empowering the left and abolishing corrupting power- while nazis only exist to empower their leader, like the cucks they are. Remove all snowflake lefties from your social groups, for they will only be a burden in the long run.
I'm an ancap and reading is gay
So what made you decide to be a jewish banker supremacist?
*empowering the people
shit, my speech is less cooler now
No, snowflake lefties are our friend.
The only successful Socialist revolution to take place in an advanced industrialized country was National Socialism. Communism is just a means for the capitalists to rapidly and brutally industrialize an agrarian society then sell it off to private investors.
I’m doing my part!
>muh strawman
>the left still can't meme
Thanks for the bump, faggot.
You’re losing, homosexual.
>Supporting globalized capitalism to own the fash
You played yourself
>the more words I use, the more smarter my point is
>t. retard whose ideology has literally never created a functional society
hey commie are you actually so retarded and sheltered you've never heard that brevity is the soul of wit? thanks for proving once again how communism is an ideology infested with the mentally ill and handicapped.
dont waste your breath with these idiots fren, just train with a local group, there are many to choose from :)
It's not a strawman, it's a legitimate question. Perhaps ask you banker friends what a strawman means, they're pretty intelligent to dupe bourgeois whites into thinking they're fighting for anything other than neoliberals
>trucing with capitalists to own the capitalist fash
Uh.. Yeah? Where's the problem?
Oh, I just enjoy shitting up the commie threads from edgy teenage retards with daddy issues. It’s fun.
>Siding with capitalism to own an anti capitalist ideology
Communism will never work without infinite resources.
Bread and water is finite. Faith and Forgiveness is not.
Your memes are awful nigger
you know its the juice, right?
they've all gone to bunkerchan, their backup website
how many has capitalism killed fuckstick?
holy fuck nazis BITCHED THE FUCK OUT (BTFO)
>Communism is so great, blah blah blah.
Then move to a Communist country, faggot.
>3rd reich was the only country ever to practice fascism
Back to le rebbit
Actually it was exactly like that.
Hey does that mean if the fourth reich ever comes back, us communists will be allowed to freely talk about communism? Awesome!
the componet is not wanting to work for the regime
Brevity is the soul of wit.
>how many has capitalism killed fuckstick?
Not enough... Of (You) commie faggots.
Lefty memes suck.
Lmao bottom text
Lel, It lasted far less Shorter then communism even. Because of Its self destructive habits
Tbh its nice having diversity in political opinion. Legit learn more talking to Leftists then sticking in a hugbox.
>Motivated for the advancing of ones race is self interest
>Throw around big economic sounding words to smart because the economic situation if the 3rd reich is heavily muddled by all sides and only extensively well written by a few people
So this is the fabled breadtube meme
>Keep your joke K.I.S.S.
Makin long speeches in an attempt to appear more intelligent than you actually are is a Hallmark of leftism.
Oh but user, those dissidents were a danger to their society! Oh my something should be done about undesirables. *cough*
Дoбpo пoжaлoвaть в Poccию
*to sound
>Legit learn more talking to Leftists
Yeah, of what not to do.
Pretty much if you want the correct answer to something, it is usually the opposite of what a leftist says.
I don't believe a single that a communist says. They have always been lying, falsifying, manipulating to others and their own people. There are a lot of German pictures that had been edited to make the Germans look bad during WW2.
you must love how your jewish overlords wage cuck you.
Forget about muuuuh comunism, the new Karl Marx is jacques Ellul, he pretty much explained how the idiot above ended up loving twagecucking his only life just because of muuuuh eco-technological growth