Dear Red Caps

Dear Red Caps,

How does it feel like your wall is literally a joke. No seriously, it is a joke.

Attached: 8FECF55A-8336-4D0D-A756-25345F6FC32F.jpg (1242x2160, 399K)

That's the old wall. It's literally why we are building a new one. Retarded spic missed the point as usual

So add machine gun auto turrets with bean tracking.

Wall in your pic doesnt match this wall you faggot.

Attached: 1568169688159.jpg (767x648, 63K)

>Dear Red Caps your wall is a joke
>Posts pic of wall built under Obama
tiresome, so; it's all

Attached: cowpie.jpg (338x450, 43K)

That's the old wall. This is the new wall:

Attached: 4574567567.png (898x640, 1.39M)

I remember when trolling was an art form. Now, we get this. It's almost like no one cares anymore.

Attached: sad bugs.jpg (226x193, 16K)

a artform*

Just make the tops bladed. Problem solved. The only real shame of the wall is that it impeeds on animal migratory patterns.

Kinda proves the point there is a major problem at the border.

Attached: 1569029510534m.jpg (1024x683, 89K)

A German already tried passing this off as real earlier. Thought you could do better retard?

Yeah but you wanna know who's not going over that wall? 10,000 FUCKING TRAFFICKED KIDS EACH YEAR YOU FUCKING RETARD! Stop posting this stupid fucking meme.

>That's the old wall. It's literally why we are building a new one

We're building a fence to replace the old fence.

Attached: cv9OtSt.jpg (960x960, 153K)

I feel you.

Attached: Arguing = Trolling.png (982x59, 5K)

>Traveling a thousand miles is the same as walking a step to the side
I guess we just make every 3rd worlder a cittzen then

45 seconds

you so funny rabbi

Take them out

Attached: 8927348234.jpg (1024x732, 211K)

Maybe an adult can but try to bring your 5yo child with you, spoiles not gonna work. There is not one opsticle a man on foot cannot overcome, especially with nobody stopping them from trying as long as they please.

or the 42 year old 175lb 5'2 diabetic mother

the wall is a joke either way, just look at it, it's just bars with a smooth hat
a real wall would rival that of China's, with steel reinforced concrete almost a foot thick and 20 meters high

That's not Trump's wall you faggot jew nigger.
>Sage this gay thread.
That's not Trump's wall you faggot jew nigger.
>Sage this gay thread.
That's not Trump's wall you faggot jew nigger.
>Sage this gay thread.
That's not Trump's wall you faggot jew nigger.
>Sage this gay thread.
That's not Trump's wall you faggot jew nigger.
>Sage this gay thread.
That's not Trump's wall you faggot jew nigger.
>Sage this gay thread.
That's not Trump's wall you faggot jew nigger.
>Sage this gay thread.
That's not Trump's wall you faggot jew nigger.
>Sage this gay thread.
That's not Trump's wall you faggot jew nigger.
>Sage this gay thread.
That's not Trump's wall you faggot jew nigger.
>Sage this gay thread.
That's not Trump's wall you faggot jew nigger.
>Sage this gay thread.
That's not Trump's wall you faggot jew nigger.
>Sage this gay thread.
That's not Trump's wall you faggot jew nigger.
>Sage this gay thread.
That's not Trump's wall you faggot jew nigger.
>Sage this gay thread.
That's not Trump's wall you faggot jew nigger.
>Sage this gay thread.
That's not Trump's wall you faggot jew nigger.
>Sage this gay thread.
That's not Trump's wall you faggot jew nigger.
>Sage this gay thread.
That's not Trump's wall you faggot jew nigger.
>Sage this gay thread.
That's not Trump's wall you faggot jew nigger.
>Sage this gay thread.
That's not Trump's wall you faggot jew nigger.
>Sage this gay thread.
That's not Trump's wall you faggot jew nigger.
>Sage this gay thread.
That's not Trump's wall you faggot jew nigger.
>Sage this gay thread.
That's not Trump's wall you faggot jew nigger.
>Sage this gay thread.
That's not Trump's wall you faggot jew nigger.
>Sage this gay thread.

First of all, thats not the new wall.

Second of all, you are proving the point to build a taller wall.

Thank you and good night OP

Attached: TrumpSmiling.jpg (1200x800, 84K)

This is at the very edge of the wall where it meets the ocean in San Diego. It separates Tijuana from San Diego and it goes all the way out into the ocean. This picture is taken during the migrant caravan and literally every person who hopped over was arrested and deported by border patrol. They then came in and reconstructed that section by placing a 10 foot unclimbable section. It’s basically just a flat piece of steel so there’s nothing to grab on to except the 5 feet of barbed wire the put on top of it. The entire wall will likely have that barbed wire installed on top of it as they have said their focus is construction of the wall first and then they’re going to modify it next year by painting it, adding additional barriers to the top and likely building a second fence for the inside that essentially traps anyone who actually does make it over. It’s modeled on the way they construct prisons where a wall leads directly to a fence with a curved in barbed wire top. The wall is also only part of the border package it also includes additional border patrol agents and hundreds of drones that can be used with FLIR cameras to identify anyone crossing at night. L

one of the dumber images I've seen on Jow Forums, congrats
>just go 1000s of miles AROUND the fence, bro!
fuckin retard

Listen up, blancos. We will keep breeding until you are bleached out of existence, homez. You may take up some of our Maria’s or Juanita’s, but in 20 years homey your population will be 13% like blacks, essay. Viva Chile

That's because the wall is not finished yet, when finished it has barbed wire wielded on both sides, good lucky dealing with that.

that's a fantasy
here's reality: the spanish already did that to your whore ancestors in a couple of generations
it took a ragtag group of like 50 europeans to breed out the entire 'empire' of indios and all that's left is a race of mongrelized catholic vermin that bear a closer resemblance in attitude and action to africans than to any of their ancestors
latinos: a disgraceful race that will never ever overcome their origins as the prototype amerimutt