A kike caught in mid subversion just happened!
A kike caught in mid subversion just happened!
Other urls found in this thread:
Aren't they suppose to be smart?
They're not sending their best!
No. they are only slightly smarter than boomers. they are worse than parasites which know not to actually kill the host and shit on its corpse.
unless you mean REAL jews, not these satanist israel larping faggots.
but the ones all over the world that protest it
same netherlands faggot that was defending Jews promoting Blacked porn
Deceitfulness is not intelligence
No i report that crap all day long
Sure thing toothpaste
Pornography is a weapon of the Jew, and it's aimed at you.
Israeli average IQ is 99.
I remember there was a thread on /b/ many years ago, where Israeli jew was seriously asking, how to cheat on an IQ test.
Israel's average IQ is 94 actually
For sure indeed, i especially like it when it says, (((That post doesn't exist anymore)))
>Petah tikva
Lol the memes are real
Thats where all the kikiest kikes in israel live
only according to themselves
You would know, shlomo
That's just a meme
>but muh ashkenazi iq
If you're going to cherrypick the better parts of your population everyone else could do so too.
I'm sure all Euro countries would go up by at least 5 points if only educated whites were tested.
add this crap to my filters in ublock origin to block isn'treal flags
boards.Jow Forums.org##body > .desktop.adg-rects
boards.Jow Forums.org##[id^=p]:has(.flag-il)
tricking everyone it's the u.s. government then to have plausible deniability then. figured on this if something like this happened then it's israel / kikerael / jizzsrael (black men on white daughters alone).
this is to create and/or grow white nazism then they can claim white nazism is on the rise while they are screwing / torturing white kids / white children and some of them kill themselves I bet over that type of stuff to as well.
so then they claim "muh nazis" everywhere and/or etc then so they can then screw with white kids / white children to further lower marriages from 70% to even higher like the 90% realm to destroy / knock out america alone then.
the jews are heavily behind interracial porn if not close to all of it at times to as well to make profit.
this way antifa / jewish bolshevik revolution gets more and more power in the government to knock out the white kids / white children that they are turning into white nazis on this type of stuff alone then.
jew creates interracial porn to spread it to create white nazism and/or turn white kids / white children into nazis (white ones) that is then.
jew media alone can say there's a growing white supremacist / growing white nazism problem then and try for more and more laws. take away guns / 2nd amendment that way to as well.
jews jewing race like usual then to knock out white marriages / white families and/or the future of america alone then and to go after guns and/or etc so only "antifa" - who are actually white genociding jewish bolshevik types can get more and more power in the jew media alone then.
makes total sense and this is only the tip of the ice (((berg))) to me personally then.
Based right wing jannie death squads dealing with the kikes for us.
Can someone explain how they were able to extract an IP from his post? I'm confusion
we should just abolish memeflags. at least on pol.
jews are lower than animals as General George S. Patton says in the quote and/or quote in the image I attached.
The IP is plainly in the ban message
Quote attached.
are you blind? he posted his ban screen, which had his ip address.
Nevermind I just realized he posted a picture of it. I really need to get my autism under control
You are a SCHIZO then! why you make up such bad lies about the poor defenseless white
genociding jews then?
definitely not a false flag
sometimes I think all these jewish conspiracies are a little silly but then it all makes sense and gets scary
That's just it dude. It makes so much sense if you think about it. I've heard people talk about how dangerous China is because they are playing the long game. The kikes make them look like amateurs. They have been praying for the death or subservience of the rest of mankind for millenia.
Only in verbal intelligence. Females are also more intelligent than men on average when it comes to verbal intelligence. However, jews, like women, have a harder time conceptualizing. Which is why they make stupid mistakes like this. And why they keep repeating the same mistakes all throughout history and never learn from it.
how did they get his IP
was user a m0d or something
what is new
Isn't "muh 115 IQ" supposed to be on full force?
Fixed it for you.
You act like people from that country post here all the time with Jewy things to say. Take your pilpul down the road Chaim.
It's literally a VPN false flagging Jow Forumstard you sub 80 IQ lowlifes
Another blood libel against the innocent Jewish people
He posted his ban with his IP
Sounds like a lot of crying out as you verbally strike us. Typical
>However, jews, like women, have a harder time conceptualizing. Which is why they make stupid mistakes like this. And why they keep repeating the same mistakes all throughout history and never learn from it.
Addition leafbro, it's also due to emotional reactions they put over facts
>Especially wymin
also gaud to think that they are better than everyone else.
>They're not, and HIGHLY visable
I use the same, uhhhh, 'mindfuckery', against them, to expose themselves. It's a subconscious attack. They don't even know what's going on...and it's unlockable due to just that. Call it emotional phishing, using ones self...against themself ;)
>sub 80 IQ lowlifes
You got caught, it's not like it doesn't happen everyday here.
Cope, fake Jew
it's a meme, how else do you get stuck in the desert for 40 years?
>It's literally a VPN false flagging Jow Forumstard you sub 80 IQ lowlifes
Im literally a VPN false flagging Jow Forumstard you sub 80 IQ lowlifes
There, fixed it for ya XDDD
chances are , its literally you
he posted it in the picture to protest a ban he got, and didn't realise it had his ip
Schizophrenia, Various burning bushes and rocks gave him bad directions
Damn that was fast
thanks bros didn't know ip showed in bans
The coordinates go to a synagogue hahaha
good find user
here's a reminder for us all
My sides are gone
>It's a false flagging Jow Forumstard
>Conveniently dismisses the displaying of the reveal of the location of the "blacked" post
>GeoLocation shows the "blacked" posts are from Israel
Yeah, we might be autistic, but we're not blind. Reserve a seat for the gas chambers, if you may.
Askenazi genuis at work
Checked. Kekked
Yeah sometimes it is Israeli Jews doing it, heres a proof
What was it?
top kek
Hava Nagila Original
Sadly I've got to agree with the jew here. Why would the shill say "fuck, i forgot about the IP. Please ignore this thread."
>Another blood libel
We all know you're vampires
Check out these orgs
MacCabee task force
CAMERA - middle east reporting in america
I'm sure there's a lot more of these orgs operated out of local synagogues all over the world.
Jewish intelligence is just a meme you know, manipulating people doesn't make you "smart".
>good jews
Funny there was no word on this when it happened
Winrar! Noice trace. Grab a sat view of it. We can shoop Pepe's, Honklers, NPC's and Merchants onto their satanic house and send it to them
Yas! I'm fucking dyin' over here XD
i reported that thread on /tv/, feels good
Nigga, with all the dots connecting and the mountain of evidence, it's barely even a conspiracy at this point
It's all fake poltard, he was a crypto-jew, THEY are all related, it's 100% pure theater.
Now thank me for this info you worthless polcumrag.
Top fucking kek
>lower iq than Moldova
fucking LMAO
i bet his rabbi is seething right now
Why would kikes take the effort to convert maybe 50 neckbeards that roam this forum to blacked porn? Its so little impact that I can not fathom it being worth anything whatsoever. Are they trying to win a handful of souls for Lucifer?
Like the Chinese they have lied about how high their IQ's are. I mean seriously the average Chink cant drive a car, or operate machinery to save themselves. Yet im supposed to believe they are the smartest race on the planet.
Have you ever heard those fuck with Indian scammer youtube videos? When their bosses realize that the guy has deleted all the scammers files. That kind of freak out is what I'm picturing
>That pic
My god it hit me right in the feels
>Leotakics ;)
I love his wipe vids. That or when they cryptolock themselves. There's another cr3w that jacks cams and mics. on them as well XDDD
Oh vey!
The face of men who are ready to die.
I found this anomaly while browsing an unrelated thread on /a/ where retards were arguing women's biology and someone tried to post a link.
Is designed by
Read the title text for the anomaly.
>piss & vinegar
This website is powered by
This company claims to be super successful yet has nearly no footprint on the internet other than location
invested by
and some random article interviewing the CTO that's apparently a serial startup launcher
Despite being incredibly successful this guy has managed to scrub any real information about himself off the internet and hide under random CEOs.
Demoralization is very effective way to paralyse the opposition.
Correct. 2 problems with measurement of "white" IQ, and everyone knows this to be true. Either:
1. Jews are a much higher percentage of the "white" population, and bring the avg IQ up a few points so as to benefit the remainder of "whites".
2. Jews aren't actually smarter than whites, or just on par with whites, but they do practice deceit non-stop.
One could probably make an argument for a little of both, but mostly, it's the deceit thing.
Nope, they lied about their IQ scores, just like the chinks.
That's fucking gold.
Happens to me a lot mate, I reckon they send em just for me, but i spot them jews every time...
Here have ago at this one, I use the omnichan app cause simplicity.