Pack of wild nigger teens kill a man at a fair after he refused to give them $1...

Pack of wild nigger teens kill a man at a fair after he refused to give them $1. They punched him in the head then spit on him a mocked him as he died on the ground. father of the brothers (shocking) said that "they dindu nuffin and was gud boz who made a mistake and should be detained at home"

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We have to remember that the boys are victims too. While the old man suffered in his final moments, those lads have suffered under the yoke of systemic whiteness for their entire lives.

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Dey dindu nuffin. Dey wuz gud boiz n sheit.

>they should be detained at home
That's a punishment? That's like saying forced to eat bacon and steaks
I guess I was the prisoner all along...

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>they even spit
spat you fucking chink, isn't this jackass supposed to be a journo?

das rite!!!

at least he is reporting it unlike 99% of the (((media)))

dude its not fact-checked by politifact or snopes which are highly regarded.. you think ill believe some random twitter guy wtf??

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Ya ill give him credit, gay asian or not feel bad for anyone who gets the redpill that fast.

I before E except after C (most of the time). Fuck.

Sure thing, Chief.

Damn, he'll have to laser his tattoo. What a shame, he probably would have kept it otherwise.

Classic nigger behaviour.

Don't tattoo people ever spell check?

Such a lazy photoshop

>tfw used to work with a Joe Torres who was fucked up enough to do something like pic

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>Blacks causing death and mayhem

This and thousands of other cases across America every day

Blue check mark check mark of approval.

That's what I though, when I read teens killed a man for not giving them money, I was like fucking Niggers.

Andy Ngo does a good job of reporting/elevating hate crimes against whites. Also negative reporting vs antifa. He's jew controlled but nobody else is reporting it mainstream. He gets on Fox News now. /ourreporter/

this can't be real, please someone say it's shopped

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"A white supremacist tried to racially antagonize a group of black kids at the Frederick Fair in MD. He started calling them the N-word and one of the kids fearing for his life punched the racist man. The white supremacist later died and two innocent black victims were charged".

>Are you fucking kidding me?


agree, Andy is an important ally to have right now in getting the tide to change. Also living Oregon he's the only honest source of local news for me in the state. Oregon is so kiked it's impossible to escape it.

I know, right. They have the summation of human knowledge in their palm and they still fuck it up.

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Niggers like them deserve the rope.