So how is that search for a white wife coming along, Jow Forums? You ARE going to save the white race, aren't you?

So how is that search for a white wife coming along, Jow Forums? You ARE going to save the white race, aren't you?

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That's a different moon.


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Married for a decade, got 2 blonde hair blue eyed kids, a third baby on the way.

But I don't really give a fuck about whites, just raising a big family so that my kids and grandkids have lots of close family to support each other.

That said, I don't want no niggers in my family. My best bro is a castizo mutt and I said if he has kids we could marry ours together but that's as dark as I'm willing to go.

the moon is def fake
so are gorrilllas

i havent bothered trying

been going alright, 3 kneebiters so far. But OP, I gotta tell you, the tranny you are after isn't going to grant you any offspring.

married with 7 kids, how about you OP?

I’m probably going to pick out a Central European green card seeker and just make her a dependa because I don’t want to go back to USA. I can also abandon her and my parogi-burger half castes if need be. Better another blond do this than these women get claimed by niggers or something.

Married with 1 kid, planning the second one in a year (c-section needs to heal a bit)

Yeah wife needed 1 c section because my son tried to hang himself in the womb, then we were worried about the 2nd so got another, sucks. Gonna try natural birth this time if we can.

Forgot pic.

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Suburbs are popping up white. Just anecdotal but if other whites keep it up whites are on the comeback trail.

>So how is that search for a white wife coming along, Jow Forums?

>talks about saving white race
>posts porn star
>it's a screenshot
what are you even doing

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Nah I'm unironically oil drilling. Dunno about demographics but she's more loyal and better wife material than any girl I've ever met.

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damn cosmo

doctors almost always recommend c-section if the mother has had one already

cool story bro

>white wife
Already found it
>save the white race
>9% of the world's population

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it's YOU isn't it
I knew you still lurked

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kys faggot

Probably gonna put a bullet in my temple within the next month.

I'm always around.

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what a fatslut thot

I'm a big fan
I like the lighting, all the pics I have of your digs are old

Sage mod spam