White man

White man.

Do you feel upset, when you seeing an East Asian having upper class living standard?
or having upper position than you?

Because it's some race usually pursuing, good academic background / career. and intense to chase money?

tell me honestly. Do you feel like your gut is going inside out when seeing an East Asian, being somewhat upper class status?

Just tell about this 100% honestly. It's online world.

When you see a weakling, helpless asian man homeless maybe you want to give a help,
but when you see an asian having pro-position you wanna beat the shit out of this yellow slanty eyed chink gook motherfucker. right?

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No not really. because their not trying to destroy western civilization. jews are the problem. Currently.

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If jews would respect our dignity and culture they could get away with this forever. but they’ve done everything to dismantle the white race.
Asians come here and fanatically try to assimilate.
I still hate them, But no more than I do any other race.

no, i don’t even mind asians at all. they have a big overpopulation problem but they’re intelligent and get along with white people fine for the most part.

Yea their very nice people and have beautiful woman.

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Based English teacher taking the gookpill

Affirmative action

Koreans in New Eras, driving BMW's and blasting Future is hilariously pathetic and no amount of money changes that.

I don't even think about it, honestly. Normally I assume an East Asian has a better life than I do, and 9 times out of 10 they do. Are you actually a gook user?

literally dont care and am happy when i see asian dudes do well

what i do care about is subhuman gook koreans playing the role of the kikes of asia.

go back to ilbe, you fucking scumbag. if you try to spread more of your gay ass korean supremacy faggotry, i swear to god it will backfire on you. white men actually like fucking asian women unlike black women, and we will fucking do it just to get you to learn your place if we have to.

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>but when you see an asian having pro-position you wanna beat the shit out of this yellow slanty eyed chink gook motherfucker. right?


>what i do care about is subhuman gook koreans playing the role of the kikes of asia.
Best compliment I've ever had having this korean flag in Jow Forums

Thanks user!

Though, all that being said OP, if you actually are a gookanon, how do you feel when you see a white man dating a Korean girl? All the Korean girls I've gone out with rubbish Korean men pretty often. What is the relationship between the sexes in Korea like?


if you are an ilbe user: go read the talmud you jew worshipping shitskin

I'd suck him dry, drill his ass, ad then cum on his face..

>how do you feel when you see a white man dating a Korean girl?
Just do it.
By the way, even if you have plenty of chances to fuck korean girls, just don't do cringy act just like the English ti-chaas that publishing books or courses about "how to fuck gook bitches"

This is just cringe act bacause they genuinely do think they're getting laid because they're white.

It's like seeing a teenager jumping up and down on his bed. being excited how he lost his virginity. and feeling so extreme proud about it.

Honestly pretty many korean man can be fucking european / western women. during the trip.
Not because of being Korean. because in these modern days it's especially easy to open up pussy and have comfy short fuck with foreigners.

I don't know why some western dudes or white dudes are so obssessed with this sex or fuck with asian women so much.

Do it and some chicks will like it.

just don't behave like niggers. getting few times of laid and thinking as if you just became a super big cock porn star.

Asians are by default the epitome of a good neighbor. It's not like the Mongol hordes are relevant these days.

Nah man, fuck that. I wouldn't write a book, it's complete cringe. I have plenty of chances with Korean girls. I don't really know what it is that makes those blokes think, no sense of shame I suppose. Honestly I can't answer to what level being white plays into it but eh.

There are plenty of Korean guys with white women in Australia though very few. I don't really care about that, if you can pull them then more power to you crafty little gooks. I just don't understand why Korean girls I date constantly talk shit about Korean men, it's fucking bizarre

ilbe users are the ones who come here posting them getting with white girls with bull signs you dumb fuck. those are koreans. acting like niggers.

fuck off, nigger.

Don't care about them elsewhere but don't want them in Europe, same goes for their weird women.

>I just don't understand why Korean girls I date constantly talk shit about Korean men, it's fucking bizarre
bitches always tend to tease their own men. wanting to provoke. that's all I see.

Not really, i still live in my mansion living the good life while you work your ass off

are they Aussie raised? and they talk shit becauae they are rejected outcasts otherwise they wouldn't be with you. selection effect retard

>Don't care about them elsewhere but don't want them in Europe, same goes for their weird women.
I also do respect in this that you people don't have duty to share your land for every other races.

But in case of USA, it's little bit different. Because it became just global central already. economy and academy both. It's not because some people want to take advantage on white man's well built soil but just wanting to visit there because it's 'central'. that's all.

Some other cases may not be always this case. though. for example some australian/New zealand people complain why there are so many chinese in their land. and fuck their land prices.

Asians give us fertile women and men actually do their job. I dont see a problem with that, most wealthy asians earned their money honestly.

respond to this op you faggot

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I'd suck that chink dude and swallow his cum.

No, not Aussie raised. All fresh off the plane. They aren't outcasts, I've gone to some parties with these girls and there is always less than 5 white people at these fucking things. These girls are all fucked and chucked by the 4th time I meet them

I suppose you're right, women just being women. I thought I was going to be stabbed in a Korean BBQ restaurant the way some of those Korean blokes looked at me. To me it just seems like there is almost a genuine hatred these girls emit towards their own men

meanwhile, the chinkess is covering her face, embarassed to be seen with him

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>When you see a weakling, helpless asian man homeless maybe you want to give a help,
>but when you see an asian having pro-position you wanna beat the shit out of this yellow slanty eyed chink gook motherfucker. right?

No. If I saw a homeless Asian (which I never have, but theoretically) I would want to help him, as it's most likely not because of drugs or booze that he's in that position. If I see an asian excelling in society, I don't get pissed off because he probably earned that spot, unlike kikes who got it through nepotism, or women who got it through diversity quotas.

how tall are you and where are you meeting them?

6 foot. Uni, dating apps, gym, work

I do understand what you mean about the USA being "central", but I disagree - our financial, academic and cultural success doesn't mean that we have to let in everybody who wants to come here.

I would be very happy to see my country give more money in foreign aid, to improve conditions in Africa, South America, Southeast Asia, etc. I want those people to be happy in their own homelands. But I don't want them here.

In Brazil, East Asians are usually targeted by thugs of predominantly african ancestry(full niggers and mulatos), because they are richer, middle class at least. Most East Asians, predominantly Japanese, immigrated to Brazil with their hands behind their backs, no money, only cognitive capital, wearing their bare cloths, and worked hard on their farms. In two or three generations, they've managed to acquire wealth. The vast majority of time they are good neighbors and citizens.

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oh youre the fatty that dates uggos and talks about em here quite often.

I've never posted about the girls I've dated on Jow Forums

anyway the answer to why they talk shit about their own men - cuz they're uggos who have to resort to getting dates with fatties

anyone posting chicks and pussies they've fucked on online are one of extreme insecure cringe fuck. that they feel so much proud that they finally had sex with the chick.
just like those who wrote books and course on dating asian chicks.

don't do that. you'll eventually make some base dweller in this thread to jerk off on that. that's it.

East Asians are targeted by nigger criminals a lot here, too. I grew up in California, in a city with a large nig population and a large population of East Asian families. The Asians were really singled out, especially when it came to breaking/entering and home invasions. The logic went that Asians are culturally submissive and less likely to resist when you demand their valuables. Also, many of them come from cultures where money isn't kept in banks, so they're likely to have big piles of cash lying in a safe at home.

Part foreigner myself but not willing to share this country or any European soil with any Asian filth. When it comes to civil unrest Asians here will get it as well. Get fucked

so then why do korean men come here bragging about the white prostitutes they fucked?

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because they're insecure online brave virgins. yeah alot of korean do that and that makes me sick too.

>Part foreigner myself but not willing to share this country or any European soil with any Asian filth.
(Said Jim, scratching his sweaty unwashed ballsack in his dark room. )

alright user, whatever you say mate

well thankfully I don't do that. I just had questions for a gookanon and the opportunity presented itself it is the only reason why I even bought up women in the first place. For the love of fuck though user, if you come to the west as a successful zipperhead, buy a luxury car that isn't a fucking shitbox audi. I'm sick of seeing them in our shop

>because they're insecure online brave virgins. yeah alot of korean do that and that makes me sick too.

so you're aware of this shit and coming on here to antagonize what nationalists who just want white countries for ourselves?

easy for you to talk shit when your country is still 99% korean.

shit like this makes me hate korean men. i especially hate ilbe users. where the fuck is the based japanese user to come post anti-korean propaganda when you need him to?

> Projecting.

At least I have adult genitalia unlike you. And for gods sake keep your ugly women. I hate them.

lmao you're actually fat aren't you? but yeah the point still stands about uggos resenting their own men. it's a universal law

That was the whole point of bringing you savages civilization.

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t. insect

this is not Redit smelly goo. I wonder why fag mods let those shitty threads and remove the good ones

nah I'm not. I don't think your universal law is so universal mate. the resentment is just odd, no other group or race of women I've dealt with talk the way these girls have

This. The sooner people realize gooks are not like their cartoons the better.

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very original reason why i made this thread, regardless if someone im confronting is ilbe user or white or korean or audi driving asian,

I see so many pathetic cases like you who would like to rely on advantage, the fact that you first born as white.

I do respect white and western culture and its achievement. so much alot.

But I am just viewing the scene someone who couldn't make anything relevant at least once by his own hand emphasizing this 'white', 'white people', 'white man' thing.

You can easily imagine how comfy for them it would be to emphasize this 'white' race word. when practically he built or owned, achieved nothing.

if in offline I coulnd't poke them in this weak spot that would probably trigger to make them hang in their room,
I decided to post this opinion in online, so at least I could talk to them to see what's in their mind.

post their faces. i'll judge for you. women with options dont resent men.

Exactly the same thing here. Really describes the MO of thugs targeting East Asians in Brazil: "The Asians were really singled out, especially when it came to breaking/entering and home invasions. The logic went that Asians are culturally submissive and less likely to resist when you demand their valuables. Also, many of them come from cultures where money isn't kept in banks, so they're likely to have big piles of cash lying in a safe at home."

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I like being gook by myself.
than someone being very much obssessed one of their identity 'white' to compensate his own life failure.

You've already lost in your own life. you've lost in your own life battle.
that's why you can't throw this one advantage that you've just born with. You will never ever be able to throw this away in your entire life.

because you'll be always remained the lowest class among white. therefore nothing to emphasize in your life than 'being white' this fact alone.

Nah, I just worry that the plane I am on will fall out of the sky, my toaster will burn my house down or my car will drive itself off the road into a lake.
Stay mad, dog meat.

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yeah nah you can forget that mate

how many of these did you date? the resentment isn't odd at all. if they weren't rejected outcasts, they wouldn't be so resentful. it's not difficult to understand.

I am not even fully White though from my mothers side, altough I look like it. Just hate you filthy bugmen. No matter if poor, rich or whatever. You are all meek and backstabbing cunts that in rl never act up while fetishizing Whiteness. Stay the fuck where you are.

No. We consider anyone not white to be nothing but an imitation of civilisation. The only successful civilisation, other than whites, is Japan which is why weeboo's exist.
N.Korea, China, where ever, are just bug men. You have no souls, no empathy, all you do is copy what someone else is doing. Confucius methods of thinking will always mean you are one stop behind, a pale imitation. You will never take the lead, it's impossible.

>I am not even fully White though from my mothers side,
that must be why you're so obssessed with it. thank you very much for making it clear. it made me understand you way better.

> Projecting again

God you shrimpdicks are such awful people.

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typical korean kike. if the dad is white, it must be bad, right? white male/asian female bad, asian male/white female good, right?

you've given your colors away, gook.

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>N.Korea, China, where ever, are just bug men. You have no souls, no empathy, all you do is copy what someone else is doing. Confucius methods of thinking will always mean you are one stop behind, a pale imitation. You will never take the lead, it's impossible.

it isn't actually like that. whole classification one side being poor and one another being well being was whether that side choosing communism or capitalism.

you treat russians as shit and discriminate against them even though they're totally the same cultural region with you. They're the same western as you but you never grant it.

Russians could be better living only if they chose capitalism. so the same Chinese and NK. ignorant user.

Where is this scenario taking place?

Do you want white men or jews or niggers ruling over you in South Korea? No? Then don't expect whites to want to be governed by foreigners either
also SAGE

OP is 100% an asian concern troll looking to pacify whites against the seething envy of the aznidentity incel movement.

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That's the interesting thing, we don't treat Russians or anyone as shit. This is something easterners do to "undesirable groups", like China in Tibet. This is why living here is considerably more desirable than NK or China, it's why the accusation of being cucked nations exists.
We have a problem with Communism, mostly because it is the embodiment of oppression.
So I don't think your argument has any validity. We really don't treat Russians as shit, we've had great respect for Russia since the second world war.

No, not at all. Usually they worked for it.

however autistic intensity towards education that whites don't haave makes it incompatible in the long term. When I see large groups of East Asians not really integrating and living in their own communities, I would prefer they don't live anywhere near me.

This thread is just a disappointing LARP. English teacher in Seoul confirmed.

White is a dying race, nobody cares what they think.

>Do you feel upset, when you seeing an East Asian having upper class living standard?
Respect for private property is one of the cornerstones of a free and healthy society.
>Do you feel like your gut is going inside out when seeing an East Asian, being somewhat upper class status?
No, but I will grant you that I don't see many. I DO see some hungry kids hanging around the casinos in the city centre, waiting for their parents, though.
>When you see a weakling, helpless asian man homeless maybe you want to give a help
I have yet to see a SEA person homeless in my city - it must be the "filial piety" that makes them look out for their families and community, I presume.
>you wanna beat the shit out of this yellow slanty eyed chink gook motherfucker. right?
What's with the racism and self-hatred here? Jow Forums is a board of peace.