What are we gonna fuckin do?

Are we going to fight on the day they pass the bill against semi autos?
Or should I just sell all of my rifles?
I’m not registering jack fucking shit with the police.

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Other urls found in this thread:


All of my rifles were stolen from my truck officer

Boating accident, right?

Sell all your guns before they're confiscated. I'll give you $1 each.


>what guns?

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Are you retarded? We are not going to give them up. I'm buying as many as I can because I plan to keep them and I want my kids to have them after I'm gone. If they try to take them from me, they and/or I will die. Fuck these boating accident pussies who worry about being on government lists. No state or federal jackboots have the logistics to take us on.

>Ameriguns in waiting

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Why of course not I would never commit any crimes. I fully intend on surrendering my firearms if the legitimate US government orders me to do so!

I would never do anything crazy like hide weapons and plot low intensity resistance operations against an illegitimate tyrannical government on my days off, that would just be nuts. Why would I want to snipe traitorous regime members when I have a somewhat decent paying job but otherwise nothing really keeping me wanting to live to any extraordinary degree?

Citizens will win CW2

calm the fuck down nothing is going to happen just contact your reps. during the mid term elections we will beat them out in the polls

They've already taken too much not another inch

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I see this thread almost every day here. Why on earth do you nutty right wingers think we're trying to start the revolution every other day?

Every left winger such as myself KNOWS the revolution doesn't begin until George Soros gives us the order!

A Jow Forumsomrade

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Malcolm x and Louise Farrakhan were Unironically more Natsoc, then communist, and they were far less degenerate than Martin Luther King, who was actually communist, cheated on his wife regularly, and was recorded sleeping with prostitutes the night before his assassination. Malcolm x is Unironically the closest thing you will get to a based right wing black guy.

“Sorry officer, I lost all my guns when your department took them from my house after I was arrest for shooting my political representatives for stabbing the bill of rights in the back for the last time”

>Are we going to fight on the day they pass the bill against semi autos?

Contacts your reps before this happens

Copypasta letter in that thread.

Also buy a few AR-15 kits from PSA and some 80% lowers. Don't put all your eggs in the representatives doing what you want.

I see this Occupy Democrat's tier shit bait every other week. In reality these people support you, the prole, having a gun until the revolution is "complete" at that point they will confiscate your rifle and then shoot you if you protest.

>If they try to take them from me, they and/or I will die.
They won't take them from you.
They'll take them from your kids or your kid's kids when gun culture is dead and your family sees you as a weird regressive dinosaur that still thinks there are only two genders.

A gun that you can't ever use is a gun that is useless, and a culture that is not passed down through active practice is a culture that is dead.

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You mean like "WE" beat Obamed in 2012? Why do you think Soros has bought all the State Attorney Generals?

Which is why I will be sure to raise proper kids that will know how to be adults and raise good kids inturn.

There are only two genders tho.

Nah, I just forgot to take them out of my car before I drove it into the compacter at the scrapyard.

Here in Seattle, they're preempting that by trying to make it a crime to not report stolen/lost guns within a given timeframe. So if you say you lost them in a boating accident, they can nail you for not reporting. I wonder if I can just tell them the accident happened somewhere else, and not within city limits? I bet I can.


Why can't you accept the reality that people authentically oppose our views without it being some sort of gnostic, illuminati conspiracy?

>Are we going to fight on the day they pass the bill against semi autos?
No, because given the political situation in the US there's a 99.99% chance that such a movement will be hijacked by the end of the first week to push tons of other shit that I don't support and therefore would not be willing to give my life for.

what of the popularization of firearms through media?

You can't get more "Authentic" than a Jewish-turn-coat NAZI who sold out his own PPL because they made fun of his dad's daily use of Esperanza and became a billionaire in order to ethnic cleanse white PPL of the face of the earth

shhh, let him find out the reality of the situation for himself (when he ends up in the gulag)

Would this shit ever actually work? There's no way of disproving it really

They can't prove possession if there's no contraband.

I mean, it worked out for Randy Weaver eventually after many years of the ATF being unable to enter an illegal SBS into evidence

Cultivate a better fucking culture. Stop acting like a war is going to happen so you can sit around and fantasize shooting people. Stop holing yourselves every-time it looks like new regulations is coming in.

In india there's three.

>they made fun of his dad's daily use of Esperanza
That fucking slut....

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>Are we going to fight on the day they pass the bill against semi autos
homebuilt fpv drone + hair bleach + peroxide + grabber politician

just putting that idea out there for the radicals

It's much harder to fight your enemy when they live 10 miles from your major production facilities and supply routes. Also being out numbered is kinda a bitch.


I'm stockpiling fuel for the back hoe, sand bags, wood, barbed wire, and other supplies, and hope to recruit like minded folks once the time comes. See how these confiscation fuckers like trench warfare.

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And India is a shithole.

Awwww of course they were. They keep listening to your Jow Forums bedtime stories.

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I keep waiting for the code word on CNN Jow Forumsomrade but I have yet to hear it.

*napalms your trench*

Nyet, no worries of needing, comrade, when the face of George Soros appears on the screen and says "Drink the blood of the first white christian child you can find then start sending them to the gulags." After this we are to meet up with the purple hair brigade, have homo sex while drinking soy milk, then we begin the purge!

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It's been law out here in Commiefornia since last year, to report stolen firearms within 5 days. Or (((else)))

Felony offense?

Can't report it til you realize it's gone.
>to be quite honest I think they might've been stowed on my boat that day it sunk, been lookin all over for the darn things and still haven't checked all my hiding spots

>uhmm no sweetie :)

I plan to vote for my interests Mr. FBI.

What part of the country, maybe I could join up?

Stop panic buying you fucking cucks, literally nothing will happen

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OR as a crazy thought, you could call your congresscritters and politely inform that you want them to oppose the bill.

Our votes and calls matter more than their noise. Don't let the raid in your head.

If you live in a red state, you're fine, no ones legislating against guns in red states for a long time. If you're in a blue state, vote red every chance you can get (I'm a libertarian, it makes me feel bad to vote Republican, but in this age of identity politics and gun grabbing legislation, it's the best option we got).

I do think we might be fucked the first time we get a democrat president with a democrat majority congress. They're really pushing guns as their number one issue right now. It used to be abortion, immigration, and scaling back the wars.... now guns are agenda item number one.

I feel so gross about voting Republican as I disagree with about 50% of what they stand for, but in this era it's a necessity.

If you live in a blue state, gun seizures are very possible in the near future. Particularly if you're a dude with known drug problems, mental health issues, or an arrest for violence.

Implying we won't be the first to strike.

I have not lost anything. I just don't have diving gear to retrieve the rifles I am temporarily storing in the lake.

Florida cucks recently
Vermont cucks recently
Washington and Oregon in the process of cucking
>n-nothing will happen guys!

It would take something way more serious than gun rights for civil war 2.0

>Implying gun-grabbing commies are not serious enough to fight a civil war against.

That depends. Would you fight against the gun grabbing commies if suddenly some foreign power that you dont like and doesnt like you either shows up with supplies and advisers?
Would that be treason and does that make the gun grabbing commies better?

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>gun taxes legal and constitutional
Haha haha haha it's the fucking U.S. government. If they had the legal authority to tax them, they'd have been doing it since day one.

They don't have the legal authority to restrict access to automatic weapons and explosives, yet they're doing it

Sure glad it'd be cheaper for them to let me keep guns on my farm than pay me for wolf killed livestock.

Seriously, if you want to guarantee you get to keep guns then by land and start raising goats or sheep. Even Democrats understand that farmers use them as tools to protect their livestock and pets and shit.

This is true, even Australia of all places makes an exception for farmers.

>missing the point intentionally just to be contrary

The SCOTUS didn't permit that type of fuckery even when it wasn't interested in supporting the 2nd. Why do you think it would now that it's established a trend of expanding the 2nd?

fuck off archon

Imagining the not so distant future where gun control is in full swing and we root for massacres

Taxes kickstarted the American Revolution.

Good one faggot. The le boating accident XD! Just never use your guns again until the police find an excuse to do this to you!

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steers and queers live in texas

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Google Pittman-Robertson act, you tard.

What if you lost your weapon years ago?


the enemy of my enemy is my ally

This. I don't have much to lose and am surprised I made it this long anyway.

They will not be taking my guns from me.

When I think of all the ways a man can die; going down guns blazing, fighting and dying for an unambiguously righteous cause - well, I wasn't going to get any better than that in a normie life.

Come and take it.

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When it comes time to bury/"lose" your guns, it has also come time to use them.

If they made it illegal cops wouldn’t be the first target

Just ignore laws you don't like, it's what normies do.

when euros and nogs chimp-out entire neighborhoods burn. When Americans chimp-out
nations burn and cities are vaporised. Few living today have ever seen America when it is truely pissed off

This ^^ but unironically

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It's way too fucking late to do that, faggot. We're one bill away from full confiscation mode on a federal level.

Am police. Just going to be taking alot of lost property reports. Fuck gun grabbers.

>just vote

Can you like have a sign saying traps are not gay so we know you're from Jow Forums ?

But traps are gay user. Traps are gay.

traps are gay you delusional faggot.

Tell me more, user.

This bro

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We'll know that, it will be like our code.

If they say traps are gay, then we know they're an impostor.

I could never type such a lie. The gayness of traps can never be denied

Trigger finger, Nigger.

>pic related

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>No supporting evidence just vague references

Why even post this circle jerk of a video?

Quality is shit but here's 12 seconds worth of googling actually worth watching

Nothing 'worked' out for Randy Weaver and there is something very fucked up about our hobby that fucking ruby ridge keeps being brought out as evidence of anything positive.

Why can't we just shift the image of guns to sporting equipment? It worked for clubs (Baseball bats) or bows and arrows which have killed FAR more people than firearms ever have. We're gona lose our guns because of fucking dipshits like you and guys in this thread that view guns first and foremost as a tool of defense: the other side will NEVER accept that reason nor ever tolerate people who view the world in those terms. Painting guns as a tool for defense predisposes that destruction of life, justified or not, is intrinsically PART of the hobby. And until you dumb mother fuckers figure that out, we are going to get closer and closer to an outright ban, and, for the record, it's an *easy* thing to ban: ban the sale, possession, or distribution of gunpowder. Then any time someone is found with gunpowder, leaving residue, or buying the ingredients, probable cause follows, and then they find your guns.

Turn the view of guns into sports equipment akin to bows and arrows and people will view them the same way as when someone uses a hatchet (also a MUCH more commonly used weapon of murder in history) to kill a group of a people: a nutcase. Not, as it stands now, a weapon *wielded* by a nutcase. That change in optics is all it takes to rehabilitate the gun owning image and make them benign. We should be highlighting the Olympic sports, guys like Knapp and Jerry Miculek. But you guys keep pushing this, "Gotta protect myself from..." it really doesn't matter who, you give off the attitude of LOOKING for a fight. And then you add in the racial element that has gotten mixed into gun culture and we are well and truly fucked. I'll tell ya, I'll be MUCH more pissed at *you* guys if we lose our guns, than with the dipshits that actually take them away.