Gas Mask Thread

Let's kick it off with some experimental masks.

Attached: xm-27 clearhousing.jpg (500x396, 23K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: xm-40.jpg (350x442, 13K)

Attached: xm-45 clear housing.jpg (664x890, 113K)

This model comes with an integrated butyl hood for protection of the head and neck.

Attached: xm-44.jpg (900x1200, 578K)

Attached: xm-44 with accessories.jpg (996x800, 126K)

I think that this one is pretty creepy 2bh.

Attached: m43 apache pilot gas mask.jpg (500x357, 44K)

>pic related

Attached: m43 wearing.jpg (355x339, 81K)

Moving on to in service, former service, and non-experimental masks.

Attached: swiss sm-90.jpg (800x919, 165K)

Attached: m-40.jpg (400x400, 15K)

Attached: M2F (resized).gif (1200x780, 3.34M)

The Serbian M2 Phonic mask is probably my favorite design.

Attached: M2F Riot Police.jpg (620x763, 65K)

Reminds me of the enclave

Attached: enclave.jpg (1447x724, 328K)

What's a good gas mask for someone who wears glasses?

Are these safe to use? They look really neat.

Thank you for dumping

Yes. The M2 style gas masks are pretty well respected. They're essentially a U.S. M9 gas mask adapted to 40mm Stanag NATO filters.
If you see a M2FV (the M2F with drinking tube installed) let me know.

I would recommend a M40 or a MSA Millenium mask.
>take Stanag filters
>optical inserts are easy to find?

Here's an example of glasses that work with the Millenium gas mask. They're rumored to be very comfortable.

Attached: US Ranger Eyeglasses (MC2P optical inserts).jpg (640x480, 50K)

Found one of these in a thrift store the other day, What looks like an original case, and 1 unopened albeit expired filter. What really surprised me was that the seal was still good, I guess it must've been something a civil servant took from their job when they left.

Attached: MSA CBRN.gif (400x400, 67K)

Any masks that work with a beard? I know you gotta shave with a mask, but I'd rather not

I bought a CM-4 polish mask, it should come in the mail in a few days. I hope it works well. I already own a M10m but I think it's too heavy and filters could become scarce; on top of that they're not easy to change out.
I thought that they're pretty cool since they look like an israeli M15 and they even have a lanyard for when you aren't wearing it. I want to see if I can mod it with a drinking tube.

Attached: CM-4.jpg (500x500, 64K)

Pic related is what I got for $20, talked down from a listed $40. Said the civil servant thing because on the case it has some tag saying department and such but it was blank.

ofc when I say pic related I forget to attach it.

Attached: 20180327_000010.jpg (2304x1296, 919K)

Just trim your beard, you don't have to go full baby face.

Of course I have thought about the other option to save my M10m from obsolescence and adapt it to 40mm Stanag filters using this.
As you can tell it is supposed to be part of an isolated system but they actually made the end of the hose connection fit with the exact pitch that Stanag filters use.

Attached: M10m oxygen tank adapter.jpg (700x453, 30K)

They routinely go for about $100 USD on ebay. You did very well user.
I mentioned the MSA Millenium earlier and I don't think you could've gotten anything better for that price.
Consider that the CM-4 I bought dropped in at about $24 USD.

Great visibility, muh fave mask. Got the entire mopp suit too but in storage cause why

Attached: image.jpg (2592x1936, 1008K)

Attached: questions 3.gif (300x351, 61K)

>tfw you had to sell your entire gas mask collection
>tfw you had a small box respirator and an m9

I need to get myself an M2, they look so nice
The only place I can really find it for sale is on ebay with shipping that costs more than the mask

Yeah, you're gonna be much better off with the CM-4. They're one of the few masks for undr $30 hat I'd trust my life to. They're very well made.

Milleniums aren't the best thing for the money desu. They're a very antiquated design that goes back to the 70's and was rejected multiple times before another company bought out the contract and marketed it to the USAF. Personally, I have problems fitting MCU/Millenium masks - the nosecups are like a size smaller than the facepiece. Mediums fit more like smalls, but everyone seems to differ with how they fit it. All I can say is keep an eye on the rubber - I know collectors who've bought brand-new milleniums in the original packaging and the rubber was already starting to get surface cracks.

$20 is about the most I'd pay for one, so not too bad a deal, but personally, the only thing the mask has going for it is aesthetics. There are far better masks you could get for the prices milleniums typically go for.

You know that all rubber breaks down in sunlight ya? It's why our get a bag for the mask and only use it for actual chemical agents instead larping like a faggot

Did you even read what I said?
Factory new in the packaging. Not ever exposed to sunlight. And very recent production. I own masks decades older than the millenium that have held up in perfect condition over time.

Attached: m3(2).jpg (1701x1419, 527K)

Enjoy your asbestos bong

get on my level

Attached: gp4mash4.jpg (1600x1200, 616K)

Any thoughts on the FM12? I only have an old milsurp mask, but I want something for SHTF that will help me survive. I don't have a full body suit or anything like that, but a mask that can handle as much as possible, as cheap or fair as possible would be great.


Attached: fm12.png (1156x773, 948K)

FM-12's are one of the best milsurp masks one can buy:
- Made Entirely of Butyl and Plastic
- Good Field Of View for a Round-Lens Mask
- Long Drink Tube
- Used by Dozens of Militaries
- Left and Right-Handed Filter Ports
- Mesh Harness
- Ultra Comfy Nosecup and Face Seal
- CBRN-Rated
- Easy to find NOS or Used Good Condition under $60
- 40mm NATO Threaded
- Simple and Robust

My only gripe is AVON drinking systems aren't the best - they tend to have a choppy waterflow, so I reccommend using a camelbak or a collapsable canteen you can squeeze to drink from this mask.

Thank you for your input. Getting a hold of that mask new is kinda difficult. eBay provides nothing but shady used masks with expired filters..

How would I go about finding new filters and a mask that's tested and working (seal intact)?

Attached: 1522064683718.jpg (552x828, 78K)

This is my current mask, by the way.

Attached: norwegian_milsurp_gas_mask.png (380x451, 501K)


Attached: 20180226145607-8ce1f540.jpg (2016x1344, 789K)

Used FM-12's are typically always in good servicable shape, but always check to make sure all valves and hardware are present and intact and that there is no damage to the rubber or any other components. Filters, if you want them guaranteed to be usable, you'll have to buy from approved dealers. Sometimes you can find unexpired filters on eBay, but in either case, it'll be a little pricey. Having a usable, unexpired filter adds an extra 10-20 bucks to the price tag.

The best way of testing a mask for leaks just short of having access to a mask seal testing machine, is to use banana oil ampules - they make ones specifically designed for test-fitting respirators and gas masks. The principle is that you hold them around key areas where a leak might occur (around the face seal, filter inlet/outlet valve, etc), and perform the standard clear and seal check periodically. If the scent of bananas is detected, there is a leak somewhere that must be corrected.

Ah, one of those 40mm Skyddsmask M/51's. I've been seeing a lot more of those lately. I have the 60mm version.

Attached: skyddsmask(1).jpg (1071x1460, 292K)

Excellent information. Thank you. I'll see what I can get my hands on.

You can buy them new on amazon(I know) for about $60 but you need to get a filter elsewhere. Filters you can find new at the Avon site, gas mask/nbc websites, or eBay.

GP-5s use 40mm threads, don't they? i thought eesti would have NATO filters

i was born in the asbestos, molded by it.

Very few people in the EDF actually understand NBC stuff and take it seriously. The prevailing opinion is that asbestos doesn't real and old Soviet filters filters last forever.

gp5 has gosk thread
nato filter wont go in

>asbestos isnt real

Estonia uses the M/95 as it's standard protective mask. As far as I know, they mostly just use the ancient soviet stuff for training.

Attached: eston444.jpg (729x546, 173K)

The M95 is only for deployed troops. Conscripts/reservists (who make up the bulk of the military) get nothing but old Soviet masks, asbestos filters and all.

ah, fair enough

Do you have a resource for sizing those masks?

FM-12's use an odd numeric sizing system where the higher the number, the larger the mask. I believe a 2 is a medium and 1 is large. Don't have precise measurements, but a 2 fits most people.

I shit you not famalam.
The unit I served in was touted as having anti-NBC capabilities, yet all the officers/instructors unironically believed that 1970s asbestos filters that have been dinged up from years of use and stored without the plugs are perfectly safe and functional because muh pepper spray test.

Attached: Conscripts jogging.jpg (640x480, 124K)


Had to wear one in gulf war 120 degrees, double canister ( anthrax) with atropine self injector kit strapped to my left leg!!! Too hot !!!! Hated it

You probably had pic related (M17A1). OP's pic is an experimental redition of the original ABC-M17 made out of transparent silicone (XM27) in attempt to make it lightweight. It competed against the XM28 'Grasshopper' Mask.

Attached: m17a1(10).jpg (1144x1488, 338K)

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Attached: All aboard the man train.jpg (3000x1864, 3.9M)

My m65 filter is leaking, and I've inhaled a lot of whatever the fuck is coming out
Anyone know anything about the filter?


I bought a gp-5 today. Am I fucked boys?

>tfw ebay'd a scott m95 for 40 bucks
did I do good?

Try duck walking while sucking on nothing but a filter. Is that experimental enough?

Attached: 1229104483303.jpg (1024x768, 185K)


>have a beard
>want a gas mask

Attached: downbrain.png (659x1200, 693K)

Vaseline the fU.K. Outta ur beard. It's what the sihks do

>you see ivan

Attached: M1-1-5 Optical Mask.jpg (796x1024, 72K)

Attached: British Civilian Duty Respirator.jpg (800x800, 54K)

Attached: XM28 Mask.jpg (400x372, 30K)

Those old USGI optical masks are pure nightmare fuel. The hoses look like a medusa-esque wig of sorts.

Attached: When your lungs are way too healthy so you put an old asbestos-filled Soviet filter on a modern Swed (2500x1667, 3.71M)

Nah you're fine. Though don't use the filter it comes with, try and find a "safe" GOST filter, the polish fp-5s certainly work.

What unit?
And who the fuck put your army in that shithole tapa then decided it was the best place to send NATO troops? Cause fuck that guy.

Engie bat, so I'm quite familiar with Tapa.
It was likely chosen because no other base is big enough.

Look at this abomination. Who would do such a thing?

Attached: RUINED.jpg (1324x1600, 172K)

A retarded faggot on eBay.

How much would a PPM-88 w/ filter set me back?
More or less want it for the aesthetic, Metro series and all.

Attached: PPM-88_005.jpg (330x495, 146K)

$40 on eBay, my dude.

I have an M45 I copped from a surplus store when I was 12 or so with birthday money. I wish it was big enough to fit me.

You did VERY good. M/95's are one of the best masks out there honestly. Only problem is the drinking adapters are rare as shit

Just be sure not to use this trick on gas masks made of natural rubber - petrolium products are extremely damaging to natural rubber latex.

I actually bought my M/95 off this guy - I talk with him and other collectors in a gas mask collector's discord server - you wouldn't believe what kinda shitpost-tier mashups he gets away with selling lmao

Attached: m95(4).jpg (1488x1984, 442K)

Probably just activated carbon. Stop using it.

Where the fuck can one find night lenses for these fuckers?

I have an M17 and would like the rest of the MOPP gear to go with it on a mannequin display. What do I need?

depends on the era you're going for.

For a Vietnam-era setup (pictured), you'll want an older olive drab chemical protective overgarment (CPOG) suit, Butyl NBC gloves (particularly Type II), and the older chemical overboots (the ones that are basically giant rubber socks with a laces you wrap all around them)

Attached: mopp.jpg (1192x1756, 1.06M)

For Gulf War/Desert Storm, you can either use the older olive drab or later woodland CPOG suit, same gloves, and the later black or olive drab chemical overboots that are more like galoshes. They have several elastic loops for fastening.

Attached: mopp2.jpg (920x2128, 1.05M)

Early 90s is what I'd like to go for, although I'd aim more for European or US garrison rather than choco-chip since I think it'd simply look better in my living room. Any ancillary gear I should get my hands on for authenticity aside from the CPOG suit, gloves and overboots?

What do you mean? Are you asking if there's any additional components that go with a standard CBRN protective set for the time?
If so, the only other thing I can think of is the M258A1 Personal Decontamination Kit or the older M13 Reimpregnating and Decontaminating Kit. All other typical NBC accessories should be included in the M17 kit (ABC-M8 chemical detector paper, MI Waterproofing Bag, etc).

Attached: M13 Decontamination And Reimpregnating Kit & M258 Personal Decontamination Kits.jpg (340x171, 75K)

Here's my M17A1. This is an example of your basic kit.

Attached: m17a1(2).jpg (1668x1488, 512K)

Attached: Nah bro asbestos is just a meme.jpg (3000x2000, 3.86M)

Attached: Yo ho yo ho a stalker's life for me.jpg (2016x1295, 778K)

Attached: Reincarnated Dylan Klebold mesmerized by Soviet surplus GP-7 gas mask.jpg (2016x1344, 943K)

Attached: IMG_8261.jpg (5184x3456, 3.75M)

I mean like LBE.

LBE isn't CBRN equipment, though.
if you're doing late 90's, just get a basic ALICE rig. Make sure the belt is the grey clamshell type or older.
Bits of Vietnam-era M56 and M67 field gear can be mixed in as well.

Attached: alicerig.jpg (640x480, 86K)

Yeah, im trying to get a complete set of gear together. It'll include a dummy M16A2.
Pretty dumb plan to initiate based on the simple fact I've got the mask, but I've made worse decisions.

Meh, I've done similar and more expensive projects because of things like that.

I'm pretty impressed that this thread didn't resolve to retarded asbestos posting and end.

That's my problem too.
Is it true that the new production Millenniums have the same problem as the MCU/2P?
f i l t e r s u c c
They're usually pretty expensive. I saw one in a medium (my face size) for 60 dollars. Should I buy it?

Milleniums have a lot of the same issues as the MCU, only it replaces the problem with silicone being damaged by blister agents with very low quallity hycar rubber.

Other than that, but of them have lenses that are prone to scratching, fading, and yellowing
Both have questionable ergonomics with nosecups that fit some perfectly, while other like me find it impossible to wear
And the design in general is very ancient and outdated comparatively.

There are people on this board that will shill the Millenium/MCU to their graves (mostly based on aesthetic factor alone), and it's not a *terrible* mask per se, but at the average MSRP, there are so many superior masks you can get for the money.

Attached: mcu(2).jpg (1829x1488, 558K)

Yes, OP's mask is experimental. It is the XM27 Silicone Protective Mask, essentially just an ABC-M17 molded of transparent silicone rubber and with glued-in lenses (instead of crimped on) in an effort to reduce weight after Tunnel Rats in Vietnam complained about the bulk of the M17. The XM27 competed against the XM28E4 'Grasshopper' Riot Control Mask, and the latter won and got adopted.

Attached: us-200.jpg (158x300, 13K)

this example pictured was once owned by Bart Wilkus of
It is currently owned by another private collector.

Attached: us-200d1.jpg (325x335, 24K)

Attached: us-200d3.jpg (330x386, 28K)