/scarg/ Issue #1
(if it dies, then its to never be brought back)

Its like a piston driven AR15, but not for poor people edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

I want either a scar 17-s or build a ar10 from scratch on 2A receiver set.
Why should I conform to scar?


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I wish they sold the FNAC with the non-reciprocating charging handle

Apparently they're testing that in the Mk 20 format for SOCOM right now

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Scar, ar, or arx?


because everyone is making AR10s right now. Its like a AR15 but in .308

its litteraly nothing exciting

>FDE barrel

Post scars

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Attached: 2018-03-11 16.36.19.jpg (3024x4032, 2.72M)

>buys a SCAR to shoot 25m

>buys a 5.56 scar

>not know what a 300m zero is
>wasting a shit load of ammo at 300m trying to sight in
hmmmm, big think user

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Can they be used by manlets?


This is the gun you want if you're a fully grown man

>it's a 16

meh, got it for a steal so im not upsetty spaghetti

Post scar

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AR-10s have some reliability problems. You would think that since its so similar to the AR-15 that it'd be just as good, but there are a lot of problems that surface overtime that every 7.62 AR manufacturer tries to mitigate in different ways. There's an interesting thread about it on BARFcom, but be aware that it is THAT forum

SCAR-H on the other hand has been know to take a beating

you post that scar on a scale

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>poor people try to bully
those that could bully worth a fuck in /arg/ are long gone

I'm at work :(

That is the thing with me though. I plan to buy an SA58 FAL in the 7.62 caliber obviously, but then I also want a Scar, but don't fucking need another 7.62x51 Scar 17H, so I was aiming for he Scar 16S for that 5.56round since I don't have anything chambered in that. I'm never going to have a huge collection, so I want a different type of gun, chambered in the most popular calibers.

What's the down side in the Scar 16S, other than shooting a 5.56 for 3x the price of an AR15?

That filename, I'm honored.

down side is that it is just a 5.56mm gun and FN sucks a royal fucking dick at anything when it comes to a warranty

ptr is just as good

Prettier too.

Anime DMR is just as good

Post ptr

just as good is as good

Attached: 2018-03-04 16.17.21.jpg (1920x1440, 1.1M)

Ruger 10/22 is just as good

>/scarg/ immediately devolves into shitposting
Imagine that.

This is the best BATTLE RIFLE on Jow Forums

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ITT: people who don't own scars talk shit about why scars are bad and other guns they wish they had are better

also ITT: people who don't own scars talk shit about every other gun because they really wish they had a scar

Excuse me where was my notification?

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>that dot placement
lmao wat are u doin

I've been looking at one of these for my PPQ

better field of view scrub

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>8moa black

wut? FOV is better if you move the dot to the rear of the rail.

Can my MDR join the fun as well? its got the mismatching FDE and everything!

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Looking at the battlefield vegas star, for 200k rounds they have only ever needed to change the barrel twice and replace a broken hammer. Most likely you would never need to use it.

Went shooting sunday and made sure to get a few pics of my scar for the upcoming /scarg/

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Don't find yourself wanting more power?

got lots of money to burn? SCAR
Don't got lots of money to burn or don't like spending more for diminishing return? AR

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I enjoy 308. Hits that sweet spot for power/cost.

I meant magnification

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only good gun on the table is the CZ

the pdw is non-reciprocating. according to the rep in the demo video the same type of system could be dropped into the 16 and 17

I have had a couple different optics on it in the past, a 1-8, and a 4-14. Ive found that i like the light weight of the acog. Also the lack of range plays a big part. Can only get out to about 300yards which the 4x works just fine for it.

nice dog poop you fucking degenerate

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To be expected of the nooptics set

Trip on Hoosier.

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Is that the Canis adapter for the handguards? if it is how do you like it. Ive got the buttstock adapter on my vepr and Im trying to decide if I wanna shell out the cash for a matching handguard setup.

Can you buy SCAR lowers anywhere or is it pretty much just all one thing as far as purchasing goes?

Looking to make some PANIC.jpg purchases, and want to get a BRG, but looks like AR10 is the only easy option to do that at minimal cost.

The upper receiver is the part that is legally recognized as the firearm on the SCAR.

The question stands then regarding individual purchase - is there much of a parts market for SCARs like there is for ARs, where you can purchase parts pretty easy from a variety of vendors?

It's not even close to the AR market. It has a OK aftermarket with various lowers, triggers, stocks, etc. but you can't build a SCAR out of aftermarket parts like an AR. You'll have to buy the entire rifle first.

well that certainly doesn't help my wallet or my level of panic.

Any suggestions for BRs that you can more easily start with smaller chunks?

If you're looking at panic buying right now, go with an AR bro. Honestly SCARs are expensive and there isn't a lot of parts availability. You want something that you can get parts for and is cheap in the current political environment.

It's the same reason why for nvgs I have 4 pvs-7s instead of a dual tube gen III setup. You're better off having something 65%-70% as good as the very expensive stuff and having multiple backups than you are spending all your money on the best of the best and only having 1. What if it breaks? is stolen? is confiscated when you aren't around.

what about the ACR

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>Expensive optics
>Shit car
>No gun cases
>Probably calls other people poor
Sit on a plunger handle and fuck off.

Huh. Didn’t know they have scars in India.

>lmao wat are u doin
Being a stupid SCAR owner.

I want one but it seems like they're just too overpriced for what they are. For the price of 1 scar 16s you could build 2 gucci AR15s, and the ARs have much more aftermarket support.

That being said, it seems like the smarter choice if you're going to buy a scar would be to buy the 17s.

17s loves the xproducts lower

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You do it. I don't care anymore

Why would i own rifle cases? I don't need that gay shit in Indiana. Unlike the uncivilized parts of the US, I can keep a loaded rifle in the front with me.

I like it a lot so far. It mounts up solid. I did not pick up their pre-modified handguard because I had one laying around, but I would recommend getting one of theirs already modified.

Never understood the desire for aftermarket SCAR trigger housings.


If i had to guess, its probably to consolidate to one type of magazine. I could see it if you had a bunch of other guns that take ar10 pmags.

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For the 17, the only reason people do it is because they want the ability to use the more available, and cheaper .308 PMaG

What's different compared to the Scar16/16s?

With your average scar mag being around $35, you could buy about 17 scar mags for the price of one aftermarket lower(600 last time i saw). The only place it shines is if you already own a bunch of pmags.

Any point in getting a 20" for a Scar 17

Or just wait until barrel gets worn out before replacing

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Why shpuld I get a scar over a generic .338 rifle for the same cost?

Those aftermarket lowers were made in the early years when 17 mags were hard to find and $40+ People were also still a bit skeptical of the polymer lowers durability.

I haven’t checked the availability of 17 mags but I remember the time when they’re pretty much unicorns and used to go for $60-$90 a pop.

Ahh 2013

You mean a .308? If you’re an average shooter then the SCAR has no discernible advantage over a generic AR-10 type rifle.

Lower recoil than a 308 AR
Even with the same brake

So... you mean an AR180 but it literally kills its buttplate and spring system if it's the .308 version?

Didn’t even think about that. .308 recoil is pretty manageable imho.

The 17s oem buttplate and spring work fine.

How does the 45 tac shoot

Why would I drop $3,000 on one of these when there are better options out there with better parts availability?
I'll wait.

Define better

Cheaper with equal or better accuracy, reliability, ergonomics, parts availability. AKA a well sorted AR10.

Explain how a SCAR has worse ergonomics and reliability.

You dont serm to care about weight, so you consider a 308 semi purely as a DMR affair?

>Lower recoil than a 308 AR
no. you can tune an ar10 infinitely times more than a scar

And take a hit on reliability

>what are changeable gas jets

Personal preference, I don't like the cheek weld or high top rail on the SCAR. On an AR pattern rifle I have an option if I want my optic higher off the bore, on a SCAR I don't. I do know the SCAR works for a lot of people, so lets call this a wash.
Reliability I'd call equal too, as both a well sorted AR10 and a SCAR should be service weapon reliable.

I do care about weight and I am pretty sure I can build a rifle length AR10 that weighs better than half a pound lighter than a SCAR and still be grossly under budget. Carbon furniture isn't a significant expense.
I'll tip my hand here, I have in my head a $1,500-$2,000 AR10 build that is pretty gucci and i'm wondering why anybody would drop an extra grand for the SCAR.

I know everybody has different opinions on this one. I consider .308 a DMR round for the same reason the military does.

Stop paying attention to fudds. On the whole they rather complain about things than suss them out and fix them.

Some would rather have a rifle they know works phenomenally, than cobble one together and pray it works as they hope.

AR-10s are nowhere near as reliable as a SCAR. Your whole post reeks of poorfag. It's one thing to not care for the SCAR or that you'd rather save your money, but it's another to say "Well, I'm sure I can make an AR-10 that's just as accurate, light, low-recoil, and reliable as a SCAR at the same cost!"