How do i build a nuclear bomb

Please nothing illegal such as stealing plutonium. I want to know the details of the gun type device minus the uranium

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hey op, what kinda dog you got?

just asking for a friend.


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google gun type device... no... Jow Forums is not here for you WW2 class presentation

little boy-style nuke is extremely simple...

CIA niggers will shut you down before you can make one. I have extensively researched this and without funding and a refinery you can't do shit. The closest thing you can get to in terms of nuclear warfare is disassembling 10 HIS-07 smoke detectors, extracting the americium and then grinding it in to dust, just add it in to drinks, blow it on some unsuspecting fag or spice up your explosives with ecological damage.

Far as I know that is the one part that is not freely available knowledge.
Are there even any ATF restrictions mentioning nuclear weapons?

stop while you have a chance kid before you get a visit

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Someone fire up the Oppenheimer signal

Also forgot to mention that there are 3 large ''unmarked'' nuclear material dumps 50km around Moscow completely unguarded although I have no information if some madman actually dug up the barrels the area is also absolutely fucked with 1800 μSv/h in some locations.

>Are there even any ATF restrictions mentioning nuclear weapons?
DoE friendo

its perfectly fine to discuss the concept, there are millions of sites with the concept, including encyclopedias for 12 year olds. now the technical parameters are born secrets, and possessing them without a clearance is a 1 way ticket to pound-me-in-the-ass prison

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there is plenty of leftover material that fell off the book when the USSR fell, even tho the US jumped in to guard most of it.

How can i locate it?

>I want to know the details of the gun type device
half a critical mass is made into a cylinder
the other half is made into a thick tube
you then shoot one half at the other half
and when they combine it starts a chain reaction

How much money do you have?

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A jeep and a Geiger counter

Apparently whoever made that is unfamiliar with kilotons.

Enough to fly there

actually, they are considered... a destructive device? Not sure but they ARE mentioned on the BATFE import form. Form 6 I think. There was a meme about it on faceberg a while back that showed an ATF import form with an option for "nuclear weapons" or something.

This is the same organization that thinks chainsaw bayonets are real

I think what your trying to do is illegal.

And what will you do with this shit? Listen to anons advice and get cancer?

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Will you mail that to me, vodkabro? Ill pay for shipping

The most Jow Forums thread on Jow Forums right now.
Enjoy the SWAT team ass pounding OP.

lol what the fuck happened to us

while the general theory of operation is vey much in the public doman, actual details like you're asking are classified information, much like the details of nuclear reactors. no one here knows them, and if they do, telling you them is illegal.

Not mine, but you can get one here.

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These atf dog jokes aren't funny anymore. Kinda makes me realize how young you guys are

>Laboratory Container. Inside, there can be anything.
>This container uncle used as an anchor for the boat, when he went fishing ...

How deep are they and whats in em?

Also just for fun haha how many dogs do you guys have haha just for funsy and maybe post any illegal weapons you may have as a prank haha

Evolution? Being here forever is a long time when you thing about it.


But seriously, it's not something you can even explain in depth on an image board.

>thinks atf killing dogs is a "joke"
Fuck off newfag
It's literally their SOP to neutralize dogs

Not much is known I haven't tried to dig those up. Various stuff is inside them but mostly Radium-226.

not in depth, but here is what op was looking for

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It never gets old.

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No results for image but 1. easily falsifiable. That pin on the left is soviet, I believe.

image has been posted here before, not noo

You've tried to dig up other ones? You could make some cool glow in the dark keychains, though.

There's a chunk of enriched uranium somewhere in North Carolina.

See, the government was transporting a couple nukes and the plane broke down mid-air. One was recovered (it was armed, btw) but they only found part of the other one. The parachute failed and the front half of the bomb, and the uranium, sunk so far into the ground that the government gave up looking.

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1. This image is old and has been posted multiple times around 4chin
2. The medal is soviet and is called ''Boин cпopтcмeн'' (soldier athlete).

Is it fissible? Hey go dig one up and post pics

If you don't have highly-enriched uranium, and a lot of it, then you have no hope of building a gun-type device.

That said, they are simple enough that they didn't even bother to test the design before dropping it on Japan at the end of WWII. It's literally just a cylinder of uranium fired down a tube into another cylinder of uranium.

Not rocket science, you could probably build one in your garage. The problem is that it is extremely difficult and time consuming to enrich that much uranium.

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No, мacки шoy will come to my house (analogous to party van).

>Not rocket science, you could probably build one in your garage.

IIRC the hardest part of the design was they needed U235 that had 99.9999 gorrilion % purity for the device to work, which was difficult to get in itself, and the entire world supply (of that purity) was used on 1 single bomb

Basically you have a mass of uranium (more than
22.4 liters, the critical mass of uranium) and something that emits neutrons. You split the uranium into several parts, and set it to clump together at a set time. The stream of neutrons hitting the mass of uranium will start an uncontrollable chain reaction and create a nuclear explosion

also, despite what the federal government would like you to believe, if you haven't signed up for a security clearance of some sort you're protected by the first amendment when it comes to disseminating this kind of information.

they actually did an exercise in the 70s where they got a bunch of nuclear engineering grad students and had them try to recreate the classified parts of the teller-ulam design using only information from publicly-available sources, and they succeeded admirably.

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>they actually did an exercise in the 70s where they got a bunch of nuclear engineering grad students and had them try to recreate the classified parts of the teller-ulam design using only information from publicly-available sources, and they succeeded admirably.

there are also cases where people who used declassified documents to produce classified material were arrested for possessing classified nuclear secret, and their entire college thesis were confiscated. it depends on if you are working for the government or not

I thought you Makedonian guys switched to latin?

Alright, do your duty and spill the beans.
So if i make a metal cylinder, fill it with gun powder and stick a rock of uranium on the end, the fire that into another rock of uranium i will make a nuclear explosion?

South Africa still has some weapons grade uranium, which isn't very promising for when it falls in the next few years. They even had an attempted robbery in 2012.

I believe most of those cases occurred before the internet became really popular, though.

These days, someone would be able to post that stuff all over the internet, rendering any censorship attempts futile.

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the uranium needs to be weapons grade, and the pieces have to be shaped to fit together so that they don't fly apart before going supercritical, but yes.

>So if i make a metal cylinder, fill it with gun powder and stick a rock of uranium on the end, the fire that into another rock of uranium i will make a nuclear explosion?
Yes but good luck getting that much fissile uranium

Uranium is like 99% 238 which is useless, You need U239 or 235 which is

I can wait. I will refine it every night for 10 y3ars if i must

That just seems too simple, like they are leaving out an integral part of the design. Why did it take teams of people working on the Manhattan Project so long to come up with such a simple design?

He guys, how do I go about find the ingredients for an Event Horizon? I currently have a black hole in my garage, but I need a couple of tools, and I don't know what to buy. I swear I do not intend to do anything illegal.

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It would be easier to steal one or buy one from Pakistan than to build the facilities and get the ore to enrich yourself.

Nice try Iran.

Just buy all the stuff you can and put it together

Too lazy to look it up on Youtube?

They were retards. Why else?

t-thanks Satan

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It's rather interesting to know how fucked we be if terrorists were actually competent.

Not asking for info alphabet soup... but wasn't there a kid in the 1950s or something that got all the info he needed from research papers to get info on making a nuclear bomb?

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*explosion sound

It gets even better because another student physicist actually made one as a school project.

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simple doesn't mean easy
your mom means easy


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didn't they confiscate all of his research and notes? I've tried looking up the story but can never find it

Yes, a cianigger stuck his foot up his ass

Yeah, they did. But I don't think he was charged.

>USA Today has no clue what its talking about...


Well yeah, but it just happened to be simple and easy. They had known of the theory for several years, and it took nuclear scientists to come up with this?

He made a mock up, not a working bomb.

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I kind of what what would happen in someone made a thorium reactor. Would they be criminally charged?

I really need to get around to reading that book. It looks pretty interesting.

man, north korea is really getting desperate

The whole point of a nuke is to release the strong force holding a nucleus together and bombarding it with energy to cause it to decay to a more stable state, releasing a sizable chunk of energy in the process.

t.chem E student

on the real though, hindsight is 20/20.
they had to take a theoretical principle, create a prototype example (small scale), prove the effect scaled, prove it could be done on a large scale, repeat it on a large scale, make it deployable, manufacture a deployable unit and THEN deploy

every single one of those steps required significant research and effort, and we're talking a time before CNC prototyping was a thing,e vertyhing was hand hammered or cast, or crank machined, and there wasn't even graphic calculators, everything was slideruled..

the effort to deploy an entirely new, unproven weapon on a completely unprecedented scale, under the gun while waging a war? massive

It may not be against the law, but I guarantee you'll end up in prison if you try to build a nuclear reactor.

the main issue is enrichment? I think by the time you get enough to get to critical mass Israel drops a cyberattack/ bomb on you. Unless you go deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep underground and keep out all non-north koreans.

great, now produce the refined uranium, machine it and engineer all those parts. devil's in the details.

nah-uh, you forget, Jow Forums is smarter than everyone and everything.

bring back battleships totally work with composite armor and aegis

You can easily get plutonium by tricking a group of Libyan nationalists into giving it to you thinking you'll build them a bomb then just giving them an empty bomb case filled with pinball machine parts..

No timestamp CIA fag.

My grip with it is that in history books they make it out to seem like the US had genius engineers who outsmarted the Germans and discovered the bomb, when in reality they came up with a pretty simple design and most of the work was the manufacturing, production, and machining. They should be praising the machinists and manufacturers, and not the physicists as much.

Read Tom Clancy's: Sum of All Fears and you are like 99% of the way there.

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I read the book, it's called the nuclear Boy Scout. He scraped old fire alarms and made a functioning stable nuclear reaction in his back yard. Kids a genius and in jail

timestamp faggot

What are the bright spots on the initial fireball?

Plasmised bits of bomb casing colliding with the interior of the fireball.

Fucking CIAniggers taking away our recreational nukes

I mean, considering water is a pretty decent radiation shield and the lab container is purpose-built, it can't be too bad in use...

It's best to have the core truly spherical at the tip.
also, you'll want foil to keep stray decay from hitting the core too early.

Ooo man. Just.... wow. These are the people telling half the country what to believe.