
>he thinks it's acceptable to use your gun in a fistfight.
Boy, you sure are dumb. Get some pepper spray, dumby.

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If someone attempts to physically assault me it is perfectly reasonable to strike them with a small, high velocity projectile in order to dissuade them from further attempts at bodily harm.

Fake news. You'd be going to jail for shooting an unarmed person.

You could reasonably argue that you were carrying a concealed handgun, lawfully, when you were violently assaulted. You would need to vocalize that you felt as though deadly force was imminent.

So some bro wants to fight you and you shoot him over it? Enjoy jail time dumbass. Either learn mma or carry a nonlethal it's retarded to shoot someone over a fistfight

What if someone attempts to fight me, I shoot him, collect brass, and leave? Where is your god now?

>So some bro wants to fight you and you shoot him over it?
He didn't want to start a fight, he DID start the fight. He attempted to physically assault me and I defended myself.

If there's a gun in play then it's not a fist fight

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When two grown men above 16 fight it’s often lethal. Granted it’s not that easy to kill someone with fists however you can get life altering injuries. My father’s friend went deaf in one ear due to a street altercation with some BC football players.

You shouldn’t have to have permanent injuries in a fight that someone else started.

Yeah, my buddy is a Lowell, MA firefighter and he was jumped by a bunch of Cambodians while he was simply smoking a cigarette outside of the bar. It was a completely unprovoked altercation. He had to be airlifted to a Boston hospital. Had he had a gun, he could've ended that altercation immediately. If some shitskin want's to play urban cowboy, he shouldn't be shocked when he fucks with the wrong gunslinger.

>he gets into fights

Every assault that could reasonably lead to great bodily harm or my death will be met with full force.

>he thinks it's acceptable to use your gun in a fistfight.
I've gotten into 6 fisfights in my relatively young life. 4 of them were in high school, against niggers. 2 of them were out of high school. If at any point, those people had knives or guns, I would've been killed. I would never shoot anyone over a fight, but you can't expect every to be honorable, and fight you 1on1 barehanded. I've been lucky in that regard, well except that one time I fought 4vs1 against niggers and held my own enough for people to come and break it up.

More people have been killed with personal weapons (hands and feet) then have been killed with rifles

>Lowell, MA
>jumped by a bunch of Cambodians

sounds about right, I live in Lowell, getting jumped by cambodians is part and parcel of living in Lowell.

you realize that they'll jump you less if you don't call them niggers right

If you're stupid enough to try and fight me when I don't want to fight you, you'll be damn surprised when I kill you. As an adult your not in high school anymore, there us no situation where you can legally strike another individual like that. I will kill you

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Kill yourself

>he thinks niggers jump people for any real reason other than money


Why do you like spreading lies?

Yeah, I grew up in Centerville. You probably know of the guy I am talking about. It was all over the news.

If someone attacks me and wants to decide when were and how they have a brawl with me that may result in me being harmed. I'm going to blow his fucking head off. Are we clear OP? Do you understand. Real life is not a playground.

>So some bro wants to fight you and you shoot him over it?

They he is not a bro and if he gets shot he gets exactly what he deserved. Neither will anyone go to jail. You are not at liberty to go around attacking people and if you get killed doing it then neither the justice system or anyone else except your immediate friends and family will care

Depends on the situation. If I’m at a bar, then I won’t pull out a gun, since the fight will likely be broken up before anyone’s seriously injured. On the street minding my own business, if someone randomly attacks me I’m going to shoot the fucker.


People can get seriously mained from mace and tasers. Calling them non-lethals is a liability.

But they're twig arm manlets...

> He thinks arm size matters in a fight

It's clear you don't know shit about fighting. I know plenty of dyel manlets in my mma gym that would fucking destroy an untrained guy twice their size

I have this same pepper spray in my center console.. right next to the gun. A good defense includes having a variety of tools at your disposal for a wide range of situations. There is also a bayonet in the glove box because of reasons.

I know you manlets get triggered about it, but there reaches a point where no amount of training can beat inertia

If I fear bodily harm I can shoot you.
You do not have the right to assault me physically.


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Ogres have layers, self defense has layers.

>Layer one: well fuck, this ain't good...
In the first layer, threats are unarmed and do not post an immediate danger to you. A powerful strobe on a flashlight can confuse and deter a would be attacker. I have seen this work first hand on a pit bull. If a person clearly has no weapon in hand and is at a fair distance, this method could get you out of trouble without having to get physical. Bright flashing lights are commonly associated with authority, but it's got to be dark to be effective. With the right verbal commands, it might work.

>Layer two: someone's gonna get hurt...
In this layer, there is a clear but unarmed threat that posses immediate danger to you. If someone is approaching you, making threats and there's no way of verbally de-escalating the situation, it's time to get physical. It would be best to pepper spray the fucker before they can get to you. Getting in a fistfight is a bad idea because you're likely to get hurt and you're carrying a firearm... Aren't you? There's nothing macho about you losing control of your gun mid-brawl and someone using it when it was never needed. Pepper spray could also work on a gang of unarmed people, where you wouldn't stand a chance in a fight.

>Layer three: someone's gonna die...
Your life is in danger here. Your attacker has a weapon and the safest thing to do is to go for your gun. There's no time to fuck around with blinky bulbs and silly spray; you either shoot this son-of-a-bitch or you die. That's it.

>Layer four: I'M GONNA DIE (aka the Shrekening)
Here you've either shot your gun and spare mag empty, lost your gun in the fight, or you will be facing such overwhelming odds that you have to share weapons with people who might fight by you to the end. If you don't have a gun in the fight anymore and there's no escape, your trusty COLD STEEL ESPADA XL will not run out of bullets and it's going to amputate whatever appendage you swing it at... Godspeed.

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>the way the magazine sticks out a bit

absolutely disgusting

I'm not arguing that defending yourself to the best of your ability is beyond moral acceptability. The point I'm making is that your argument, that you can use your gun whenever you feel threatened, is a tough sell here on Jow Forums; try it on a jury full of liberal gun grabbers and you're sure to go to jail. Pepper spray is a better alternative if the situation is going toward an imminent physical confrontation. Why not carry both? Cops carry non-lethals and they could get off a murder charge far easier than you could ever hope to do. They know that not every physical confrontation needs to end in blasting someone down. Don't dummy. Be prepared. Get some pepper spray.

1/10, no (((You))) sorry

just carry a magazine with pepper rounds

Wait... Where to buy these?

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I’d rather end up in front of a jury then dead.

type pepper rounds on jewgle

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At the very least, it gives off the impression that you felt you had more to lose by using the spray than the gun. It gives more of an impression of the seriousness of the situation. Also gives your lawyer another talking point to defend you with.

Don’t live in a liberal shithole and that won’t be a problem

>Yfw you can't grab your mag and rip it the fuck outta there when you're bugging out and SHTF

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>>he thinks it's acceptable to use your gun in a fistfight.
Boy, you sure are dumb. Get some pepper spray, dumby.
Boy.. You sure are gay. Get you some fist and learn how to use it, faggot

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Gib me EZ answers brudda

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Ironically enough, the liberal shitholes are more likely to have a situation like this happen. Because of that, you've got to be prepared to fight with regard to the inevitable trial afterward from the dumbass's family trying to get some "Juthtith fo muh trayvan".

Look at this fag, I bet he doesn’t even beat people up by hate-staring them to death.

maybe if you're in some coastal cuck shithole

>Pepper spray is a better alternative if the situation is going toward an imminent physical confrontat

Actually user, people like me have had a few facefulls of pepper spray and know what to expect and its not going to stop me, especially a gel especially within use range before I have done serious damage to the sprayer. Sorry to shatter your illusions. Producing it is going to make me fucking angry and using it will make me go full rip his jaw off. It is not a substitute for a gun.

>yfw you let a magazine release get stuck

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Someone is not likely going to be able to kill you with no weapons and a face full of pepper spray. Worst case scenario, it misses and you have to shoot them, which won't be a problem because your pepper spray can be deployed with your off hand while you reach for your gun just in case.

Kek. Sometimes shit just gets nasty outdoors. Who know :^)

>Not rendering people unconsious with only your nipples
Why do you even have eyes? You should turn them in with the rest of your assault weapons!

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In which case your stupid ass will have to be shot. I'm willing to risk taking a couple blows before I pull out the gun and end it. It takes a lot to put someone down by hand without training and most people don't have it, which is not to say some badass motherfuckers do not walk among us... It seems highly unlikely that you are the norm and I would feel comfortable trying the pepper spray first. In any circumstance, I'm going to end up winning if you can't knock me out in one shot.


Southwest isn't too bad, but its still bad.

But seriously, if your worried about not killin your opponent learn hand to hand combat and stop carrying condiments as weapon

You're forgetting the part where people don't want to commit to learning something that takes years to master.

That's why zimmerman is rotting in prison, right?

Man you PTS people really are easy to find out

How do I know that the person attacking me isn’t a pro boxer? Men have been killed in one punch before

Fair point, but would you really want to be in that situation? He could have avoided all that shit if he had some pepper spray. Using a gun was definitely not a smart move in that situation.

Very unlikely that he is a pro boxer AND that you will die in one shot. But, if you're a little old lady, taking that chance may not be the best call. It depends on what you think you can handle in the worst case scenario. I think most guys could last long enough to get to their gun if shit goes horribly wrong.

I am not taking that chance just as I’m not taking a chance that someone’s gun they’re pointing at me is airsoft

>Living in some commie state like Niggerfornia

I suppose a tazer might work if your lazy

Yep, if George Zimmerman woundn't be on death row if he'd only have shot Trayboon with mace. Oh wait....

Or he might have been beaten to death if he used pepper spray.

I don't get into fistfights, if somebody hits me it's unprovoked and I have no reason to think they're not going cause me serious harm/death.

You dumb faggots keep talking about George Zimmerman. Did you forget that he was being attacked and injured before he got to his gun? If he's such a hero to you, please explain to me why he let himself get hit before pulling his gun. The way I see it, had he used pepper spray before the assault, he might have subdued Martin before he could ever attack. Worst case scenario here is that the pepper spray doesn't work and he pulls his gun anyways. If he could have shot before being physically attacked is a completely different question and we really don't know what might have happened in court had that been the circumstance. I personally think the outcome would have changed, but that's just my opinion. If you know of case law that would say otherwise, please let me know. But for now, please stop bringing up Zimmerman. Fun fact: Zimmerman not only had his name nationally dragged through the mud, but had to pay $100,000 to post bail...

What I've been getting at with this whole thread is that pepper spray is an option that could give you an advantage, or even end the fight, before it really begins. Of course it doesn't replace a gun, but it could prevent you a lot of hassle if used properly in the right situation. Shooting someone is not always the best solution just because you're a guns enthusiast.

Unless your 70, a cripple, or a massive pussy its going to be hard to convince someone of that in court. Also if your attacker is any bit more intelegent than your average piece of balsa wood he'll do everything in his power to keep your hands from going near any typical holster/sheath location

You sound like a pussy.

Im not a soyboy faggot like some of you cucks fiending for a kill.
I am probably come closest to Big Boss in terms of badassness and CQC and I also carry.
But if some drunk faggot talks shit and swings at me, Im not going to shoot him.
Im going to CQC him, hard.
He would probably wish he was shot after I was done with him.
At least getting shot and living is cool.
Getting thrown around and beaten like a gay ragdoll is not cool.

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Apples and oranges. The odds of someone killing you with a knockout falcon punch is extremely (pretty much negligibly) low in the event that they fight through your pepper spray. The odds of you dying from a gunshot is pretty high; you cannot afford to take the risk of not defending yourself on the slim chance the gun is only airshit.

You can't pepperspray someone who hasn't done anything. You just look like a paranoid idiot if you go around pepperspraying niggers for no reason.

Look up when deadly force is authorized in your state. I was surprised VA requires that you can only use a force equal to that being used against you. You don't get to shoot someone here just because they might try to kick your ass. I'm not a lawyer though and I'd be happy to hear if I'm interpreting the law wrong here if someone out there knows.

>Using a gun was definitely not a smart move in that situation.
I beg to differ. One less nigger to deal with is well worth it.

Get a stout folder, get fast and git gud. Escalation of force is as follows;

Some fuckhead is starting shit? Talk him down

Thanks doesn't work? Maybe he took a swing? Whip the blade out, knock the fucker on his ass (this is where git fast and git gud come in) and put it his fucking throat. Explain the error of his ways, if he keeps trying to fight, you already gave him at enough disadvantage to simply knock his ass out and be on your merry way

Some fuckhead comes at you with a blade? A pipe? Purple drank? Pull your piece and warn h, if he's smart he'll stop, if he's still coming, you shoot the bastard.

If you're too lazy to pick up some basic skills you obviously don't value your own life enough to protect it and no magic spray or zappy-do-hickey can fix that.

In a lot of states you can technically use lethal force if you believe someone will cause severe bodily harm. You better have witnesses though because you'll likely be battling murder charges in court and it won't be easy to defend at all. I'd have to fight for my life to get away if possible, but it's all circumstantial..

Making verbal threats with clear intent on doing harm is good enough for me. I'm not a violent person, so someone would really have to go out of their way to fuck with me before I would give them a face full of pepper. If your story is reasonable, cops will understand and might write the incident report in your favor; they are people too, you know. Either way, it's not that bad ($1000 or up to 3 years in prison) if you end up getting fucked in court.

If I see a dude spray another dude in some fisticuffs, I will think less of him than I would if he ran away screaming and waving his arms int he air.

Maybe for the greater good ;^) but I'll be damned if I'm gonna be forced to make a million dollar bail. Fuck that.

>all this faggy kike hur buh dur lawyer speak
People like you and the courts are the reason this country is trash.

doesn't change the fact that you need something in between "leave me alone, you big bully!" and ventilating a person.
Deadly force is the *Last* resort, not the first option.
You can't shoot everything and everyone.
Carry a flashlight, carry a knife, carry pepper spray. Learn to box so you learn to hit, and to take a hit. Also, a good run beats a bad fight any day of the week. I'd rather run away than spend time in a courtroom trying to justify why I perforated some cholo.
But that's me. You do you.

I don't give a shit about your opinions. I left that petty bullshit in highschool. I made this thread knowing it would be unpopular, but I think the more controversial threads are more interesting. Too often Jow Forums is just repetitive nonsense. There's honestly a lot of smart people on here who will give you a good debate if you push them.

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The courts are a reality. You don't get to live in an action movie where all your problems end when you shoot the "bad guy." If you haven't given this any thought, you're not prepared.

People die if their head falls on concrete. Don't start shit if you don't want to be shot.

According to the CDC, more people die a year from fist fights than rifles and shotguns; but my all means, continue arguing your emotionally fueled point.

That's a no, my dude.

Why do you sound afraid, heembro? By the way, if you get in a fist fight you both go to jail where the other guy can sue you for bodily harm.

Which is situation awareness is important


I habe thought of this. It's called castle doctrine and stand your ground.

some of the roof koreans had to go to court. THE ROOF KOREANS
if you think the local constabulary isnt going to get involved when you did their job instead of them doing their job, you have a lot to learn about life, my child. growing up is painful.

>if you get in a fist fight you both go to jail where the other guy can sue you for bodily harm.
that's not how things work.
also can't sue if he's dead

>$1000 or up to 3 years in prison for a verbal threat
Kek, I didn't know someone could be that insecure.

i'd rather fight an assault charge than a wrongful death charge any day of the week, kid. The dead victim doesnt sue, but his family sure does and the state can still file charges since there's no statute of limitation on murder. whether its murder 1, murder 2, or murder in the third degree.
gr8 b8 got me to reply here's your (you)

That is how things work but you're right about dead people not suing.

Family might sue you, even if the fucker tried to rob you

What faggot state do you live in where self-defense is non-existant? Wrongful death charge fly's out the window when you defend yourself from an assault.

Sage boys

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