Would being on medicare/social security for OCD and/or autism affect my ability to buy firearms?
Would being on medicare/social security for OCD and/or autism affect my ability to buy firearms?
Only if you have been sent to the booby hatch, convicted of a crime, or pleaded insanity AFAIK.
>parasite wants a gun
You shouldn't be able to vote imo
It'd be nice if he had a job, true.
me like anime girl shiny pretty
NEVER let any mental abnormalities you have get documented. It can fuck up your life.
What if I went to the booby hatch willingly?
That's fine
not yet. maybe in a year or two though.
Then you're still good.
Also if you can, see if you can get even just a small time job, like something you work once or twice a week. Working for your money and feeling like you're doing something that matters and someone actually needs (even if it's just like cleaning or working fast food), does a lot for your ego. Believe me, I'm in a similar boat, it makes you feel like you're actually part of society and the economy, even if just as a small part.
Same with physical.
Unless you're like in a wheel chair.
I think it does now, if you honestly aren't going to go out on a killing spree type of a risk, then there should never be a problem
This desu
Having documented physical abnormalities doesn't fuck your life up.
You don't get disarmed for being handicapped. Even if Hogg might like the idea of that.
Well, suppose I had some kind of wacky nerve damage that made my trigger finger twitch back and forth repeatedly, would some harebrained ATF agent try to argue I constitute an unregistered machinegun?
No. that isn't how either of those things work.
If they haven't gone after Jerry Miculek yet, you should be fine, McFly
PTSD, diagnosed by the VA. I was in war in Iraq, blah blah.
I can buy anything I want.
This isn't true
>When 2a people only care about 2a and dont give a shit about voting rights or medical care
I wonder why liberals are gaining so much ground against you retards.
apparently not even being on the fbi watchlist prevents you from getting one even though there is an fbi background check, once you pass your 2 minute multiple choice test i doubt they will ask about any of that.
you're fine. FOR NOW
>tfw also autismo with severe OCD
be my friend pls
it's cold out here
haha its the nervous gril
>I believe what I read in the Washington Post
grow up, kid.
> Elliot Rodger
Buttmad wagie detected
Only if you’ve been adjudicated mentally deficient in a court of law.
Is Michael J Fox a registered machine gun?
It makes sense though, being on a watch list doesn't mean you've done anything wrong. You should only have your rights taken away if you are convicted.
They're not gaining groumd at all.
>March For Our Lives : 200 000 people protesting
>National Rifle Association : Gained 5 000 000 new members in the recent month
David Hogg is getting fucking dunked on. We've got this man, we've got this by the ass!
One in 300 Americans are on watchlists, it barely means shit.
I mean the Pulse shooter was on a terror watchlist for like a decade and that didn't stop him from killing 50 people and injuring 50 more.
Likewise, fucking Cat Stevens was (and I think still is), on the No Fly List.
All these terror watchlists are comically useless, you could openly talk about say, your plans to carry out arson against say, a sports team your favorite one lost against. You can do it here on Jow Forums, fuck, even on Facebook, and at worst you get put on a list, none of which stops you from carrying out whatever deed you had planned.
You mean the raging megalomaniacal narcissist who's glaringingly bad mental state was covered up by his rich parents?
Kind of makes me think about Cruz, who was even worse, like this was a guy who everyone knew had serious mental issues and regularly assaulted people, for like, years. I don't condone that bald cunt implicitly saying she bullied him, but on the other hand I also can't exactly hold it against her, because he really was a dangerous and anti-social asshole, it isn't exactly anyone but his own fault that he didn't make friends.
Remember also the Navy Yard guy, who had outright told his friends and coworkers he was suffering horrible delusions and hearing voices telling him to kill people?
Isn't it kind of weird? Not all, but a LOT of these infamous mass murderers showed extremely strong warning signs, for a very long time, and little was done to help or stop them, until they snapped and did something horrendous.
I don't think blanket disarming vaguely defined "mentally ill" people is sound or moral, but I think it's worth thinking about why nothing was done despite all these warnings.
trips, wow who knew Jow Forums held autists?
N*w york
is this op?
>N*w york
so far
>is this op?
no, same boat
Is there a Jow Forums zeemaps yet
Depends on the incentives they'll get to report you as prohibited. You're a danger to society. Thank god, Fix NICS passed.
Nice b8
does ADHD count
OP reporting
post contact plz
No. I know several disabled people who have bought and own guns with zero issues.