Just picked up an m57 for $400 after dros and tax in ca its c&r dilude me into thinking i got a good deal please. Also anyone have them? Any newb advice for toks
Tokarev thread
Even sweaty Ben would say you overpaid.
Call a crisis helpline, cause you got raped
> $400
Wew fucking lad it better be an unissued polish one with no safety or you got hosed
C&r no safety serbian and no import marks. I couldnt find one for cheaper and cali is a pain to prder online. Shit
No guns british detected. I wont let you make me feel stupid about my purchase
>$400 M57
Christ, I hope they at least bought you a drink first
Did you at least get the holster, extra mag and stuff? It doesn't make it any better, but at that price they fucking should have.
>Just picked up an m57 for $400
what the fuck nigger you overpaid by $100 MINIMUM you dumb fucking homolard mackerel flabby
Holy shit is this bait?
When does the second one show up?
DESU for that price you should have got a CZ52
>For a Tokarov
Bruh, you can buy 2 Serbian tokes for $400... You got hella scammed.
Great for dealing with savages trying to rob your home.
Found a cz52 with two magazines and the original leather holster. Good deal? Can probably talk him down to $260
Thank you based Tokarev.
>cali is a pain to prder online
No It's not, not for c&r. C&r is handled the same as literally any other transfer.
Yeah comes withs ome nickknacks
Hell yeah, that sounds like a good deal. They aren't as cheap as they used to be now, I've seen people at gun shows asking around 380-450
I doubt it. I used to live in Cali. Buying a handgun was quite expensive due to all the fees associated with it.
>DROS minimum $25, usually $35
>firearm safety cert (if you don't already have one) like $25
>sales tax like 8% or 9%
>obligatory gun lock $5
All that shit could add $100 to a $300 gun.
This is california
I am in the proccess of getting my c&r in cali in adition you need to get an ongoing background check every year for $120 to have a c&r licence
>Canadian Content
Yeah its bull shit i hand my handgun safety cert and all that i told the guy im only leaving $400 lighter so he included dros and tax in the price. I wish i could just order the shit off of classic
Thank you based tok
Just checked gun borker and theyre min bids are 230 ish which makes me sad
You don't need a c&r license to get c&r guns. Literally just have the gun shipped to an ffl and transfer it.
Ouch. Did that come with any lube?
Dros us the same price everywhere.
Firearm safety shit is one time
Tax is a cunt, but That's not unique to California.
Buy a gun lock and then return it, dumbass.
Has anyone ever called you a cuck before?
Has anyone ever called you a retard before?
The added on bullshit fees are annoying, but they aren't that bad. I had no problem buying guns while I was still in that shithole of a state.
I was explaining how a Tokarev could cost $400. I never once said that the fees were good or bad. What is the point you're trying to make here?
Even after fees and horseshit, there's no reason this would be more than $300. $400 is flat out rape.
thank you based tokarev
I paid 233 total for a M70A, and kind of regret that.
>>DROS minimum $25, usually $35
DROS is always $25. If a shop is charging $35, report those thieving bastards to the state.
>I used to live in Cali.
>C A L I
They legally can charge $35, but I've literally never seen a store that did.
>They legally can charge $35,
No, they can't.
The state limits FFLs to charging no more than $10 per firearm for officiating a private party transfer. That's the FFL's fee, not California's. I've never been to a store that didn't charge the full $10, and quite a bit more for any transfer that isn't fee limited by the state.
They are half that price. Spectacular gun but Jesus do you even google?
Its not cr cause if the year and its not on the doj handgun roster so i cant get it
Yeah ive been trying ro get one cali is such a pain in the ass tho. Most ffl wont do transfers from out of state. One does but its $50 extra. I have to get a c&r pistol other wise if its not on the approved handgun roster you cant get it.
kek'd and checked
OP you didn't over pay. It's just these idiot's don't live in California.
>210 for gun
>35 shipping
>75 dealer handling fee of cuckifornians
>35 background check
>10 cable lock
All said and done thats approximating $400, these fly over states can't do math
Hey imbecile, he said it's a HASSLE not that it's impossible.
From my experience it is a hassle. First you have to find a dealer willing to go off roster EVEN IF it's CNR. Cuz "store policy". When I found a store willing to do CNR they LITERALLY asked me to show them legal paperwork showing the gun is CNR. Of course I wouldn't even know where to begin to look for that, so I asked the sellers of the CNR and they told me that my FFL should know it's a CNR.
You can imagine.
He can't get that one you massive fucking imbecile.
thank you based tokarev.
>75 dealer handling fee of cuckifornians
you're getting horribly raped by your ffl. find a new one.
>35 shipping
you're getting raped on shipping if you're paying $35 for a hand gun.
>10 cable lock
You're an idiot if you keep the cable lock instead of just buying one then returning it right after getting the gun.
All said and done, op should have paid around $300.
why the fuck not? It's C&R and doesn't have mags over 10 rounds.
m57s dont all qualify for C&R, since they were made until 1992
oh shit, you're right, I just read their shit about c&r on classic.
I think I ran into the same problem when I was trying to buy a star model B from them before.
There are still other sources that can ship them though
even specifies it's california okayed
Are you a time traveler? If you bought this gun in 2045 you got a pretty good deal.
Thank you based Tokarev
remember that c&r also requires COE in CA
also you need to register the firearms you buy with your c&r
also the c&r is basically useless for buying c&r handguns because they still need to go to an FFL and you still need to wait 10 days
Mine has a lot of trouble feeding hollow point rounds, it won't do it most of the time, it looks like it is the flat top of the hp round catching on the inside of the barrel. Does anyone have this issue? Possible fixes? As a reminder it uses the 7.62x25 rounds.
We need to get rid of that fucking bullshit ap ammo ban. It’s such fucking bullshit that mild steel core ammo like a lot of tok stuff and of course 7n6 is banned from import.
Do you guys reload or buy new ammo?
>for a full-sized single stack
>in a smaller caliber than .45
jesus fucking christ. Even if you bought it for $200 less it's still a single-stack and full sized. What the fuck man
Thank you based Tokarev.
I just buy PPU or Red Army Standard
Even in the bay I can get 50 dollar FFL. 40 if I drove farther.
I love my Tok. It needs re-Finishing! Why flavor should I use on it?
P.S. You just fucked yourself. Nice gun, but you raised your ammo charges to about $.66 cents a round! You should have gotten a 10mm at those prices!
I got one for $200, shot it once, hated it, and sold it for $300.
You got fucked. I like running PPU's ammo in my Polish Tokarev, good for my PPS43C too
Why do the barrels extend past the bushing so much?
Lol speaking of shit you know nothing about. You NEED a new cable lock. You cant just keep bringing the same one
Oh wow, 25 dollars less, now it's not a rape.
Thank you based tokarev.
>You NEED a new cable lock. You cant just keep bringing the same one
you have terrible reading comprehension.
I said buy a new lock, then return it after you get the gun.
it's more like using lube vs going in dry.
my ffl did transfers for $25 though. you guys need to find less shit ffls.
Tok is a better gun than the CZ52
How much are Polish going for these days?
I hear they are better then Russians