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Tim Kennedy outed himself
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>Tim Kennedy is an idiot who runs his mouth constantly
In other news, water is wet. More at 11.
I’m stuck at work and can’t watch the video. What did he say?
>What did he say?
19 year olds shouldn't be able to own ar15's. Tim Kennedy is a fucking idiot "wowowow look at mee I'm a ranger and an MMA fighter!!1"
Just like the sofrep douchebags, Tim should shut his mouth. Then he proceeds to say he's a strong 2A supporter.
Never heard of her
>someone who's job is to disarm foreign civilians and kill them wants your guns taken away before him and his friends do the same thing to you
>Why can't you buy a handgun but you can buy a semi automatic AR.
Gee I dunno maybe because one is concealable and one is not.
rocket science folks.
No its more like
>Why can't you buy a handgun but you can an AR?
Maybe because the retarded brady bill of 94 arbitrarily banned the sale of pistols based on some made up notion that it'll reduce crime.
>the retarded brady bill of 94 arbitrarily banned the sale of pistols
The 1968 GCA established the age requirement.
Wtf is up with all the “pro gun” 2-bit celebrities spewing shit like this? What’s wrong with 18 year olds being able to buy guns? Why, because .00000001% of the age group decided to do something stupid with an AR?
It's the "I am not 18 anymore, so it won't affect me" mentality. They're basically not pro-2A, they're the same as rich elites who push for gun control, but can themselves easily afford armed security and gated community residence with fast police response.
>Why cant you buy a handgun but you can buy an AR?
>Using one arbitrary age restriction that was passed by grabbers to justify another
Just another state sanctioned murderer like Chris Kyle, no surprise he's a closet anti gunner, has to keep appearances to his fan base.
He came down to Fort Benning for the International Sniper competition, he was a total cockbag primadona the whole time.
I just realized that in that picture he looks like Javier Bardem.
Is there any evidence to suggest that legal gun owners between the ages of 18-21 are more likely to commit a mass shooting than any other age group? The Columbine kids don't count because they were underage (when they got the guns at least, Harris turned 18 a few days before the shooting) and acquired their weapons illegally. Adam Lanza doesn't count because he stole the guns from his mom. Elliot Rodger, Vtech man, Dylan Roof, Chris Harper-Mercer and the Aurora shooter were all over 21.
Am I missing any major ones? Where are all of these mass shootings committed by people in this age group? It seems like this is the only one.
Im just saying, if were gonna raise the age to 21 for guns overall, then lets just raise the age for tobacco, voting, and serving in the military. Its already proven the majority under 21 cant make mature decisions and most live at home anyways. Worst generation so far, even worse that boomers, and that says something.
>t. 26 year old
dont confuse an SF fag like him for a ranger
oh, it's not that he hates guns, he loves them. It's just he knows that if things go tits up, he has a channel with the government, so they'd sooner recruit or spare him vs. the ordinary plebs.
He will very likely be helping the government crack down on gun owners when the time comes.
>Wtf is up with all the “pro gun” 2-bit celebrities spewing shit like this?
They're retards, that's what.
>you can't shoot up a school if you're above the age of 21
>kids shouldn't be able to buy an AR with no prerequisite knowledge or demonstration of good character
I don't find this to be a controversial statement.
>What’s wrong with 18 year olds being able to buy guns?
If you aren't considered responsible enough to drink before you are 21 then you also aren't considered responsible enough to own firearms.
There's no magical thing that happens at 21 that makes you a responsible drinker that wasn't there already when you were 18.
That law was nothing but feel good nonsense promoted by butt hurt mother's that didn't teach their kids not to drink and drive.
>There's no magical thing that happens at 21 that makes you a responsible drinker that wasn't there already when you were 18.
That's your opinion and you are entitled to it. Truth is that there is far more development between 21 and 18 than between 18 and 15. Should we just lower it down to 15 then?
>Should we just lower it down to 15 then?
No him but yes.
I don’t know who this fag is but into the trash along with TinyCock22
Jow Forums hates sofrep now?
I don't unserstand your thought process.
God dammit Tim. Why?
I am now of the opinion due to this and PatMac's statement. That these individuals are still within the auspicious graces of the Deep State and are being used to lull the Patriotic Americans who love the military into giving up their weaponry.
Lower age to buy alcohol to 18 and age to drink to 16
>far more development
Heh, so are Europeans more advanced than us?
This right here, they are being used.
And yet libs think at age 6 you're old enough to make the decision to get a sex change and vote at 16.
drinking retards the development, so no. The average US citizen sports a more-developed brain than the average European.
>implying they aren’t doing this cause they hate guns in general and want to kill civilian armaments entirely
Pic related is an interview with one of the staffers for kevin deleon a senator candidate from California
It should be 16 for everything
wrong file my apologies
so the solution is to have a licensing system like amature radio to raise the age by three years for no reason
The average American is a quarter Hispanic so might want to check your logic there bud.
water isnt wet retard, wet is just a state when you've come into contact with water, water itself is not wet
What does whatever libs think have to do with the discussion at hand?
But if water is in contact with water... does that not in fact make it wet?
Yeah, good point.
You can vote, own a house and die for Israel when you're 18. You should be able to defend yourself when you're 18 as well, since that is the age of majority in this nation.
We have proof now that hitler escaped to paraguay thanks to this man.
Saw an interview with him and he said he was a real self centered asshole who wasn't doing anything real good up until joining the military when he was in his early or mid twenties. I'd imagine his own view of himself at that age has a lot to do with his comment.
yup, and he got out of military, went mma, and did some tv shows, and now sees hes not shit outside the mil, and tried to get back in last year.
A lot of states have many exemptions for minors drinking alcohol.
trips confirm
Tin Kennedy is like the queer clone of Travis Haley anyway who cares about that fag
Special Forces need to go away, they're not warriors they're just murderers and assassins that get utterly BTFO in any real fight.
>can vote at 18
>can join the military at 18
>legally considered an adult in all regards at 18
>"can't exercise your 2nd amendment rights though, dahyuck!"
Neck yourself, bootlicker.
Are you legitimately retarded?
>licensing system
You said it not me, but I think it's a good idea.
Or, maybe adults realize that you can support gun rights as a whole while acknowledging that a modicum of effort could be made to keep them out of the hands of those that will misuse them.
More mass shooters have been over 21 than under it, faggot.
>modicum of effort could be made to keep them out of the hands of those that will misuse them.
No more guns for the government! Brilliant!
Why do leftists always wanted me to "acknowledge" or "realize" that their presuppositions are true when they don't even support them with argumentation or evidence?
but why can't a substance that will make you 'wet' when you come in contact with it be called 'wet' ?
if water being wet is just a state of contact then it's always contacting something and making it wet, so water is in fact wet
>but why can't a substance that will make you 'wet' when you come in contact with it be called 'wet' ?
Well user, this is called an accidental property. It is a property that some thing may have, but is not essential to thing's identity in regards to it being that thing. For example a stone may be round, but it is not necessary for an object to be round to be a stone.
The essential property to water is its chemical composition.
>it's my opinion something magic does happen between 18 and 21
Am I reading that right?
>Jow Forums hates sofrep now?
I think everyone hates sofrep. Webb is a lying piece of shit and they disrespected the Green Berets killed in Niger.
What did they say about the Niger thing?
That was pretty sensible. I don't agree with people under 21 getting ARs either. Only k would hate on a legit green beret and badass mma fighter, it's his opinion and he has the right to have it. He also clearly doesn't talk about banning guns quit foaming at the mouth just cause someone very slightly disagrees you autists
>a modicum of effort could be made to keep them out of the hands of those that will misuse them
No guns for Democrats. Got it.
Fuck you, we were all 18 at one point and were considered adult enough to own a rifle. Why should these adults be second class citizens now?
I love the constitution and I love all the amendments I really do, I love the first one, the 5th, the second, the 19th, but uhh... When it comes to the second amendment I absolutely support it, but I don't think people should be able to bear arms at all. I am a strong and skilled fighter and the uhh, firearm as an equalizer intimidates me because it makes me feel like all the time and effort spent practicing and training was wasted.
I'm was Infantry in the Marines, and also an MMA fighter. So does my opinion that he's a fake 2nd Amendment supporter count now?
Hey, here's what. Make it so that only 21 year olds and older can join the Military, then and only then would I even consider it the "correct" thing to do.
Case in point. How can you be a "quarter" Spanish speaker? Do you mean they are a quarter native Ameri-Indian? Lay off the booze.
My friendship with Tim is over. Yoel Romero is my best friend now. He loves America, hates Fidel, and knows about freedom. Tim is still a Californian invader.
have to agree with him in the point "now adays 18 years old kids are dumb and reckless."
Pretty sure most murders are commited with illegally owned hand guns not legally owned longguns from 18-21
Legal in California.
Wrong thread im dumb
I do. Fuck off.
>young people haven’t always partaken in varying degrees reckless behavior, to some extent depending o
>shit like muh tide pods isn’t overly sensationalized.
someone said that about your generation when you were my age, every generation thinks its smarter than the one before and wiser than the one after
Kek. Why ya got for Whittaker vs romero? It'll be close
>one is concealable and one is not.
>what is an sbr
>what is an ar pistol
If your old enough to go to war or be called before a Judge as an adult, then you should be old enough to buy a beer and a handgun.
I think you should reread the Brady Bill.
You can't own either of those until you're 21, euroboy.
Ted Kennedy is just a ultra pro gun meme spewing assclown that only makes money from MMA and being a promo whore for veteran t-shirt and box subscription companies.
Richard Marcinko's old ass could knock is dick in the dirt.
Not the guy you're talking to but I'll try to bring you up to speed. Tim Kennedy is not a ranger. He is "ranger qualified" aka someone who has a ranger tab but not the ranger scroll because he's never served with the 75th Ranger Regiment. In proper terms, Tim is a Ranger (Q) but not a Ranger (V).
In short, he's a ranger qualified Green Beret who constantly refers to himself as a ranger and it pisses off actual members of the 75th (and their fanboys).
If my memory is right 21 is the established drinking age soely due to very old legislation that provided states with federal highway and road funding only if they changed the drinking age.
>Oh wow, some faggot on Jow Forums is gunnna take what a liberty loving, gun toting, American hero is saying and twist it to be something when it's nothing. This should be a fun thread.
>I watch the video and back it up for context
What the literal fuck!?
He's spouting moms demand action 101 talking points!?
The stuff he's saying is either straight up not true or completely illogical!
what the fuck!?
That history channel show, hunting hitler, that kennedy was on, found enough circumstancial evidence to prove hitler made it out of germany.
It was actually a comfy show to watch. Didnt know nazis were active and had camps all over chile through the 70s. Also, didnt know about the U boat base in norway. Or about all the huge ass infrastructure built by nazis all over south america, like hydroelectric plants and such, to produce heavy water for the continuing nuclear weapons programs by nazis in south america. They had alot of huge ass military communities too. I just dont understand what happened in the 70s, that caused all the nazis to go into hiding, because they had a shit ton of infrastructure and communities, and then all of a sudden in the 70s, they all disappeared.
Whittaker by decision again.
>Tim Kennedy
Who? Should Jow Forums know who he is?
He also tweeted that he agreed with some of the proposed legislation by the left. Ill try and find it
Ex green beret who trains people and shows up on conservative media some times(got aired on fox about re upping)
Now he is spewing pendantic anti gun horse shit
>raise the minimum age
I used to look up to this piece of shit.
>shouldn't be able to buy guns at 19
>there should be a list to prevent people from buying guns.
>nra are not protecting the second amendment