New Jersey thread

It was at this moment I felt a strange calm wash over me. It was no longer anger that I felt, but a cold, hard, logic rage edition.

All 6 bills that where up for vote into the assembly Monday passed. 5 passed without amendment. The 10 round mag cap passed with an amendment to exempt cops and their carry pieces from the restrictions and to exempt .22 tube fed rifles so they don't """accidentally""" through a guy in prison for owning a Marlin 66... again.

Another progun protest is scheduled on April 14th in Trenton. This one is on a Saturday so hopefully anyone who couldn't make it last Monday will be able to attend this one.

Also WHY IS SGAMMO TAKING SO LONG TO SHIP MY ORDER?! I'm worried Murphy is going to make me get a penis inspection for all future ammo purchases so I want to stockpile now.

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Monday's rally was interesting. They had some really good speakers and some really awful ones. A few talked about violent video games being the source of problems which was hilarious. To keep this weapon related, is there going to be a grace period to get things into compliance / buy compliant magazines? Does anyone know how much of a hassle it is to get an FFL so that you'd be exempt?

I'm living and working in NJ, but have retained my PA residency in plans to escape once my lease is up. Can I keep my Glock 22 or must it wait for me in PA?

I agree about the speakers. Some of the politicians clearly didn't know what they where talking about and where just there so they could pander for votes, like the guy that kept saying "magazine clips". Evan Nappen was well spoken as always and IMO the best speaker there. Le Based Black Man brought up identity politics which I didn't really like but he was obviously very passionate and pretty well spoken, so I do have to respect him for that.

The magazine law as written would go into effect 180 days after Le Weed Man signs it. You'll have to destroy, sell, turn in, or permanently modify your magazines by then.

>Does anyone know how much of a hassle it is to get an FFL so that you'd be exempt?


You're already breaking the law. Our transport laws are very strict about where and why you may posses a firearm. Someone else's residence is NOT one of the places you're specifically allowed to posses a firearm unless you've traveled to that residence to legally sell it.

im not even mad anymore. now im just getting ready

The rally is nationwide, so please attend of you can.
Video games, especially realistic violent ones, do desensitize people to suffering, and plant certain ideas in people's minds about the value of other people. When a game graphically depicts suffering (heads exploding, blood and gore, pain, especially inflicted by you, etc) and you have to cause such suffering to beat the game, you have to learn not to feel bad for hurting things. Once, I was unable to stomach mortal kombat gameplay footage because of how it shows bones and organs getting destroyed. But you have to learn not to care about that to keep playing. So you care less about hurting anything, including people.

Likewise, when you replay levels over and over in a linear game, it teaches you to some extent, or at least plants the idea, that NPCs are always going to be in the same spot if you come back to it, so you don't value them as much as you should and don't think very far into the consequences of killing them.

I don't disagree that all media we consume (hell, all experiences we have as individuals)have some formative, and potentially negative, effect on our overall mental health and wellbeing. What I don't agree with is the idea that simply consuming violent media can have such an effect on an individual that it makes an otherwise nonviolent person commit violent acts.

I'm allowed to have it in the apartment that I lease in New Jersey. I just have my PA license still.

In that case yes, you can keep the gun in your apartment.

Sorry for my poor phrasing and pointless question.

When do these laws take effect?

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>buying from SGAYAmmo

There's no bill currently being considered that would prevent you from keeping a gun in your apartment.

As for the 6 laws mentioned in the OP, they'll take effect 180 days after DUDEWEEDLMAO signs them.

They had the cheapest Garand food I could find online.

I stopped being mad a long time ago.

its an abstract kind of anger

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What's wrong with sgammo?

They do gay shit like make you pay if you want to actually be refunded for them fucking up your order on top of never truly being the cheapest place to get any semi-popular ammo.

Really? I've never had an issue with them.

if any of you guido faggots move to PA and EVER vote democrat I will personally hunt and kill you

Why would I do that? I've suffered under the Big D for literally my entire life, I know how shitty it is.

>You'll have to destroy, sell, turn in, or permanently modify your magazines by then.
Or.....? Just saying

Or boating trips

I'm so ready to leave

It is more common than you think. My whole fucking family moved to escape NJ's property taxes, live like kings in PA and still vote D because things are working out a little too well.

Same thing is happening to Texas with all the California refugees.

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God dammit PA better not be cucked by the time I move there.

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>moving to PA
It's worse than New York. There's no reason to move there.

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Nice try Mr Pennsylvanian. You can't keep the land of milk and honey all to yourself.

I'm moving to your state- voting hard republican, bringing Wawa with me and there's not a god damn you can do about it.

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Would this be a legal muzzle device in NJ?

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I'm hopping the border to escape nova as soon as possible. Hell of a lot better than it is here.

Stay the fuck on your side of the river you filthy guidos

Fuck you and fuck your german mercenaries.

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Sheetz > Wawa

Also, I vote straight-line Democrat in PA, now.

>this entire post

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Washington crossed from PA in Jersey, you tard.

Cant tell if bait or not but ill bite. PA is one of the most free states in the union. We are one of the most gun loving states in the entire union. We are tied for 1st place with having the most concealed carriers in the entire united states. I fucking love PA TO DEATH.

Hey, i'm from rural South Jersey. Trenton wrecked everything once good about living by the Pines. I took my R vote to a place where it stands a chance.

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Guns rights aside, the place is trash. It's full of what was once industry. The place is depressing.

Please, no, I'm not a wop, I'm just a plastic paddy that lives in the Northeastern NJ hills. I just want a small farm house and ten acres where I can shoot my guns and be left alone. Please let me in.

This is the honest truth. If you're looking to deal meth and heroin, you'll find plenty of white people here willing to give you their disability checks. If you're looking for other economic opportunities, you're fucked.

Na its a great place to live. Your just depressing as a person user. Theirs lots to do in PA. I love it here.

So you admit to starting the invasion, philly nigger.

Alright, move to Pennsylvania. You'll see how bad it is over here. It's full of boomers on meth, dead steel industry and Central Americans taking over all the comfy towns left. Have fun!

I literally don't care. I just want cheap land with good gun laws that isn't so far away from civilization that I need to own a bush plane.

The northeast corridor was a mistake

I miss having pine bros. Asians and boomer Dems moved into your homes.

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Only if it's pinned to the muzzle threads if you're putting it on something with a pistol grip. The general rule of thumb is that it has to be advertised as a muzzle brake / comp and not a flash hider. That and you shouldn't be able to put your finger down the front end.

Dude. If you think video games cause violence, imagine what more than 18 million actual veterans would cause if allowed to walk the streets of usa. Or if just the roughtly 300.000 veterans from the Gulf war were allowed to walk around free - imagine all they have seen and done! Imagine what carnage they would cause as a result! Good thing they are all locked up, eh?

My problem with this mindset is the doublethink, if video games damage the psyche of children as much as the media wants us to believe, then why the fuck are we not regulating the shit out of our violent, depraved, sex-obsessed film industry? They get a free pass because they are owned by the same idiots who want to blame video games?

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>All 6 bills that where up for vote into the assembly Monday passed

The laws are now in place? where is the information? What laws? Wtf?

Violent games, violent movies, violent cartoons, violent books. Boy the world must have been a peaceful, nonviolent world before mass media ruined it. No aggression, no violence, everyone drinking herbal tea and having meaningful conversations about rhubarb.

They passed the assembly. They still have to pass the Senate and be signed by the governor. Lurn 2 civics

sheetz family is based libertarian.
Voting dem in pa is terrible. Independent and 3rd party is better.

guys... wat do

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>throwing away your vote
You'll hang too.

1. You can commute to anywhere in NJ from PA in an hour max
2. Lower taxes and lower cost of living
3. No AWB (for now, pls send halp)

We could use your vote. It actually matters here!

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Accept the sweet release of death, I guess.

It's just depressing

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You better stop the libshits from gerrymandering you state first.

Almost looks like he has a Reddit antenna

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We're pretty much reddit: the state.

You sound like a redcoat

When are you NJ fags going to evacuate that pile of shit state? Just let the whole fucking thing become like Detroit and Chicago...stop paying their taxes, hand it over to the minorities and watch their gun crime go through the roof in spite of their stupid "ban."
Either that, or man up and learn about effective grassroots organizing, and start working up a groundswell of support for pro-gun causes. You guys suck at this.

But I don't have any money to leave because NJ taxed it all away from me.

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Tru dat.
Just edge your way out if possible; rent in PA is cheap compared to NJ and most of NJ is indeed in commute distance. Just don't tell PA you live there and work in NJ or they will want you to pay a second income tax.

Rhubarb is the devil's stalk.

Working on it via judicial recall. Apparently, the state constitution doesn't mean shit.