What does Jow Forums think of Paul Harrell?

what does Jow Forums think of Paul Harrell?

i keep hearing he brags about killing 1 or 2 home invaders or something, i havent seen it tho

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He has killed but he doesn’t like to brag about it and makes a point avoiding the subject. If you can get past his awkward personality and dry humor his videos aren’t a bad watch. The guy knows what he’s talking about and emphasizes that much of what he is saying is anecdotal and subjective, which I think is good.

He's the Sam Harris of guns

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He's bagged 2 niggers, and is autistic, he's fundamentally Jow Forums

>get past awkward personality and dry humor
>not living the channel because of those 2 things

Get out

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was it during separate events?

also it looks like he lives in the woods, where did blacks come from?

Fell for the Harrell meme because /k autists.

A bit boring to me and little tasteless. Dropped when in a video said that mixing ammo like HP and FMJ to have more varied effect is something to not do because you look like a thug/poor/murderer.

spaceniggers falling down

LMAO im literally watching that episode right now


>you look like a poor
wew, rule of law sure has come a long way.

But he's right. Mixing loads is fucking retarded and makes you look like one of those gangbangers whose magazines are loaded with one of every kind of bullet they could find and they're lucky if they're even of the same caliber.

Why would I care how I look? I don't understand why someone would do it but if someone unloaded my mag and saw different ammo would they start autistically screeching nigger (or sanitized politically correct codeword gangbanger)

No but people who actually know what theyre doing will call you a fudd mallninja faggot. Shits stupid.

Wow. So being a good citizen, having no law problems, and a clean reputation means nothing because some unwritten rule of some autist dictates that mixing different kind of BULLETS, is because I can't afford the same ammo and thus I am a thug.

And then people cry about bump stocks that almost bring a gun to full auto.

Thick skulls be thicc



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Well I suppose looking retarded isn't the main reason not to do it, the main reason not to do it is that it's retarded, but you should generally not want to do things that look retarded because that usually means they are retarded and you should also want to feel good about yourself and not feel like a nigger whenever you look at your loaded magazines.

with the frequency of violent exchanges he claims to have been in, I'm forced to believe that indeed HE is the problem here.

I wonder if anybody ever shot an intruder with a 3006 garand and what the result was....

>unwritten rule of some autist dictates that mixing different kind of BULLETS, is because I can't afford the same ammo and thus I am a thug.
to be fair ive only ever seen criminals do that
i do it to tho
the real issue is the D.A. if you blast trayvon and have 2 kinds of ammo they'll go on and on and on about it

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>feel like a nigger whenever you look at your loaded magazines.

I'd feel like a nigger if I'd have to look to a pimped glock 40 problem solvah, if I buy quality defence ammo and mix stack it up, also talking about buckshot size in tube magazines, and I have my fucking reasons, I WILL be OK since I am not breaking any law.

Proof? Paul Harrell in that video is pretty vague about proof in this matter, citing cases and shows and so on

It's been a while since I watched that video, but wasn't the main point that it makes you look worse in court should you ever actually have to shoot someone. He then cited an anecdote where one of his cop friends commented on him mixing ammo at the range.

A lot of his justifications for doing things, such as choosing guns for home defense, is similarly for how it would look in court.

>and I have my fucking reasons

Yeah but you wouldn't have your reasons because it's a retarded practice.

Just the right Fudd:Tactical ratio for my taste.

>comparing Paul Harrel to a an anti-white Jew

>i keep hearing he brags about killing 1 or 2 home invaders or something
literally never talks about it

i guarantee it has happened and i bet the wound was not impressive because the person probably had full metal jacket M2 ball loaded

proof of what?]
that ive only seen crimes do it?
or that i also do it?
or the d.A. will try to rape u


>Shoot intruder in bedroom
>Permanent hearing damage
>Round goes through the assailant and 5 walls

>actively defending Charles Murray as we speak

>being this much of a ballistics noob

Do you mean a garand in the caliber 3006?
Because I would like to see that.

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Genuinely enjoy his stuff, seems to have a sound head on his shoulders. Have to watch his videos 1.25 or 1.5 times faster though.

Personally, I love him. Started watching his videos before his first mention on Jow Forums. His videos usually feel pretty comfy
But I get he isn't for everybody.

Decent. No Nutn'fancy

He did convince me that .40SW is the best overall caliber compared to 9mm and .45ACP considering it has the power of .45 and nearly the capacity of 9mm.

juries are made up of people and people are far from rational and impartial. people will judge you differently if you shoot someone in self defense with a tricked out AR rather than a side by side based on their inherent biases



Bretty good guy. Some of his videos are a little pseudosciency for my tastes though, and one in particular rustles my jimmies. My favorite guntuber to watch still.
>i keep hearing he brags about killing 1 or 2 home invaders or something, i havent seen it tho
He's killed two that he has admitted to on his channel. Home defensed one guy with a 12g shotgun and took out another for supposedly trying to ram his wife with a truck while she was taking cover behind the bed of theirs with a AR(iirc). State tried to convict him for the second one, details on the first are very scant. he mentions it in passing in his video on HD weapons iirc. He seems to end up in lethal force encounters surprisingly frequently for a civvie, to the point it's almost a little suspicious. Pretty sure he's on like 3 or 4 at this point. Then again im just some little white soyboy who hangs out in the burbs and i've been assaulted/accosted enough times in relatively safe locations by groups of people/those with weapons that i don't necessarily disbelieve him.

See pic related
Lemme ftfy

I keep hearing that
your a fkn homo soi/snowflake that gargles cum

i guess

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The OR State Police beg to differ

honestly this is the kind of video where you have to consider where paul's coming from, similarly to his video on 10mm for defensive use where he places such emphasis on the harold fish case or the emphasis he places on avoiding tacticool defensive firearms. Paul is quite literally a man who was almost convicted of murder for defending his wife, and im sure that this has made him a little hypersensitive to the optics of defensive situations, which unfortunately can be as important as what can be proven in some cases. He probably wonders to this day if he'd've ended up on trial if he'd employed a bolt action rifle or pump shotgun instead of a scary black autoloading rifle. Even if he doesn't he's certainly more aware of how prosecutors operate when looking for charges than the average individual.

I don't think that mixing ammo is a huge deal personally, but then again i've been surprised at the things that became factors in SD cases on more than one occasion.


I was informed this was a meme round and I'm to mock you now.

His videos are top notch as long as you can bear with the gunfire in the background

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my god if
wasn't enough this retard had to push the envelope and say
>anti-white jew
we have reached max post-factual reality folks

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Why would you mix ammo? That's some dumb shit.

I like to think of him as the Alton Brown of guns, but then Alton Brown is the Alton Brown of guns.

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Keep doing it if you want to, just know that what you said in sarcasm, can become the truth in every way that matters to you and your family. Your fate is in the hands of 12 people who have literally no idea who you are, and "thicc skulls be thicc" isn't going to protect you from prosecution.

>I WILL be OK since I am not breaking any law.

Dumbest shit I've read today


This. Including the Shatneresque

>that joe scene
Paul is the man.

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I hope he stays on youtube, his videos are pretty informative (when I can hear him over all the background noise) and hes a real Oregonian too, not that fake and gay hipster sensitive sally faggot shit.