Why does this "Bulletproof Shelter" look like it's more likely made of mild sheet instead of actual armor plate steel?
I seriously doubt a school would or could pay for anything that large that could take anything more than a 5.56
Why does this "Bulletproof Shelter" look like it's more likely made of mild sheet instead of actual armor plate steel?
I seriously doubt a school would or could pay for anything that large that could take anything more than a 5.56
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>penetrates shelter and bounces around inside mutilating anything in its path
I choose life.
>be kid
>teacher tells you to go to office
>lock yourself inside the shelter and refuse to come out
top kek
It's not designed to stop the bullets. It's designed so that when the CIA launch their next school shooting, the kids are all in one place and the casualties are worse. Then when the 'bulletproof' shelter does nothing they can use it as propaganda for a ban on 'armor piercing rifles'.
this is retarded. school shootings happen without warning, last only seconds or minutes, and kill 99% of their victims within the first fusillade. what the fuck is this box supposed to do? if the shooter picks your room first, you are dead. if you have time to get into the box, the shooting will probably be over by the time you get inside there.
>jimmy’s talking mad shit again
>god I fucking hate jimmy
>pick his scrawny ass up by his southpole jeans and take him to the thunderdome
>teacher can’t do anything because it locks from the inside
I like this idea
>parents and schools would rather hide their children behind bulletproof shields than actually try to see what's happening in their lives.
I wonder why so many ill adjusted people are turning to violence nowadays.
It's a political move. Rather than installing actual security measures (IE a couple metal detectors and a few armed resource officers), they can say that "schools are literally doing XYZ, this is so ridiculous. ban guns"
And if a bunch of kids happen to get mowed down because this retarded idea didn't work, it helps their cause even more.
>let me in I was in the bathroom!
Wouldn't it be easier just to reinforce the door? school walls are made out of cinderblock.
More importantly, is Oklahoma the boomer capital of the US? Only boomers would even think of this idea.
If these become mainstream I'm going to tell my children to shit themselves once inside during the shooting. I will kek vicariously through them.
Just like the bucket of rocks.
It's not meant to protect anyone. It's meant to serve as a physical presence to constantly scare kids and remind them how bad guns are.
>Let's group kids closer together so that the shooter doesn't have to actually aim.
No. Just arm the fucking teacher and be done with it or throw in a service man to a school every once in a while.
Also I'm sure having a literal "elephant in the room" and constant reminder of something that is less likely to happen than a lightning strike is in no way feeding into fear-mongering and will not make the children freak out for no reason.
Everything makes a lot more sense once you accept the idea that the government wants your kids to die.
It would be a shame if Chad couldn't make it inside in time.
>that response time
You could easilyshoot multiple kids as they get.
>Public schools
These poor white kids who are born to wiggers that can't afford to put them in a real school ... breaks the heart
Reminder to homeschool your kids.
this, I'm tired of these dumb fucking ideas. The solution is as simple as a bullet sent back to the fucker.
Why does the government want to kill its own citizens
Wouldn't be better to invest 10 billion or so and give each highschool and elementary school 3 or 4 members of the military with m4 and bullet proof vest.
>be school "shooter"
>touch off a couple rounds to start the panic
>teachers & students huddle in corrugated steel "shelters," concentrating your targets in dead ends
>shoot off shitty chinees-made latches to access delicious contents of pods
>toss a grenade into each one before slamming the door shut and enjoy the amplification of the explosion by virtue of the constrained space containing the burst
>scene is later compared to "huge bowls of chunky salsa"
or have the police officers already there actually do their fucking job for once
It's colateral damage to further infringe on the constitution
No I'm serious
Killing your own citizens seems counterproductive
why do you think all these shootings happen right before some kind of bill or election?
as they funnel into the chamber, yes. just keep pour lead down that lane.
it doesn't, it just wants to rule over them with an authoritarian fist. Having kids die helps that reality come ever-closer.
Why do they want to infringe the constitution?
I can do better. Im probably gonna get put on a list for this but
>walk into “school” or wherever this device would be
>fire shots
>instill panic
>people all herd into these bulletproof bunker things
>i bring huge batch of homemade napalm
>light that sucker up, make sure its a constant burn
>literally cook the occupants alive
>Middle school fight club
Just like I dreamed of when I was a boy
How much money and control do you think the politicians and corporations made from all the interventions and war on terror? It's profitable to kill your goy cattle sometimes
>look like it's more likely made of mild sheet instead of actual armor plate steel?
Gee, Mr. Kent, you can identify the hardness of steel just by looking at it?
looks weak. The box is only as secure as the weakest point, the door/lock. If these were truly bullet proof from rifle calibers and could withstand hundreds of rounds they would be expensive as shit. Terrible idea
>lets waste billions of dollars for bullet proof prison cells instead of taking legal actions so people can still have the right to kill school children and shoot people dead in drive-bys
what the fuck is wrong with americans?
More than that, a necessary step to totalitarianism is to kill off the demographics smart enough to consider organized resistance. It's the same as communist revolutionaries killing intellectuals.
something wrong with niggers killing other niggers in drive-bys?
It just wants to kill the ones that are not completely obedient and helpless, and brainwash their children into being completely obedient and helpless.
You just posted the answer.
The box will be used for teacher/student tutoring
you know how I know you havent been in school for over a decade or have your own kids?
no teacher would want to be caught dead alone with a student in a confined space, not unless theres like 5 witnesses present, ie anywhere outside the box
Oh, that's good, too. Let me try one more time.
>"school shooter" scenario
>students & teachers take cover inside metal corrugated shelters
>okay cool
>break door off microwave oven
>break latch off microwave oven door
>insert latch into failsafe mechanism which prevents microwave operation unless door is closed (or latch breaks off inside mechanism)
>cut head-sized hole in side of shelter
>adhere microwave to outer skin of shelter with business end facing in
>set to "hi" and microwave for 24 hours
>microwave radiation ricochets all through the metal structure, causing unimaginable agony before ultimately boiling them alive from the inside
>savor the aroma
This part of my personality is why I enlisted in combat arms.
Look everyone, another no-guns europoor.
>he never sat in class wondering why mike wasn't there and why ms green always changed clothes after mike went missing
>it was all just a ploy to start militarizing our children from a young age
>kids learning basic "how to not get shot" strategy from kindergarten
>kids now go to school in a state of hightened awareness, checking their corners and counting how many heads are in the room with them, eyeing the kid who keeps nervously checking his backpack
>kids being educated on the possibility that hostility could occur at a moments notice, preparedness
>fully militarized batch of 18 year olds pumped out on a yearly basis to fuel ww3 by 2022
>my guns just doubled in value and I sold a bunch of safe queens today for only slightly less than retail
based leftists
wouldn't work, not enough niggawatts
You showed up like 2 weeks ago and its the same 2 images everytime. Your muttmeme collection is pitiful.
Well now your just being silly. We can go again.
>”school shooter” scenario
>shots fired
>people hide in large metal container thing
>shooter enters room
>shooter locates ventilation system to said metal container/ blowtorches a hole into container
>shooter mixes and releases homemade mustard gas on the spot and into the container
can you glow any brighter?
>walk into classroom with retard tent in it
>fire shot into ceiling
>stand there and do nothing as everyone rushes into the tent
>open tent up with boltcutters
>look kiddies straight in the eye(s)
>kill 2 of them
PTSD for life, nigga!
High levels of cortisol result in stunted physical and mental development. You'd be breeding a generation of manlets with that plan.
the doors at all the schools I went to were already heavy solid core doors with metal frames, the walls were cinderblock or other masonry and the windows on the sides of the doors were reinforced with wire
>the boys run inside shelter from desk
>left Stacy pushes in chair after getting up, then runs to shelter
Stacy is going to die. Don't be like Stacy.
>so people can still have the right to kill school children and shoot people dead in drive-bys
I didn't know I had that right
Fucking neato, brb
Manlets make better fodder for the military anyway
>School installs tard hut
>local Dylan and/or Eric shell out the extra cash for .308 AP and a FAL, and 12G slugs instead of birdshot
>Glorious nippon steel imported over a thousand times becomes a coliander filled with tard spaghetti
>pulls fire alarm
and that quickly, every in-class countermeasure is rendered completely inert.
then there is zero reason to let people keep these weapons aside from mutts saying it was written in an old pice of paper
how am I baiting or a cia nigger? all im saying is the new policy everywhere is no 1 to 1 time alone because of all the accusations. Teachers dont even close doors anymore because they might get accused of simultaneous tenticle rape of 30+ students
I feel like this is more expensive than just getting some fucking security guards.
ooh, I've got an idea...
>be me
>Really tall
>tape time delay mustard gas canister in vent of shelter
>walk into school
>Fire off a couple shots
>Set down a fuse with firecrackers at intermittent intervals along it
>Fire two shots
>Light fuse
truly a culture based on obsession.
>poop in the vent
>everyone gets pinkeye
So something that could be accomplished by just locking the classroom door.
Honestly who's paying for this shit? It's never effective and just serves to make neat little videos that NowThis can share like OUR CHILDREN NEED TO HAVE BOMB SHELTERS IN SCHOOL SMDH
>shots fired
>get up fast
>not wanting a friend to trip on the way to the shelter because of my chair
>tactical push chair back while running away
Stacy is the hero your kid doesn't deserve.
Why don't they bullet proof the whole room?
>Chad is the first to get up and sprint inside
>Immediatly locks door behind him
Roasties BTFO
its a fucking tornado shelter retards
>bullying goes down because students force them to be the class gladiators
>be tornado
>tornado up school
>pass over tard hut
>get rekt fgts
>insert witty joke about how the shelter looks like a gas chamber
this is a tornado free zone
[laughs in land of the chosen people]
turned the tables on dem goyims
>be me
>walk into walmart
>bend over to pick up 512pack of oreos
>tornado shows from underneath my red flannel shirt
>17% of the state of Georgia disappears
yeah i was about to say i doubt the military cares if theyre getting a bunch of 5'2" manlets, theyre really good at anything that involves being in a vehicle long as they don't need to lift 6'2" corporal chad out of the VC hatch
little mexicans and flips were the only ones who actually enjoyed being heavy 19ds when i was in
AND a ballistic shelter, retard. Read for yourself, it's on their own website. They even cite (((Sandy Hook))) as a reasoning for creating it.
it's a crock of bullshit that exists to siphon away taxpayer money to a bunch of fucking snake oil salesmen is what it is
>being this mad about being nogunz
and while we're on the subject! this kind of stuff and the constant fucking lockdown active shooter drills and the rest of the fearmongering is exactly why the children want to take away our rights
They obviously meant the Sandy Hook tornado, dumbass.
Well yeah that part too. It's pretty obvious they are capitalizing on the fear mongering to get idiot superintendents to waste hundreds of thousands of dollars of school funds on this.
Kek a tornado at Sandy Hook is just a believable as the shooting.
>100% American steel
Read as 100 % generic import chinkshit delivered to American companies.
I don't know about you but if I had kids I'd want them to fucking run instead of waiting for someone to turn on the meat grinder.
Them lockdowns are bullshit
Obama's staged tornado
fuck Jow Forums, bunch of niggers
this is now a tornado thread
post tornado stories
one time, on a Saturday at grandma's house in WI, the tornado sirens went off and I freaked out and hid in the basement because in IL where I lived we tested on Tuesday, not Saturday
then grandma gave me a cookie
You're trying a little to hard there shill, this thread has literally nothing to do with Jow Forums
>walk into cabelas
>browse tsunami section
>overpriced as fuck and the employees are tards pushing their shitty earthquakes on me
>turn 360 degrees and shoot up a school