Wars where the good guys lost
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Oops, wait, linked the wrong French Revolution
America lost an ally in the Kingdom of France. Republic of France was nothing but an enemy.
>wars where the good guys lost
Stopped reading, discarded.
Russian Civil War
Second world war
Fuck off tankie
All of this.
fuck off back to Jow Forums
ww2 but unironicly
>Wars that the Good Guys lost
WW1, no one can argue this.
>Hating communists is Jow Forums now
I didn't know the entire Western world up into the '90s was Jow Forums
protip: It was
Jow Forums is an anti-commie board.
Yes Goyim, fight against your White brothers while I stay back and tend to my slaves!
The entire South was ruled by a Jewish Elite class who looked at poor Whites worse than their slaves, as slaves were cheaper.
You have to go back.
no fuck off
wtf i love Jow Forums now
The video game console war.
At the very least you should be /hasgun/ before you try to raid Jow Forums.
Shit, replied to the wrong one. Nazis were fucking evil, good riddance that they lost
>copperheads still buttblasted
>not liking commies is strictly for Jow Forums
lol. Fag.
Fucking Jow Forums causing the cold war
Russians did nothing wrong
Stupid American piggu
All of a sudden the fog has cleared, now I can see Hitler was right.
I'm still pissed that I was taught in school that the Lusitiania blew up because of "coal dust"
Jow Forums is basicaly where Jow Forums comes to prepare for upcoming racewar. So is Jow Forums, /diy/ and /out/.
WW2, truthfully
That map is wrong on an insane amount of levels. Starting from the fact that it's a map, and that any force is stated to have a clear allegiance.
In reality it was about 5000 times more convoluted in every way.
>implying it's going to happen at all
>implying it wont happen
>Being this fucking blind
>implying it will
>American civil war
Aaaand into the trash it goes.
Here I was about to start pontificating about Rhodesia
Nah, it's just that in the past several years Jow Forums beliefs have become a lot more widespread. Jow Forums was always redpilled on nigs, though.
Imagine being this naive and bluepilled
i agree with the underlying goal of hitler's germany, but it was poorly executed and deserved to fail. he fucked up so rapidly and demonized himself globally, making such a venture nearly impossible for any future nation.
The plan would likely not have been fully realized, but a very strong foothold could have easily been secured for the movement, one that accomplished the mission on a smaller scale, but without starting WW2, and without eternally damning nazism and any given nation's right to say "we don't want these people in our borders".
simply forcing the displacement of undesirables from germany over the course of nazi leadership, then showing the world where Germany could have gone in the next decade might have raised some eyebrows or provoked internal conflict. it may have even resulted in the nation's decline. we'll never know, because they basically threatened global extermination of said undesirables from the get go, spread themselves thin as fuck internationally, and failed to solve internal conflict before sticking their fingers into as many places as they could.
That's the same with almost every conflict in recent history, tho.
Oh and also
>implying that there were good guys in that war
Maybe in other wars. Not in Grazhdanka.
Reminder communists were just red Nazis
But Nazis were good and Hitler did nothing wrong, so, Communists are good also?
But he's right, that was the begining of the end and set precedent for disregarding states rights and having an over reaching, powerful federal government.
"horseshoe theory"
Why are (((comments))) like this so common nowadays? You gotta be a total newfag if chan culture being on the right comes as a surprise.
ye, shame we didnt get to see the reich. But war was forced by all sides. I could throw some quotes at you but I dont have them saved
Sargon, what are you doing in Jow Forums?
It takes extraordinarily low IQ to post something like this while being a tankie.
Protip: If the Confederacy had won, slavery still would have been abolished by the 1870's-1880's but America wouldn't be world police.
>basically threatened global extermination of said undesirables from the get go
You are completely wrong about that. Look up the Haavara agreement. Not only that, but the American Jewish Congress had already declared war on Germany in 1933.
You are right about all the other stuff, though.
Boycotts are now war declarations? Since when?
>"I've been here since the election imma oldfag KEKISTAN LOL REEEE"
Truman was the epitome of the Eternal Anglo. He just wanted to kill central Europeans.
>Illegitimate puppet state with hand-picked, corrupt as hell American stooge for a leader
Vietnam would've been fine if America would've realized Ho Chi Minh and the Vietnamese in general would support whoever would give them aid and ensure their independence. the chinese would've tried to BTFO the gooks anyway and the US would probably get free brownie points sending them aid then.
as for wars where the good guys lost, if the gerries won WW1 things probably would've been better (less imperialism, no bullshit in postwar germany, communism less scary), but inevitably Britain or France would have some spooky shit go down and France in my opinion would probably have a civil war (the reason I say this is because during WW2 most of the "Free French" forces were incredibly split along partisan lines Life of Brian People's Judean League-style, so much so they eventually had to cancel airdrops since they caused the different factions to fight so much).
also Ahmad Shah Massoud and the United Islamic Front would've kept Taliban bullshit from happening if they won the Afghan civil war.
>green armies were anarchists
whoever made this map is stupid
Chan culture was always pro-freedom and anti-establishment.
I can't particularly blame him
OP post is /thread
German economy was bound to fail without colonies to sustain it, the only way it would go in the next decade is down the shitter. If Hitler doesn't try to grab half the Europe he just gets outproduced by the commies and we have WW2, but Germany falls faster and technically USSR is the aggressor now.
what is the one on the far right? ethiopia or malawi or something?
Hi chi mihn was dead set on communism though, he even attended conferences in France before communism was banned
Yeah, and all left is authoritarian, and all right is anti-authoritarian.
Get fucked kekistani faggot.
can someone tell me why anne frank and the confederate is a thing?
The German economy would have failed by 1938-39 had they not acquired the resources and hard currency from Austria and Czechoslovakia
And? Like all commie revolutionaries he was a pragmatist first and foremost.
he couldve easily industrialized and colonized parts of africa without anyone batting an eye, and they were well on their way to becoming an international economic super power, powered internally by motivated citizens who care for their country, leading by example.
obviously their economy shat itself in the buildup to ww2 and the course of it, but they put the rest of europe and the US to shame with how effortlessly they recovered from LOSING ww1
No, they declared war on Germany and boycotting happened to be the most effective way for them to use their resources to fight Germany. Keep in mind that Germany had taken no military action against Jews at this point, and the congress themselves even said this..
Fucking slit your wrist stormfaggot I hope die in vain trying to establish your ethnostate you retard.
>Genocide is ok if I do it.
I don't see a problem with this statement.
Are you implying there is objective morality?
Jow Forums is non-political, just like everyone can agree on hating commies.
Not a stormfag.
South Vietnam was objectively better off without communist rule. The South had every right to secede, the only reason blacks were slaves was because Africans were the only race actively enslaving themselves and selling each other to White countries.
Not for commies, because they don't have any morals.
They only way commies can argue is by accusing all their opponents of being nazis. What they don't realize is that hatred of commies crosses all lines.
A single tabloid headline is now proof that they declared war? Bullshit
>he couldve easily industrialized
On what resources?
>and colonized parts of africa
user I think you may have missed this whole thing called WWI. Possession of colonial territories was kind of an important point of it.
>and they were well on their way to becoming an international economic super power
Not without any exploited territories they were not.
>powered internally by motivated citizens who care for their country, leading by example
user the economy cannot run on memes. It doesn't matter how motivated your citizens are if you don't have enough resources, production facilities and logistical capacity. You're literally trying to apply idealism to an economy.
>obviously their economy shat itself in the buildup to ww2
No, it was already shitting itself up.
>they put the rest of europe and the US to shame with how effortlessly they recovered from LOSING ww1
This meme needs to die.
> pull out after inflicting several literal orders of magnitude more casualties on your enemy, then negotiating a peace treaty and then a separate conflict erupts years later and the side you supported lost, but the succeeding government reverts to your ideology anyways and even fights a major communist power (like saying the USSR lost WW2 because the wall fell lol)
> a loss
Well he did state that _good guys_ lost, so, no contradiction here.
Uhhh... I'm an SCVfag and pregnant Anne Frank has been a fantasy of mine's since I was 11?
he got suckered into communism because it was the only party at the time calling for an end to the colonies at that time.
And it as an ideology is a good tool when fighting for independence as it allows you to mobilize the peasant masses.
If the USA had demanded Vietnam be freed after WWII and supported it he would have swung over.
Flemish rebellion against france
Flemish border wars between the Austrians and the french
Boeren krijg against republican france
WW I and WW II just so that the frogs are on the losing side
Biafra, they tried to break away from Nigeria once the British pulled out because they are ethnically different from the Igbo that dominate the country.
Except hitler was a socialist, so both leftists killing each other
>Like all commie revolutionaries he was a pragmatist first and foremost.
Ho Chi Mihn, yes. Very pragmatic guy. Castro? Not so much. Che? Not at all. Mao? Complete opposite of pragmatic.
>Yeah, and all left is authoritarian, and all right is anti-authoritarian.
The political compass is literally just a line moving from top left (authoritarian, socialist) to lower right (anti-authoritarian, free market). Everything else may be slight derivations from the line but not by much
World War II
Hitler wasn't a socialist. If he was, then why did all the socialist members of the Party get purged/killed in 1934?
The Civil War
I wish we supported the Emperor instead. Could have kept the nice imperial aesthetic and the guy also dressed like raiden
That map is dumb but you just made me install Revolution under siege again.
>There were no good guys.
Pretty much all the separatists and non democratic whites were the good guys.
Good guys, bad guys, how bout I'm doin none of em
>American Civil War
He was a federal socialist and believed that communism and capitalism was a product of ze jews.
What? Maybe in some alternate universe where the southern declarations of independence didn't DIRECTLY state that slavery was a big reason for separation.
Yankee faggot
They sold us most of the fucking country dipshit.
Further, looser ties to France allowed us to build relations with England, which has been nothing but positive for the US.
Wow I am surprised it's that many
>The good guys were actually the Union army
>le Memri TV muslim humor
literal degeneracy.