Donations to the NRA tripled after the Parkland shooting

>In January, the NRA collected almost $248,000 in individual contributions. In February, they collected more than $779,000.

>They also found the number of people contributing in the seven days after the shooting increased almost 500% from the week before.

Of course CNN says its because people want more gun control LMAO.

>The Center for Responsive Politics says it's unclear what caused the spike, whether it was NRA outreach or President Trump's comments after the shooting suggesting he might support tougher regulations on guns.

Why havent you joined or renewed your NRA memebership?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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why didnt you little faggots VOTE at this past election day? I didnt see ANY of you fuckers cast a ballot.
The NRA has sway Because Its Members Vote. An educated voter is the left's worst enemy.

>I didnt see ANY of you fuckers cast a ballot.
you're an idiot.

Nobody's going to repeal the Second Amendment, folks!

Attached: trump_norris.png (300x283, 249K)

>Why havent you joined or renewed your NRA memebership

Don’t need to, I’m a Benefactor member.

It's like reverse Pavlov at this point.

Trump is objectively the most anti-gun president in several decades.

found the sharia blue poster

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a gun goes off and I salivate dogs?

Trump can't be trusted. We have to hope the monkeys in congress don't lose their balls.

>Bush the first
They all wanted assault weapon bans; Trump did as well, but he rescinded.

Trump is saving America, one trade deal at a time. ISIS is broken and defeated. Russia respects us. Just come and bend the knee.

Didn't Bush Jr let the AWB 1.0 expire due to the sunset clause? He could have re-signed it. Not that I don't think he would be for a AWB 2.0 but I'm just looking for clarification if this did occur during his presidency.

I've heard on here that when he was in office he said that he'd sign a second AWB. I was under the impression that a renewal of the existing law would have had to have gone through Congress again

>is its backlash? is it? could it be backlash? no, it couldn't POSSIBLY be backlash, our agenda is universally loved and tolerated because its the natural state of the human condition if it wasn't for these outliers affecting everything with their outreach and their tweets.

although it might be correct that "do nothing yourself and make someone else do it for you" is the natural state of the human condition for most people because of women and lazy men.

Congress would have had to renew it for him to sign it. He apparently supported a renewal.

Gotcha, thanks.
Fuck the Bush family.

couple that with the fact that the median age at the march for life was 49. Only 10% of protesters were under 18. It looks like the left is to gay to capture the minds of crude teenagers.

Even back then, the NY slimes was trying to make all legal gun owners just the NRA

So why didnt congress renew it?

They seem like nice enough people, just not good leaders


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>A bill will be introduced in the Senate on Thursday by Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California, and Senator Charles Schumer, Democrat of New York, that would extend the ban for 10 years in much the same form it exists today.
Nothing fucking changes

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Well, I wouldn't necessarily say that (since Obama technically wanted far worse but didn't get it), but he sure as fuck has been the most damaging president for gun rights in the past 20 years so far.

For what it's worth, we actually saw gun rights EXPAND under Obama (federally) to a very slight degree. We didn't see jack shit pass after what was arguably the darkest time for gun rights in history (Sandy Hook). And yet, here we are, seeing gun control suggested and passed by Republican controlled governments.

Honestly, having even the most milquetoast anti-gun Republican president is shaping up to be worse than having a supremely anti-gun Democrat president, since Republicans are, by and large, acting in lockstep with Trump when it comes to gun control (as we've seen in Florida and elsewhere). It doesn't help that they're especially emboldened knowing that Trump has an enormous contingent of retards that will defend literally every action he does, and default to calling you a shill if you so much as question a single thing that he does.

I mean for fuck's sake, shit like raising the age to own a gun to 21 wasn't even part of the conversation until Trump brought it up.

They never had any balls to begin with.

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Teenagers have grown up with these loony leftoid teachers trying to brainwash them, and well as being forced to spend eight hours per day up close and personal with diversity. YouTube personalities like Paul Joseph Watson are also really popular among teenagers. On top of all that, kids love games like Call of Duty. The majority of people who marched last weekend were soccer moms and old hippies who have been parroting the same lines about "assault weapons" and the evil NRA since the 90's.

Dumping NRA hate from the March for our Lives to show why you need to donate/join

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They would need 38 states, the Democrats have like 4.

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I am poor. I feel like when I give money, I should get something in return. What exactly do I get in return for my membership?

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I have voted in every election and primary and special election since 2004. Everything from president of these united states down to dog catcher.

I still dont see what I get in return for my money I am supposed to give to the NRA.

This guy thinks he's clever

the fucking irony

Forgot pic

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Too bad those people didn't donate to the GOA instead. The NRA will just keep selling us out. They're the ones responsible for the bumpstock ban and Fix NICS in the first place.

>Why havent you joined or renewed your NRA memebership?
Because i don't want no damn capitalist middle man siphoning off my money to big GUN, we should be promoting armed workers to fight against the US political system, it's all just right wing in-fighting, doesn't matter who you go for, Blue capitalist or Red capitalist?

Neither actually care about the individuals right to arm themselves, the only reason republicans care now is because big guns pays them loads to secure army contracts, and the NRA helps them save face

Capitalism is trying to disarm you.

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When the left tries to meme

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For the grand finale...Reducto Ad SpongeBob!

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I actually like this one

Time for all of this to blowback in their collective faces.

Hope all you anti gunners get it through your tard heads you will single handily make the Dems lose once again!

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Paul Ryan? Really? The Paul Ryan who shelved ccw reciprocity and the SHARE Act? That Paul Ryan?

I am a no gunz. Can the NRA subsidize a rifle for me if I join. Like make it half off because of my membership? That way ots a win win. Manufacture gets a sale, NRA gets a member and another rifle in a gold white home, and I get something in return for my money. I'm just old school and have never given money to a cause. I like getting a product in return. I'm not a big donation type of person, that seems too hippy dippy to me.

>drawing a picture of a tweet instead of actually tweeting it and printing it out on a sign
She's cute, but stupid.

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I don't get all the spongebob memes from this rally.

It seems so fake.

>thots and players

Jow Forums thought this was pretty funny too

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Usually some magazine subscription and a shitty range bag

Because these are the only things they understand - vapid memes with a shelf life of 1 month. I'm so glad I missed the Spongebob generation...which seems to still be going.

Shit memes. But did anyone use /ourbigguy/ Bane?

I know this is bait, but I just want to laugh at the idea of the NRA representing "Big Gun," as if Brownells supplying the US government with all its firearms of something. Sure, companies like FN and Sig get contracts to produce a particular line of small arms for the military, but if you think they're the ones pulling the strings of the military-industrial complex rather than the big dogs like Boeing and Lockheed Martin, you're delusional.

Well, that, The Simpsons, and Harry Potter

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We should use him at pro-gun rallies
>Taking our guns would be extremely painful... For you.

as a member, you influence legislation
as a voter, you influence who your legislator is
if your post was honest, this should not have had to have been explained to you.

THIS seems fake

School House Rock was off the air decades before Post-Millenials would've seen them, and parodies don't count

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Someone make this into an actual flag.

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The woman holding it looks at least 40, so yeah.

Real fucking funny. So when there's a serious war and the draft I'm registered for comes, I have to go fight while these fat foreheaded feminist cunts get to sit on their cow asses?

Fuck this gay earth. We got a shit deal. No wonder young men keep lashing out and killing everything in sight.

I pretty much called it within hours of the Hoggish outrage, the streisand effect never fails.

It sure helps that the kids they chose to lead the outcry were both extremely unlikable from first principles, before we even discovered that Hogg was a lying professional victim.

>School House Rock was off the air

Schoolhouse Rock videos are commonly purchased by schools. I saw them on VHS in school. Until I read the wiki page just now, I didn't know they ever were broadcast, and I am old enough to have seen it.

Any Harry Potter, Star Wars, or Rick and Morty signs?

Hello future school shooter, you are the kind of fella we should be keeping guns off, you sound like a loose nut

You give us gun owners a bad name.

That's probably the only one I actually like from what I've seen so far.

Already posted the on Harry potter sign I found
Lets see....

Here is one where they are trying to use meme magic

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Post your gun, faggot, with timestamp.

The Simpsons and Harry Potter too. These people only communicate in pop culture entertainment. At least the Simpsons has its good moments...or had, rather. People have worked on that show from all sides of the political spectrum, and that's why it worked.

Attached: simpsons.png (640x512, 416K)

>13.3 bullets per second
need me one asap

>Bringing normie facebook memes outside into real life

Attached: disgust.jpg (640x640, 58K)

Boomer memes in a nutshell

That's the cyclic rate of an AR15.

You're like a feminist saying I should have my penis removed because I'm a potential rapist.

Stop trying to ban things you don't like to make the world supposedly safer. Instead decrease the toxicity level of society so people stop thinking violence is a good solution.

They had cannons. They had the puckle gun. The Girandoni Air Rifle. The founding fathers did not mean only muskets. I hate liberals so much

That's the cyclic rate of an M16, not any semi-auto AR you can buy off the shelf from a gun store. Ironically, a new "assault weapons ban" wouldn't affect machine guns since they're already NFA items.

Because they'd get destroyed at the ballot box if the pass gun control under a red president in a red senate and house.

>build time machine
>go back to 1776
>show George Washington an AR-15
>"Oh, I have no interest in using that to fight the redcoats. It's far too dangerous!"
This is what liberals actually believe.

> We didn't see jack shit pass after what was arguably the darkest time for gun rights in history (Sandy Hook)
What? Colorado banned 30 round mags and laws got a whole lot worse in some of the other faggy states like NY.

Tom DeLay was in charge back then and he made it clear that it wasn't getting renewed. Bush himself never wanted to renew it, he was just giving lip service to the idea. Same way that Obama opposed gay marriage in 2008. He was just waiting for public opinion to change.

I'm sorry that i don't believe loose nuts should have access to guns.

It gives all gun owners a bad rep

>That's the cyclic rate of an M16, not any semi-auto AR you can buy off the shelf from a gun store.
Your inability to fingerfuck your rifle fast enough doesn't change that it's the cyclic rate of the firearm.

Oh, I forgot to post this one

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I renewed last night, as well as joined the GOA and SAF.

>Why havent you joined or renewed your NRA memebership?
because the NRA doesnt give a shit about NJ

I know that, but it's deliberately muddling the issue to claim that an AR bought off the shelf from a gun store will fire that quickly. It's not as if an M16 can actually fire 500 rounds in one minute unless you somehow created a 500-round magazine or ammo belt for a belt-fed version. Liberals see that number and assume 500 rounds per minute means 500 dead babbies per minute.


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>I didnt see ANY of you fuckers cast a ballot.

1. you fucking stupid
2. are you saying we should have voted for Hillary, who would has started with pushing another Clinton AWB before Parkland and Vegas even happened?

The '94 assault weapons ban was one of if not the greatest political missteps democrats have made in recent memory. They got fucking murdered at the ballot box in the next election cycle. Republicans got the message, defending against gun control is a hot button issue for their base, if they stab their base in the back over it the consequences could be dire indeed.

>woman is probably 50
>1600s laws
>1800s weapons

at what point do we decide that the first amendment requires bare minimum some kind of 20 question multiple choice cognition and US history test to exercise? she is literally not qualified to actively protest anything

>the tragic school buss.

Walking on thin ice there mister! We dont want to offend the peace loving Islamic brothers.

>Russia respects us
get a load of this guy

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>bring George Washington to 2018
>give him an AR
>tell him that the military has cool AR derivatives that function like extremely fast hand cranked guns
>let him walk around Washington
oh the fucking shit that would go down once people realized he was the real George Washington


And now you understand why the Founding Fathers didn't allow women to vote.

>le puckle gun meme
Ok you guys can have them too. Limmited fire to 9ish round per min.

Pretty sure if you took him to NYC he'd preemptively raze the city when he got back.