What Would you do if you Have No More Access to Smokeless Powder?

Let's say the government bans Smokeless Powder and it can only be obtained illegally through the black market.

Making Homemade Smokeless Powder is outrageously dangerous and a really bad idea.

Would you resort to filling your (non-semi-automatic.automatic) guns with black powder and use cap guns for percussion caps?

Attached: Gewehr 71 84.jpg (758x419, 23K)

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>Making Homemade Smokeless Powder is outrageously dangerous and a really bad idea.
I wonder (((whom))) could possibly be behind this targeted campaign.

cotton, fuming nitric acid, vasoline, acetone.

really the primers are the hard part

The primers can be made with Potassium Perchlorate I heard, unsure how that is produced.

.45 Colt killed things plenty dead before smokeless, it'll do for the duration of this ban.

>fbi and cia isn't even trying to hide their presence anymore

Attached: cia.png (569x802, 563K)

>really the primers are the hard part
not really, there are a ton of ways to make/recharge primers, including some very ghetto methods


is there a specific process to that or do you just mix all that in a soup bowl and leave it in the fridge overnight?

What the hell is Smokeless powder?

Attached: 10gaSxS01.jpg (1578x422, 351K)

If you want your lab to look like the Somme the next day sure. Otherwise it's pretty easy to find cotton nitrating videos and detailed instructions.

I've seen a YouTube video where a guy reloads his primers with fucking matches

>>>Making Homemade Smokeless Powder is outrageously dangerous and a really bad idea.
Yup, and those of us Jow Forumsommandos that survive are going to be cranking it out as fast as we can make it.

Wait, was that supposed to be cautionary?

that's not how Jow Forums works..

Switch to wincheaster 95 in 30 US

I believe that was for .22lr

I thought it was paper and nitric and sulphuric acid

No it was 9mm amd he just shaved off strike anywhere match heads into the primer, reassembled it, and put the round back together.

> Implying I can't just manufacture new barrels

Can confirm this works. Tried using shotshells for the hell of it.

>government bans Smokeless Powder
I use the thousands of rounds I have stored until it isn't banned anymore, which wouldn't take long.

just use tannerite instead

Please stop telling the ATF/FBI what they should ban next...

Hypothetically, at that point you should be getting your ammunition from your slain enemies and their armories.

Be careful with this, I tried it with some of the pop gun caps and had the primer go off as I snapped the shotgun closed. Make sure you are not overfilling and test before filling with powder and shot.

Reminder that you can use match heads for propellant and/or primer.



Depending on where you live the fire codes might limit how much powder and primers you can have, or how to store them. Plus insurance probably has it's rules.

If I have enough primers but not enough powder then ill just make black powder and use it in non self loading rifles (bolt actions, lever action, shotguns, single shots, etc)

If I have more powder than primers then ill probably do some extra hot loads in order to use more powder, and if I have leftover powder but no primers at all, ill probably sell the leftover powder in exchange for complete cartridges or more primers (because then I can just use black powder).

Once I run out of both smokeless and primers, then ill probably use black powder and make guns similar to Princess Mononoke.

probably just buy it from the mexican gangs who will smuggle it in with their weed. where theres a demand, the black market will supply

ghetto methods are best methods.

I have sniders, enfield 2 bands, cap and balls, percussion shotguns, percussion rifles, flintlock pistols, percussion man stoppers, percussion cap makers, etc etc etc

I'd get along thanks

look up tapOcap

Sounds more like you had the primer proud of the pocket

Any difference between the design of a Colt that use smokeless powder and black powder?

I believe the smokeless powder version is sturdier because of the pressure, but I'm curious if there is something more. Like, can the smokeless version use the black powder without problem?

there's some videos on jewtube of people shooting Mauser 98s and other weapons with BP loaded ammo

I become friends with illegal aliens that will smuggle shit in from Mexico.

Autoloaders generally don't work with black powder because of fouling, but revolvers and levergats are fine

We cowboys now

My Gewehr 88 was around for semi-smokeless.
My Webley was designed for black powder .455.
My AK will probably cycle with black powder rounds.

I’ve always been interested to see how 9x18 Makarov handles as a black powder cartridge...

And after about a week of this BS i’d Just go and make some new smokeless powder.

>but revolvers and levergats are fine
That is what I wanted to know. SAA Peacemaker and black powder must be enough for OP.
About cleaning... Let's forget that.