So Russia says it has hypersonic missiles which cannot be intercepted by anything today

So Russia says it has hypersonic missiles which cannot be intercepted by anything today.

Can they be intercepted by lasers? I know, lasers are faster than sound, duh, but I mean, what about the targetting tech? Whatever computer the laser system is married to, will it be able to detect and identify and track hypersonic targets?

Pic unrelated

Attached: m1a1-tankinmo.jpg (902x702, 73K)

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Lasers will be able to intercept, assuming that laser tech keeps maturing. Can they now? I wouldn't bet they can do it just yet.

Lasers can only intercept plastic boats, cardboard drones and maybe tiny slow mortar rounds. Better ask here, it's where laser discussions belong:

>it's where laser discussions belong:
Given that real testing of laser interception against full-sized artillery, rpgs, TBMs, ICBMs and cruise missiles have all been performed, and with the probable exception of ICBMs been successful under test conditions, maybe you should check your facts or fuck off to /v/ yourself? OP's question is valid. What you've described isn't even accurate for LaWS.
Despite the other user being wrong, current laser systems aren't capable of engaging hypersonic targets. Of whats currently deployed, they either don't have the targeting capabilities or are underpowered for the role. This isn't so much a problem the lasers themselves but more to do with targetting capabilities. No point defense system is immune to hypersonic missiles.

>laser intercept icbm

>So Russia says

Russia is the poor kid in the neighborhood who claims he has all the cool stuff but no one is allowed to see it. China is the kid who sees the rich kids with cool stuff then buys the knock off from a flea market and claims it's just as good. EU is the kid whose parents make him wear water wings in kiddy pools.

Read what I said again, "been been tested against". Not successfully tested, just been investigated with real money and facilities. They absolutely have been tested against ICBMs.

The "probable" in the sentence "with the probable exception of ICBMs been successful" was just hedging my bets against a successful test during the early boost phase or something. Afaik there have been no successful tests against ICBMs but there have been tests against them, and successful tests against everything else listed as I stated.

Smoke and clouds defeat lasers.

>So Russia says it has hypersonic missiles which cannot be intercepted by anything today.

The US says this.

Attached: 56757458678436456585697896346.jpg (676x886, 245K)

>"Having" something

So they have, what, 10 of the things? Maybe 12?