What was/were the very first weapon(s) you've ever purchased, Jow Forums?
ITT: First Guns You Ever Purchased
Hi Point C9.
Norinco SKS & Glock 17
CZ75D. still my favorite handgun I own.
M1 Garand
I was given my first few shotguns, and a .22 rifle.
I'd say my first actual purchase was a Mosin Nagant.
After that, my buddy sold me a Hi-Point Carbine in 9mm.
After that, a Beretta 92FS Compact.
I was 16 and I got my grandfather to purchase it under his name
Good choice. Quality firearm. I got like 3 of em
First ever was a Mossberg 590A1 back in 2010. I finger fucked it all day and fell asleep holding it that night.
>RIP that revolver's crane
Haven't bought one yet. I'm thinking of either getting a Glock 17, a 92FS, or a mid-range AR-15.
Plinkerton 22.
In my 18th birthday I got done with school and went to the gun store. I got a kar98k for $280. This was in 2012 when there were still crates of them being imported. I got the one all the way on the left (assuming it doesn’t upload upside down or some shit)
Stoeger coach gun
mosin. still have it too
First gun I ever purchased was a Hi-Point C9.
I had money for a better gun, but at the time I considered shooting to be a frivolous past-time, and I was only buying it to see if I would get my ass to the range to practice with an embarrassing trash gat.
I was considering a gun for home defense after some shit had gone down, but I wanted to be sure I would actually go to the range and practice before buying a good gun.
I sold it years ago and have a safe full of guns now, so clearly I made my choice.
Ive considered buying a Mossberg as a first, are they worth it?
fucking lucky. the status of milsurp in the US makes me weep now.
In October of 2014, I had been 18 for a month. I was still bedridden from a surgery, and had gotten out of the hospital the day before my 18th. My dad called me from work and said "Guess what you just bought!". He had been speaking with a client who was a gun collector, and the client offered dad a 1942 Izmash Mosin in a hard case for $150 cash, my dad agreed, later taking the money out of my bank account. Even thought I don't recommend people buy mosins, I fucking love that thing. Even though I have many more, and more expensive guns, none have made me feel the way that one does. Yeah it's beat up but it shoots straight and will always be there for me. Pic related, this shitty phone pic was the first I ever saw of my baby.
Quick rundown? I'm looking at a older military rifle as my first so it would be nice to know as much as I could
M91/30 Mosin
I can't remember my 2nd
I recall the 2012 import of K98 ... I thought they were all sold at $400 or more.
Major bulk imports of milsurp are a thing of the past, so your only choice for current milsurp outside of auction houses and chance finds is the remaining 91/30s at $350 and up or collectors grade stuff that is even more expensive.
cheap milsurp is kill, and that's actually a good thing, sort of.
Longbranch Lee Enfield No.4 Mk.1, I miss that little beater.
When I was 17, my mom, my brother, and I all bought a mosin nagant together at a gun show. It was basically mine, but we all had a stake in it, and it was my mom's legally. When I turned 18, I went to walmart and bought a maverick 88 with a 38 inch barrel. A couple months later I traded the mosin and the maverick for a c308 and that's what I have now. Still 18.
pic related
Gen3 Glock17
Milsurp has been drying up and the prices have been going up. nuggets used to cost less than 100, SKS for around the same, now nuggets are ~300, SKS for ~400.
K98s used to go for around the same price. now are almost gone. Same goes for milsurp ammo, they are practically drying up to the point where new manufactured ammo is about the same price. the golden age of milsurp is over, whether we like it or not.
I didn't really care about guns until I heard trump was banning machine guns after vegas. I know now that bump stocks != MGs, but it inspired me to drop my tax return on this bad boy
What's the best belt fed host for a single person (i.e. not a squad).
Remington 1858
H&R .32 long topbreak
Would you say to keep looking for a nice SKS or milsurp bolt action like I originally planned or should I just look at other guns?
I would say buy a swiss straight pull before they get stupid expensive, then do whatever. SKS are fine, but they don't tickle my fancy personally.
Mossberg 500 SPX Tactical.
Nice shooting gun, bought it from CA on my 18th birthday.
Keep looking, you never know you might run across a good deal. they are still good rifles and great for learning on, just know what you are getting and the state of whatever ammo you will be using.
There are still some good high quality milsurp, you just have to look harder. I personally think Spanish star model Bs are some of the best deals on pistols atm, with swiss rifles or SKSs coming a close 2nd
Walther p99. Still the best handgun I've ever owned... I kick myself everyday for selling it.
Savage mkII
My first two guns were gifts, a Benelli Nova 20ga and my grandpa's A5 12ga that I inherited.
My first two purchases were a WASR 10, and a Brownells m16a1 that is currently being shipped to my FFL. After that I'm buying a CZ 75 of some sort for CC, when I turn 21 next month.
Maverick 88
My very first gun was a Remington 700 SPS in .308 Winchester. Great rifle, and the first one in a long line of R700's.
Gotten some pistols and semi-auto rifles and shotguns since then. I love my hobby.
was the nova 20 gauge nice?
Interesting ideas. thank you fellas
Why is it a good thing?
Sccy 9mm. Very compact but not that accurate past about 20 yards. Then an sks.
If you mean firearms, it's my Beretta 90-Two. I was in my mid-20s at the time. I wasn't really into guns before then. And then I moved to Wyoming where there's really no state gun laws.
It's still the gun that I'm most sentimentally attached to.
JP Sauer und Sohn Single Action army revolver in .357. I sold it shortly after because I've always loved buying and selling weapons.
Stevens 200 in .223
First gun i bought myself was a ruger p97dc.
Looking to buy that as my first gun, would you recommend it?
ps90. because I already owned a 308 and a shotgun.
>won't overpenetrate but initial penetration is good
> 50rnds
>fun to shoot
>RB6V2 was also my favorite game and favorite gun in game
>fantastic recoil
>what they didn't tell me it had a shitty tac rail on it with "back up iron sights"
>read "shit"
>Got a ring sight though
>ammo expensive
Might look for some custom made ammo online.
I'm about to get 2 handguns, my first hand gun purchase ever. I think it will be a s&w bodyguard because of the subway case, and probably some ridiculous shit for the other. any recommendations, Jow Forums?
Single action army clone was the first
Mom never liked guns so l had to get out of the house first
Different user. Yeah go for it. It is cheap but it does the job. Just take good care for it and clean it when your done.
mosin nagant
in ~2011
for $120
thanks for getting me into guns, Jow Forums.
Marlin 336 W 30-30
Thanks for the advice.
A lot of people have been telling me to get a 10/22 instead, but being a 19 year old I really want to get something that can actually pack a punch outside of target practice before my state legislature can try any shit.
This one is kind of interesting imo.
I was almost 19 and made a friend at work who lived near me too. One day he asks if I want to buy a gun cause he knew I was into that shit. I said sure and the next day I meet him after work in the parking lot and he sells me a Springfield XD9 that was brand new, not a speck of dirt on it. He said his uncle gifted it to him for his birthday (which I knew was recently) but he had bought a different pistol he wanted. So I bought it for 130 bucks cash.
Now, current day me sees the red flags here but 18 year old me was just fucking happy to have my very first handgun.
Jump to early 2014. I am working for the local sheriff's office and have some money, so I buy a bunch of guns I actually want and decide to sell the XD9. Coworker buys it from me for 300 bucks. Last I ever saw of it.
Jump ahead again to late 2015, I'm no longer with the Office. I get a call on my commute to work, I still remember it distinctly. The guy introduces himself as a Police detective and asks about a certain Springfield handgun I sold to coworker last year.
Long story short, after I sold it to that one guy, he turned around and sold it to ANOTHER coworker for 400 somehow. about a year later that guy gets pulled over and the cop runs the serial number on that same XD9 the coworker was carrying. He then comes back to him and says it was reported stolen in 2009 or some shit and he has to confiscate it. So of course, they trace it back to me.
I didn't have much for them because I hadn't talked to the kid who sold it to me since nearly 2011. But that's the day I learned nobody is really gonna sell you a brand new gun for that fucking cheap.
Yeah its a breddy good gun. I got it when I was 10 and its served me well for the purposes of trap shooting and pheasant hunting. I'd recommend it.
Gen4 G19 with tax refund
Chinese SKS
Ruger LCP
Kahr CT9
A PSA/Poverty pony AR15 build
Sig P938
RIA 1911 9mm FS HC TAC Ultra
Rainer Arms Matched billet set (still collecting parts)
L-10 machine 2011 lower and parts (still in work)
Entire history of gun ownership.
>2015, 19 years old
>SLR-107 with quad rail exactly like pic related
Damn that was a great first choice. The quad rail made it heavy as fuck, though.
It's never given me a bit of trouble and seems to be a very robust shotgun. I remember there being a span a few years ago where they were having trouble with the chambers getting rusty or pitted or something, but I imagine that has since been remedied.
Patrician as fuck.
Rem 870 Express 20 gauge in 2009. I was twelve at the time. Was slav squatting when I shot it the first time and it knocked me on my ass. Still have it.
The way I got this was building PSA and various AR 15s that I had scrounged parts from local sales and online sales and then selling and trading them. I then bought a shitty zastava ak and traded that and a shotgun for this. The price was $899.99
My first ever was a Sig p220 after reading several of the Scott Harvath novels. They're actually what inspired me to get into guns at all. Well got the p220 and loved it for a lot of years. Then shot a buddy's USP 45 and fell in love. That brick felt made for my hands so I traded the Sig for one and haven't looked back.
you cant go wrong with a pump 12guage, and the mavverick 88 is the best bang for your buck for >150. if you have a little more to spend the m500 & m590 are some of the best shotguns on the market right now. 12guage is easy to shoot, affordable, and fun as hell. shotguns are the every-mans gun.
10 22 ruger
>mosin was my first
>model 10 revolver
>SAA clone in 45LC
>CZ P-01
I fell for the memes but enjoyed them all and never had any problems. thanks Jow Forums
The AR in the middle. I bought it with no sights and a tan butt. Later I got a different butt and some sights, even got it with a spooky gun show loophole discount.
I just bought 2 for $650 lmao
First gun and first shotgun: Winchester 1300 Defender
First Rifle: Yugo M59/66A1 SKS
First Handgun: Smith & Wesson Model 39-2
Beretta 96.
Nice. 9x18?
same here. bought the mav 88 because of Jow Forums thread.
6 years later Im really glad I did. it's perfect for what I was looking for and is still my home defense weapon.
S&W 629 with a 5inch barrel and full underlug was my first gun, no regrets.
I knew early on it would take more than an entry level gun to compensate for how tiny my penis is. I've since expanded my collection to a pretty respectable and well rounded variety, but damn I love that revolver.
Hatfield shotgun that I've got for $100.
Sadly I'm too late to enjoy the wonder of $100 mosin so instead of larping as WW2 red army soldier, I'd be larping as mexican bandit of the wild west
>629 5 inch full underlug
My Nigga
My first gun was a Mosin, which I like to this day. Luckily I stock piled on ammo before it was expensive.
Second one was a Glock26 which I sold recently. Getting rid of my polymer collection, I'm just keeping the G19.
H&R Pardner pump when i was 14. i saved my pennies and my dad took me to a couple pawn shops after i told him i wanted to go buy a shotgun
PTR-91 G.I.R. was the very first gun i bought all on my own
>keep considering selling both since i can hardly shoot them now
>will never be able to since im a gun hoarder and they are sentimental
i feel ya. I cant sell any of my guns even though im moving and I know im going to have to
Nugget m44. in 2012. Only gun I could cash and carry (CA 10 day wait) at the time and I needed it right then for home defense.
It wasn't working right so I eventually sold it and replaced it with a better one when I really got into guns and got a c&r license. I honestly don't know how many guns I've bought since, as I use to flip c&r long guns before CA laws changed.
WASR 10/63. Still bae to this day.
when i found out my dad destroyed his walther pp super a friend of mine was actually selling their sig p230sl low price fuck ton of extras i keep it around since i never got my dads
>First gun I was gifted, Ruger 10/22.
>First gun I bought myself, Benelli Supernova.
I'd probably get one of the two handguns first. Both are good despite what people say, just go to a gun store and ask to hold both and see what you like better.
After I turned 18 I went innapawnshop looking specifically for a Mosin when they were cheap, but I ended up haggling the guy down to $150 for a Turk Mauser. I also went to the same one and got a police trade in Mossberg 500 for about $200. Too bad the original owner died now all the guns are super overpriced. I saw a Russian SKS for $750 there so I haven't been back.
I had a cheap Balisong that was made of inox steel, edge so sharp that while practicing i cut myself and i didn't noticed until i felt my hand wet.
at first i thought it was sweat, until i started feeling my finger getting numb and saw blood on the floor.
But my mother found it and took it from me.
Then i got another one cheap with alluminium handles, until one day i was doing a simple opening and the safe handle broke.
Chinko-banian sks, looked like crap when i bought it but cleaned up nice with some tlc.
very first rifle was a isapore 2a1, i got it for a relatively good price (around $300-400), first semi was a SKS that i felt like it had killed some GIs
I'm pretty sure it was a Glock 23. I had just turned 18, and you could buy handguns privately in my state at 18. This was 13 years ago so I vaguely remember. My second gun must have been an Remington 870 express that I cut down to 18.5, and mounted a Knox recoil reducing pistol grip stock to. Must have been right after the assault weapons ban sunset. In fact, it had to be, because my Glock 23 had 13 round mags. Third was an SKS. 4th Beretta 92.
Shit. I've had a lot of guns. Now I'm just down to a Glock 19, and AR.
Ever tried 45 super in it?
I bought a PTR-91 and an FNS-9 at the same time.
this is a horrible idea but now I'm going to have this call of the void every time I fire mine
fuck you user
Just read this sorry. Its not pretty its not fancy but if you need a gun NOW and can't afford a 500 then buy it and sleep well. I've shot mine pretty thoroughly and it still has that 500 reliability
Oh and people really overplay shotgun recoil.I'm 18 and 6'1 foot tall 145 pounds. I can shoot it all day no issue.
Bersa 380, got it for $100 off a buddy, got me into shooting!