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Guns come in a variety of colors. But what color is the best color?

Attached: colors.jpg (1127x510, 131K)

I like pink 'cause I'm not a pussy

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Got the OD green of that very stock on sale. Have yet to get the gun though. When I do I'm going to put either Nodak Spud or Tech sights on it. Stainless version of course

>Guns come in a variety of colors. But what color is the best color?
Is wood a color?

Attached: Patrick.jpg (930x709, 128K)

Yes Patrick wood is a color.


If you can keep it clean. White. Tropical Green is great too though.

Attached: whiteaug.jpg (500x375, 22K)

Is hydrodip a color?


Attached: SL8-1_rifle.gif (846x227, 26K)

OD all day niBBa

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Is wood half metal hydro dip a color

Attached: Glock 16 Hydro Dip.jpg (370x370, 48K)

All memes aside, I think a bone-like color might be kind of classy

Attached: Hydro Dip Tan Skulls.jpg (474x298, 25K)

English walnut from the early 20th century

Attached: 6gRCnArh.jpg (500x281, 33K)

Black for components that got hot, since it does a better job dissipating heat via radiation. Other components such as furniture ideally would match the environment

It's still a free country why the hell you want my input on a private choice, you some kinda Snowflake or sumptin?

When there is more than one choice, one of them must be wrong.

That gun is ugly as fuck and you should feel bad

I'm not talking about the tacky skull pattern.

I just like the tan / bone / off-white color.


>Wood and blued steel

>OD and black

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