Fire up another one
Q: my little brother is trying to convince me to help him make home made exploding targets (like tannerite). Is there any legal reason to be concerned and how easy/hard is it to explodiate yourself in this process?
Fire up another one
Q: my little brother is trying to convince me to help him make home made exploding targets (like tannerite). Is there any legal reason to be concerned and how easy/hard is it to explodiate yourself in this process?
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The ATF classifies tannerite the same way they classify black powder. It's completely legal to make and use, just make sure you're not using it somewhere that'll make people call 911 for a "bomb that went off nearby".
its not that dangerous unless you are a complete moron.
it is illegal to transport after mixing the 2 main compounds and also pretty stupid
What's better for general purpose, a single or double stage trigger?
Tannerite is legal so long as you follow below:
>Do not mix more than 5lbs.
>Do not store or transport mixed
>Do not detonate by means other than as an exploding target
85% Ammonium Nitrate
15% Powdered Aluminum
Mix well, keep away from moisture. Must be under pressure to detonate properly. Detonates with rounds traveling minimum of 2000 FPS according to the literature.
is there any way to make it detonate with lower FPS rounds? like a .22lr?
>is there any way to make it detonate with lower FPS rounds? like a .22lr?
SHOO ATF, Jow Forums does not know about primary explosives and explosive trains
Either's fine. I prefer two stage but it depends on what you feel more comfortable with. Have you shot both?
add powdered sulfur
>Is there any legal reason to be concerned
yes and no. Technically doing that is not illegal under any federal laws. check your state laws though to be certain. the real issue is that the primary ingredient for tannerite is ammonium nitrate, a primary ingredient for a whole category of explosives. You should be fine, but possession of AN on it's own is something LEOs would find highly suspicious of if they should find out. Simply adding diesel or RC car fuel in the right composition would make a fairly powerful bomb. ANFO/ANNM is literally what the oklahoma city bomber used for instance. That being said AN is rather safe to work with and hard to detonate, classically speaking it and ETN are considered the best starting points for babbies first energetics as the former can be hard to detonate even when you want it to go off and the latter requires confinement to do anything other than deflagrate.
If you have a clean record and don't happen to possess it at the same time as your state's capital building's blueprints while being pulled over you should be fine.