Does any one knows what helmet this is thank you

Does any one knows what helmet this is thank you

Attached: IMG_0515.jpg (4032x3024, 1.71M)

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Thats a Yugoslav m59. Post the liner and i can tell you more exactly what it is.

Here ya go

Attached: IMG_0517.jpg (4032x3024, 1.7M)

Thats not the liner. Post the inside of it

>post the liner

Attached: 6516516121.jpg (480x270, 66K)

this is why children are not allowed on K

I'm sorry 1/2

Attached: IMG_0523.jpg (4032x3024, 1.81M)

it's the one with the red star on the front, not the back

So sorry

Attached: IMG_0524.jpg (4032x3024, 1.27M)

That's adorable, the liner bands have been tied together rather than crisscrossed to the opposite side.

llooks like the same helmet i wore back in the usmc during operation iraqi freedom. hoorah!

Dank u 4 ur cervix

What the fuck were you doing? that's a steel fucking pot not kevlar or anything the US dropped the M1, their steel pot, for Kevlar way before Iraqi freedom.

Attached: Know_More.gif (627x502, 940K)

That's how the Yugos did it. Legit though, the helmet looks like a repro.

Attached: 4658232.jpg (706x530, 63K)

nobody's reproducing those, it's just nos

Soviet SSh60

Looks like a Yugo helmet

Attached: yugo.jpg (592x592, 89K)

That's a Yugo helmet. I have one too.

Okay, what you have is an older yugoslavian m59, not the m59/85.
Pic related is my m59/85

Attached: JPEG_20171119_164100.jpg (2560x1440, 1008K)

Can confirm, have a same one, though liner is a bit worse. Can post a pic if you really want to.

Damn nibba. Those uniforms look gucci af.

If you are planning to sell, m59s are usually worth a big more than m59/85s. But i wluld wait a fee years for the supply to go down and the demand to rise