What's the difference between a pistol and revolver, and some pros and cons for both?

What's the difference between a pistol and revolver, and some pros and cons for both?

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don't have to tap rack bang if there's a malfunction
shit capacity
usually slower to reload

semi auto pistols
high capacity
quick reloads
tap rack bang if there's a malfunction

Revolvers are really cool. Also, revolvers stee generally availablein more powerful chamberings. .357 is about equal to the best 10mm rounds, then it gets better from there. You can also switch between full power magnum rounds and low pressure target rounds without changing anything about the gun.

Revolvers are pistols
But not all pistols are revolvers

How could you miss perhaps the biggest pro that revolvers have? They're usually chambered for more powerful rounds than semi-autos are. Also, many are multi-caliber. Also, the ergonomics are better since they don't have to design the grip around to fit a magazine.

Overall, I prefer semi-autos most of the time, including for self defense. But in general revolvers are more fun to shoot in my opinion.

>shit capacity

My revolver carries one more round than my mate's 1911.

no one has ever pretended the 1911 has good capacity.
also you probably have like a .22 then.

My 686 has the capacity of a 1911

Revolvers revolve.


Anything less than 10 rounds is shit capacity in my book, 1911's included. If you have a revolver with that many rounds and isn't .22lr, then cool. That doesn't take away the fact that generally speaking revolvers have shit capacity.

7 rounds isn't the same as a 7+1 or 8+1 with not shit mags.

Well I can't argue there.

Negro odds are you won't need more than 3 rounds. Stop LARPing so hard

Its not the bill of NEEDS! Reeeee!

it's still undeniably shit capacity.

Odds are the mere presence of a gun is enough to scare someone away, what the fuck is your point? I don't understand why you're defending the capacity of revolvers so hard. You're only kidding yourself.

R8 in .357 actually.

Attached: Smith & Wesson M&P R8 (.357)-01.jpg (4000x3000, 2.73M)

aver una pistola automatica dispara mas rapido que un revolver , punto para la automaitca
el revolver tiene mas poder en sus valas eso la ase mejor que la utomatica pero actualmente ya existen automaticas que utilisan balas de rebolver porlo que tiene el punto la automatica
la automatica tiene un mallor cargador que el revolver y es mas rapida su recarga de cargador ( si tomo en cuenta los cargadores rapidos que utilisan los revolvers) asique punto para la automatica
la automatica es mas probable que se encasquille a diferencia del revolver asique punto para el revolver
el revolver no deja casquillos amenos que recargues asique no encontraran guellas piel muerta o pelos atorados en el adiferencia de la automatica asique punto para el revolver
en precio el revolver es mas varato asque punto para el revolver
la automatica si tiene seguro a difencia de los revolvers donde la malloria no posee un seguro asique punto para la utomatica

>el revolver no deja casquillos amenos que recargues asique no encontraran guellas piel muerta o pelos atorados en el adiferencia de la automatica asique punto para el revolver
Slow your roll, hombre. I thought lint can get stuck around the hammer spur?

Ay chihuahua

Shit nigger, most 1911's are 7+1 or 8+1 what the fuck are you carrying?

Not him, but trying to compare police shootout statistics to civilian shootout statistics with handguns is bad and retarded. Don't do it. Six is fine if you are a well practiced shooter, but more is never bad.

I like six shooters. They're cool looking. I like to larp as indiana jones.

I want to get one but they never have it without the rail when I go.

This is some amazing shitposting.

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this, and if it's tldr:

a functional revolver will always go bang if the ammo is good, regardless of grip.

functional semi-auto pistols will not always go bang if the ammo is good, because your grip might not be.

I have both so here's my thoughts:

For concealed carry I prefer my kahr pm9. It's smaller than most 5 shot revolvers and it holds 6+1. My g 26 is bigger than the smallest revolvers but it also holds 10+1 so the capacity is great for an easy to conceal weapon.

For home defense I've got a G 19 loaded with a 17 round magazine, a pump shotgun, and a cz 75b with an 18 round magazine. Again, these are all better choices in this scenario.

At the range, where so far in my life I've done 100% of my actual shooting, my 686+ is one of my favorite guns. Everyone that goes shooting with me loves it and I love it as well. 38 special is still more expensive than 9 mm but it's not as bad as the 357 loads. For me, my revolver is a range toy or a gun I would take out hiking in the woods where I might encounter an animal that would need good 357 ammo to put down.

Pic related it's my 686+ next to my wife's model 13

Attached: a gun.jpg (1328x747, 424K)

I like the Webley in Last Crusade.