>stop gunsplaining me
>changes definition of words to match their agenda
This is what leftists are doing now.
>stop gunsplaining me
>changes definition of words to match their agenda
This is what leftists are doing now.
Other urls found in this thread:
Do you understand that set for semi-automatic or automatic fire still means select fire? They didn't change it.
>amending definitions
I didn't know merriam webster was such a fucking c u c k
Did you not read the second part of that?
Or are you just retarded?
>also: a rifle that resembles a military assault rifle but is designed to allow only semiautomatic fire
reading is hard.
The legal definition remains the same for now, but fuck them.
Fucking bullshit, what can we do to change that shit? It's not a community website.
Look at the "also" portion of the definition.
> or looks like a military rifle but only allows semi automatic fire
Reading comprehension. Try it.
To be fair, this isn't a political move on their part, just policy. They have always followed the philosophy that definitions should reflect use, not vice versa, and many people are using it that way. Literally as emphasis, for example.
I knew they were cunts when they changed the definition of "literally" to account for the rampant misuse of the word.
Lets change the definitions of all the words.
>looks like a military rifle
this includes bolt actions in common use
the only solution is Menshevism
If half the population is retarded and half isn’t, who decides that it is better to let the retards decide?
Confirmed, Webster doesn't know jack shit about what words actually mean.
Welcome to deconstructionist marxism
They would include both common definitions, of course.
I have bad news though, only half of the population being retarded is a massive understatement.
Who actually uses faggot to refer to a bloody bundle of sticks these days? I understand where you're coming from, and I too prefer a fixed and regulated language like French, but that's not how things are.
It's totally ok for them to do it though because Orwell was a socialist. /s
Not even that definition, in the UK "faggot" is a cigarette.
*Blocks your path*
Merriam webster is owned and controlled by Britannica. did some digging and look at the owner:
So I can have multiple faggots in my mouth but not be a faggot?
Only in bongistan. Although I don't know if you're an old hag so you might still be a faggot.
>mfw in my state an M24 is considered "assault-style"
Please move, poor fella.
But that has always been the definition. It was that definition decades ago.
>went full retard
Thanks for providing the picture that can be used to help explain your retardation.
You act like that isn't a common thing. It's Orwell in action, control the language and you control the debate.
"Undocumented immigrants" anyone?
Dictionary makes are pollsters. The meanings of words are derived from what people use them as.
Not an option at this time.
you're wrong though.
Faggot is derogatory
Fagot isn't and is what you're referencing
Hot damn. I think we found out how to bait the gun grabbers out. It is like we found THE blot test to identify leftists. They cannot figure it out and it goes against their hardcoded nature.
>The legal definition remains the same for now,
Where is assault rifle legally defined, pray tell?
>definition of assault rifle
>ANY weapon that resembles a military "style" rifle and is capable of semi-auto fire
>YFW Garands will be banned in your lifetime
Can you faggy faggots stop being fags about fagging up the fag word faggot? Unless we can somehow weaponize semen to keep it Jow Forums related.
Get a load of this faggot
>what can we do to change that shit?
Absolutely refuse to accept that usage as valid. Continue to "mansplain" to the "womincompetent."
>This is what leftists are doing now.
Only civil/race war can fix this sort of shit.
Get a wayback or archive snapshot before the change.
These fucking faggots are gonna use this in their msm bs, gotta show them this shit was added for to all the recent faggotry.
Somebody got this? Timing is too coincidental for the changes and the birth of gunsplaining.
he who controls language and children controls the future.
Wrong. Fag is slang for cigarette. Faggot is used the same as in America or it can also be the name of a food.
Snapshot from May 10, 2016.
Oldest snapshot is from April 24, 2009. Guess Webster's always been cucked.
Fug so it wasn't due to all the recent controversy.
For the greater good, we must call you fake news. God speed faggot. May you ride shiney and chrome.
Merriam-Webster is shit anyway. If you want information, you go to an encyclopedia, if you want to become an idiot who uses words wrong, you go to Merriam-Webster.
Wait til they change this one. The Florida cunt is trying to argue that 2A doesn't apply to ammo.
Doesn't look like it.
Trips of truth Mr, Satan
Too bad people will rely on wiki or webster to point out that they are right.
And snopes
Because when something looks like something else it must be that other thing.
carefully explain to them that definitions don't necessarily reflect reality
also tell them that correct terminology very important to legislation
>using the term to define the term
>an assault rifle is a rifle that looks like an assault rifle
As much disdain as I have for Remshit and their bankrupt asses, I really do want one of their "collector" M24 GI bring-back rifles.
Of all sad words
of tongue or pen
The saddest are these:
"Jow Forums was right again."
Wrong, a fag is. A faggot is a meatball made with offal, I had some the other night actually
So if I wear feathers on my head I can get them sweet injunbux? I may not actually be a functioning Indian but I was designed to look like one.
I wonder if this is what being in 1984's memory hole feels like?
By having full auto or burst fire same along with machine guns and SMGs.
I'm not asking what you think the definition is. I'm asking you to cite a legal definition of assault rifle.
>merriam webster dictionary having any credibility after naming the fucking "laughing while crying" emoji word of the year
I'll go with "no," thank you
Which is why you use several dictionary sources.
Persuasive Redefinition, a liberal's best friend.
this.....this is just....I just.......I can't.....I can't do this anymore......fuck everything
It's kinda neat to me how faggot and fascist have the same root word.
This. Oxford ftw