My vote goes to Pakistan.
A runner up would probably be the Philippines.
My vote goes to Pakistan.
A runner up would probably be the Philippines.
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As far as first world countries go New Zealand is pretty uncucked when it comes to ownership
I always wondered what the laws would be like in the middle east (as in the stable countries with rule of law). I recall seeing a video of a Saudi wedding where they were firing gold plated full auto AK's into the air in celebration.
I think guns are so deeply rooted in their culture at this point that they realize they aren't going anywhere any time soon. Their gun laws aren't even very easy going but it seems common for someone to be shooting full-fun enabled m16's and ak's in their own back yard or in the street.
I don't see anybody getting arrested over there for this type of "celebration"
ayyy long live New Zealand hunting culture. Wait a second did this guy epoxy a flashlight to the top of his scope? New Zealand bubbas are a thing I suppose.
Thailand is pretty decent for legal ownership. One of the few SE and E Asian countries that allow concealed carry. Not that people in SEA would follow the laws very strictly I suppose.
First world people really have issues comprehending the concept of legality (including gun control) in our little shithole countries.
It's like you forget that by fucking definition, the less developed a nation gets - the less of an issue law becomes. When you get to about Saudi or Vietnam level, the written law on guns becomes literally less important than how bad this particular cop's day has been, results varying wildly in both directions.
Maybe being brown wouldn't be so bad after-all.
This is a shit thread. After the US, Serbia has the highest gun ownership per capita
OP Here. Why does nobody talk about this? I appreciate Serbias firearms but why does only Steven Seagull seem to notice that Serbia is rad?
Can you conceal carry?
It has about nothing to do with how Jow Forums or >free or >pro-ownership the country is, and largely is about the absolutely godless amount of illegal firearms that ended up in the hands of Serbian populace during Balkan Wars, to the extent that trying to do something about it would exhaust even a much more capable and well-funded government.
>Serbia is rad
It's a pretty fucking poor country, user. Why do you guys always miss that when talking about other countries unless it's India, China, Russia or any other political contender to the West?
No, its illegal to own any firearms
This Serbia's the best. And they don't give a fuck about libturds.
You're an idiot. Of course it's legal to own guns there.
>Serbia: The land of guns
>Historic gun culture
>No one knows just how many illegal weapons Serbians are hiding in their homes. Even authorities give vague estimates, ranging anywhere from 200,000 to 900,000. Experts suggest that those numbers are conservative. The weapons concerned are handguns, assault rifles, bombs - even anti-tank grenades. Add to that another 1 million legally registered sport and hunting firearms, as well as yet another 1 million weapons in the hands of the army, police and private security companies. The internet portal estimates that the United States is the only country in the world that has more guns per capita than Serbia.
From Deutsche Welle:
We don't really know if Serbia is rad, all we know are the memes and vaporwave music videos. To be brutally honest Americans are pretty damn ignorant of what other countries are actually like.
This too
>This Serbia's the best. And they don't give a fuck about libturds.
I feel like you've never lived in a war-torn country. Of course they don't give a fuck about libturds, they don't give a fuck about much beyond making ends meet or moving to a better place.
There are no gun laws, you can own whatever the fuck you want, and there are 60 million guns in a country of 27 million
The downside is you're in Yemen
>war-torn country
It was over 10 years ago . That's ancient history.
So why is New Zealand so uncucked when stralia is worse than Germany and Britain even?
>"Wartorn country"
t.American education
Last war in Serbian soil was 20 years ago
So ancient that even the soyest of soyboys (or local equivalent) still feels himself like a retard if he doesn't keep a PKM buried in his grandma's garden. A war on your territory is not something that just passes like a fad, it leaves economic and social aftermath that lasts for decades.
9/11 was 17 years ago. Pretend like that never happened and caused no shit today.
>"why is US so uncucked when Canada is well fucking Canada?"
Because it's two different countries that don't have that much in common aside from geographic location and some shared history, retard.
>A war on your territory is not something that just passes like a fad
You really are a fucking shit for brains.
>be Pakistani
>carrying AK to grocery store bc fuck it marauders or something
>get turned into swiss cheese from celebratory gunfire at a wedding across town
Great argument here.
Most of the aftermath is just old farts getting buttmad and the kids mostly using it as an excuse to shit talk their neighbours.
As for Economy Serbia is about equal to it's non EU neighbours maybe with the exception of Hungary.
You are trying to make it sound like this great traumatic event, when in reality shit like that passes.
No it's basically Commirfornia with too much waiting time to get a license. There's t actually, one for the person(2 yrs validity) and one for the gun itself(4 yrs validity). You also have to undergo a neurological and threat assessment exam(engineers, lawyers, bussinessmen exempted from threat assessment) them wait for a long time
theres a loophole from those exams though, as long as you have a friend on the inside that will speed up the process
You can choose any weapon(except automatic weapons) but from what i know, semis must only be chambered in .22LR and are heavily taxed(saw an AR costing 300,000 PHP)
On the plus side though, gun culture here is very much alive
>There are no gun laws
Of course there's no gun laws, they don't even have a government at the moment.
New Zealand is better than Australia, but it's still worse than a bunch of countries.
Australia and New Zealand actually have a shitload in common.
You dont have to be brown actually Pakistan a bit of melting pot with decedents of Greeks,Turks,Persians,Rajputs and thier own local groups and ethnicities
so you'll find people the Pakistan Afghanistan region that are tall white with (blue,green)eyes(Pic related)
so all you have to do is learn the language,wear the shalwar (those pajamas you see them wearing) grown a beard and start fucking a goat and you;ll be indistinguishable from an average Pakistani
>My vote goes to Pakistan.
nah, /k is literate
It's interesting that their take on gun ownership is closer to what the Founding Fathers wrote about the 2A than what most modern Americans think it's about.
>Open carry rifles and pistols
>Weapons being sold everywhere
>AKM, M4/M16's, G3, FAL, Nuggets
>No restriction
>People popping off rounds whenever and whereever they want
My vote goes to Yemen but they are having a civil war right now and the prices of guns skyrocketed compared to 2015.
Maybe I will go once the airport reopens but for now it's impossible, since the only way to get into Yemen is by sea or by Oman (salalah airport) and a 6 hour bus journey to Yemen.
Source: I have a friend from Yemen.
You forgot to mention how difficult it is to get a gun license in Thailand, especially for a foreigner. Otherwise it’s pretty chill by Asian standards (handguns, revolvers, and pump-action shotguns are legal, semi-auto rifle above .22LR are forbidden, no hunting but lots of IDPA clubs).
Singapore has in theory pretty decent gun laws that would even allow full auto. But it’s a strict shall issue, so for the average mortal it’s not going to be acheivable.
Burying is a gay meme
That PPShS-41U is fucking cool.
Serbia's gun laws are amazing though.
No they aren't you faggot.
This region does not recover. All brains have left after the fall of Yugoslavia and still do to this day along with manual workers, politicians steal/suck dick for eu money/dont care at all about the country. Region is democratic yet nobody votes, cities are rich but if you go out into the country its all poverty.
Oh yeah and if you owned a fully automatic M2 along with a few fully operational M18 Hellcats with all ammo onboard nobody would care
Better than most of Europe's.
It's on par with a lot of Europe.
You just need a license to own any gun as long as its not a fully automatic. In order to CC you need a special permission within reason. Ammo can be bought by anybody and the only thing police do is require you to inform them of any weapon transaction.
>2nd highest guns per capita behind the US
lax af
Isn’t Finland and Czech Republic supposed to be pretty good for guns?
Remember reading a year ago the Czechs added the equivalent of our 2nd amendment to their constitution