What does Jow Forums think of Colion Noir?

What does Jow Forums think of Colion Noir?

Some of the stuff he says is pretty spot on, and I think he's a good example to lead the minority people on our side of the gun debate, if not convert libs when they see shooting isn't just a white conservative nazi thing.


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I think Maj Toure is a better bet for leading darkies towards us. Colion is too much of an oreo.

That said I think Colion is a breddy cool guy.

This thread again.

He's hilariously incapable of articulating himself and it's pretty cringey when tries to larp as an intellectual, but he seems like a nice enough guy

Nu-Jow Forums doesn't like him because he's a nignog

He relies too heavily on similes and metaphors.

I've seen I think one video of his ever, and it was showing some niggresse how to shoot. he seemed fine to me, but apparently Jow Forums feels different.

He looks kinda like McNig

Best nig

That's pretty racist, t.b.h. but you're right.

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>the MAINSTREAM media

He's still not appealing to centrists or lefties.

I'm going to get shit for this but I have a crush on Colion Noir. I have his #PewPewLife sticker on my car. I think hes one of the most well spoken gun youtubers. When he talks about shooting a new gun for the first time I feel like I'm experiencing along side him, like it's spiritual or something.

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His analogies are worse than peanut butter on shit.

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>urban gun enthusiast

So is he a gun enthusiast who is urban? Or an enthusiast of urban guns?

He will give the pigs a righteous kill for once as he will be an armed black man.

Urban is just a euphemism for black. So, he's clearly an enthusiast of black rifles. Duh.

>black Colin, the black gun enthusiast

Well he flat out said it a while ago.
>keep will hate you purely on the fact that you have guns
That really spoke to me.

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Wayne LaPierre of the NRA here, with my black friend Black Colin, the black gun enthusiast. Did I mention he's black? Because he is. A black man. Who owns guns. Legally. Big black guns.

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Wait what color?

fucking what?

To be fair most people under 30 with degrees in law larp as intellectuals

its probably the money

Pretentious shill but I think he's a good symbol for minority participation in gun rights.

Feels like he's trying to break the black thug with a gun stereotype but goes way too far jerking himself off with similes and over-eloquent verbal masturbation like he's trying to review wine or some shit.

He's a nice guy who knows his stuff and his a great defender of 2A.

But he seems super lonely, all his Instagram stories are him alone listening to music in his big empty house.

Implying old Jow Forums was not race realist.
Implying you can complain while using the term nignog

Implying......dude, that man is a NIGGER. And by being a guntuber he is appropriating white culture.

Law school is the worst. It’s 95% two-faced assholes. Lawyers are 1000x worse.

Cool guy

Daily reminder that during the time 2nd A was written blacks were not considered human.

Founding fathers would be so pissed if they knew blacks owned firearms and used them to commit majority of gun crimes.

In the time the 2A was written, there were free blacks, and slave whites.

Duh. He's a black guy that doesn't do black guy stuff. If he used his guns to rob and kill he'd have a lot of friends.

shills gonna shill

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>race realist
Just call it racist brother. Why can’t we just say racist? That’s what it is.

A few gun channels criticize him as a paid shill, built from the ground up by the NRA.

I'm not sure I trust him. Admittedly I like some of his stuff

Maj is on the ground putting in good work. He has taken a break from social media so I'm not sure what he's been up to lately though.

He had a bit of a name before the NRA picked him up.

these are gold, thank you

He was worth watching before he became a company man.

lawyers are fucking awful. they're programmed to make up bullshit and then believe it, which is why their personality is garbage and you can't believe a word they say.

>talks like he was part of "old Jow Forums"
>can't even greentext

See? This is how you make fun of someone you don't like, not just going NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER like a 14 year old moron.


If you're gonna pretend you're not a newfag then at least try not typing like one.

He's pretty good, I wish we had more shooting competition stuff

Old Jow Forums, like 2006-2008 time frame, had nowhere near as much gun content, and basically no racewar bullshit. There was just as much shitposting, don't get me wrong, just that less of it was in ARG since we didn't have "general" threads back then and more of it was about littoral battle ships, knives, katanas, and imaginary space battles.

implies blacks are considered human now.

holy fuck these are great

Shut up you albinoidal YT

come to think of it, the katana threads were usually pretty racist

>people will hate you for having guns

Sorry auto correct

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I’m an asian gun owner and I try my best to normalize minority ownership because so many other Asians are raised to just digest leftist viewpoints without question. Having basednigger on /ourside/ is great. I enjoy his videos and I like introducing normalfriends to (redacted)tube videos about firearms to help them better understand them. Lefties can’t handle non-white pro 2a citizens because it doesn’t support their shithole viewpoints.

Because race realism isn't racist. Race realism is simply recognizing that there are differences in races, and sometimes recognizing the different behaviours of races.
Racism is disliking other races. You can be a racist without being a race realists, and vice vice versa.

Blacks ostracise other blacks who act white or participate in any white activity pretty heavily.

I think he's one based motherfucker. Don't see why people would hate him.

I think he's a shifty nigger

Most widely watched gun channels are paid shills.

Only when they're told to by their (D) masters.

All youtube channels are shills.

>make fun of
>implying it wasn't admiration
I haven't watched much of his new stuff since he became an NRA spokesman or whatever, but some of his old stuff was fucking great. The crazy analogies may be played out now and I also think that he gave up some creative control over his videos when he partnered with the NRA, but give him some credit. I certainly would do the same if it meant I got payed to shoot guns and make videos about it.

Cool and when you use race realism or whatever faggot buzzword you larpers make up to say that muh white genes, that makes it racist. Just like how "holocaust revisionism" is a load of garbage.

The site peaked when it was anarchistic. Sick of whitegenecucks ruining everything.

He is our token.

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he's awesome. we literally couldn't ask for a better NRA spokesman.

>statistics are racist
>hatin white people be ok doh
The irony is so thick i can chew on it.

>t. triggered commie larper

Your not old Jow Forums asshole. Back to TD with you

man Jow Forums has still got it.

Overrated NRA shill with useless "opinions" who's only popular because he's a nigger.

You do realize the Donald retards are the ones who suck off niggers 24/7 right? Holy fuck newfags on this site are getting unreal.

None cares about your based black dude in a NRA hat.

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G19 and HK91 are hands down my favorite