What oil would Jow Forums best recommend for cleaning a hunting knife?
I've currently got virgin oil but I'm hesitant to use it because of my lack of knowledge and experience.
What oil for cleaning a Hunting Knife?
Mineral oil. It's safe to consume, and doesn't go rancid like vegetable oils do.
do not use any kind of vegetable oil.
it will go rancid
it will be disgusting.
use mineral oil instead.
Anything you wouldn't mind consuming. Virgin oil, canola oil, mineral oil, flax seed oil, etc.
I'd probably go for mineral oil, simply because it's not going to be acidic like some other oils you can get, but basically you just want something to inhibit water from collecting while not in use that is also safe to eat because why the fuck would you dress a deer down with a knife covered in WD40? WD40 is not for eating.
How about Canola Oil?
It doesn't seem like my closest Coles shop sells Mineral oil.
go to target/dollar store/walmart/whatever pharmacy. it'll be near laxatives most likely for like $1-2.
Would Canola oil be the second best option from Mineral oil you reckon?
Assuming he doesn't clean his knives before he goes out hunting, yeah. I've always been taught that you check all your shit before you head out. Making sure the guns function, make sure you have your ammo, make sure your knife is sharp and clean, etc.
I'll try and go for that if I have no other options, I'm currently using a bike and shops are very far away, the closest shop is Coles for me.
Mineral oil is commonly sold as a laxative.
Yeah, but as pointed out, vegetable oils and stuff will go rancid for long term storage. It's not very acidic. Freezing point is like -10C though so I don't know if that factors in to what you're doing.
Safest bet is mineral oil. If you have to, Canola oil.
Alright thanks, I'm just trying to figure out my best options for cleaning a hunting knife because all the shops are VERY far away, I only really have Coles.
if you can't find mineral oil, baby oil I think? works too.
Baby oil is just mineral oil with fragrance added.
This is what you're looking for and it's only in pharmacies.
Wait, how are you hunting with a bike? Are you going with someone else, or is this just because you collect?
Liquid Paraffin is better than Canola oil?
Kek no way, my car is broken down and I'm stuck with using my bicycle.
Why on earth would you "clean" a knife with oil niggga? That appears to be a stainlless blade, it doesnt require oil to keep from rusting. If you want to be nice to your wooden handle get some flaxseed oil. It is a "drying" oil and will protect the wood.
to be clear, you don't clean with oil. I just use like dish soap to clean my knives. the oil is just for oiling it afterwards for storage.
Yeah I forgot to mention it is a stainless steel blade, got it for $70.
I was originally thinking about cleaning it with dish washing liquid but got worried I would rust it.
It's another name for mineral oil.
you don't clean with oil either way, just use dish soap.
Stainless isn't actually immune to rusting, so if you want to put some oil on it you can. but you should be fine.
Could always try and force a patina on it. There are several JewTube videos on the topic. I put a patina on my Opinel No.6 knife because it's a high carbon folder and I understandably didn't want the blade coated in oil. It hasn't rusted on me in the 3 years I've used it, despite neglect.
Not sure if patinas work with stainless though. I'd think "stainless" means it's harder to stain, which is essentially what a patina is.
I prefer good carbon steel over the stainless ones. Cheap, tough, easy to sharpen, takes a good edge.
Thanks user, I didn't know.
I'll keep my eyes out for some flaxseed/linseed oil for the wood, I appreciate it.
I'll probably end up buying canola oil for the blade unless my mechanic finally gets to fixing my car.
I'll keep my eyes out for some mineral oil when my car is fixed.
Thanks Jow Forums !
chad grease
maybe ballistol? it smells weird but its save for consumption