Vermont losing its rights

Ten round limits, UBCs, bump stock ban, and 21 to buy a gun.

Contact the governor here:

Email senators.

Show up in person to the senate.

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Other urls found in this thread:


don't even bother. this board is obsessed with shitty e celeb and weeaboo threads to even give a shit about one of the freest states losing all of its rights. the second amendment will die due to absolute apathy

Why do these threads keep dying? Does nobody give a shit? This state has one of the best gun laws.

>Defeatist cuck

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get back to your /ak/ or ian thread cuck. if people gave a shit the previous thread would have not died at around 140 posts

There are more people in my town than in vermont dumb fuck

Nigger antigun mods are bumplocking any threads that spread awareness.

>waaaaah stop liking what I don't like
I don't live in Vermont. I can't do jack shit.

Send fucking e-mails moron. Call the governor anyway.

>there are.more people in my shitty nigger and spic la creatura infested poorfag state
>therefore fuck a state which is one of the top three states for gun freedom and is extremely white with very low crime!

Yeah, and what happens if the msm figures out we're having people call in from other states? Then we look like cheating scumbags.

There's no such thing as white people


Fucking kek.

You can thank demographic changes when Californian laws are nationwide within four years. All because you morons fell for the "my based right-wing spic and niggers" meme.

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Are ghosts white people?

Anti-gunners do this all the time. They bus people in from out of state and give money to anti-gun movements in a completely different state.

Friendly bump. You can do it Vermontfags.
Don't be idle while your rights are stripped from you.

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Because most of them love the feds and see individual states as an obsolete system.

I mean, they are still doublethinking cocksuckers, but that part is at least consistent with the rest of their narrative.

There literally is. Genetic clustering shows that people from Mainland Europe cluster very closely to each other, hence they can be classified as white.

Or are you one of those dumbfuck leftists who think race isn't real?

Then be strategic and use their own tactics against them. This is how you win wars.

Goddamit, I thought Vermont and Montana were some of the last few proper Merrikeh states with great gun laws. Hold your shit together, bros.

That's not an excuse.

It is you fucking moron. Welcome to war. You clinging to your sense of purity is going to doom our rights. Either fight using the entire arsenal or piss off.

If you're not pure Scandinavian you're basically a nigger. Anglo goblins, eurospics, slavs, Perfidious Gaul and G*rman manlets need not apply.

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If Vermont falls we are fucked.


wait, so you are telling me i can attend the meetings of people who make the law?
i honestly didn't know we could do that.

I was thinking of moving there well not anymore

Right? Same thing for me with NH but after learning a bit more about the state and with the direction it might be going, no fuckin way.

Just a question but what can i attend?

Hardly anyone lives in Vermont, dude

hahahahahaa eat shit "muh based state" faggots. bernie voting useless sacks of shit




More like the mods have 404'd no less than a dozen threads about Vermont by "moving" them to Jow Forums.

Shut the fuck up, shill.

C*lifornians aren't people.

This is what you communist faggots get for keeping this piece of shit around

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Anyone want to guess when this storm is going to blow over? Parkland was ages ago in msm time.

What did you expect from a state that prides itself on "free liberal thinking" and elected Bernie Sanders?

Seriously, gun law threads are not fucking /pol.

If by contact you mean with a bullet. There's no point in trying to reason anymore. Someone needs to grow balls and do what the second ammendment is meant to do. But face it you're just gonna send a useless email that's gonna get put in a spam box, or a phone call answered by the secretary. At the end of the day, the second ammendment is just a licence to shoot paper.

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>lose youtube
>have average gun viewer fall from ~100k per video down to 235 per video
>lose airline support
>lose advertisers left and right
>now lose Vermont as well
kek, the left won.

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>there's always the rest of the internet, something will take it's place
>we never really had "support" to begin with. Anyways, the NRA will shop around and someone else will pick them up.
>it's a heavy liberal democrat state, people who didn't see this coming were blind

They say they're winning, but it's not necessarily true

Jow Forums will be to busy shitposting to care about this anyway

I lived in vermont for a while and i knew this was going to haooeb eventually. Hippies and other liberal scum flock to burlington ans now have far more political power than the rest of the state due to low population density. They also made pot legal recently which will lead to large amounts of brown migration. Rip vermont you were great while it lasted.

and a lot of those companies are losing HELLA MONEY from their retarded virtue signaling. YouTube will be no different. The NRA also gained a FUCK TON of members because of all this fuckery. They will continue to gain more, that stupid bald Cuban lesbian is the best NRA membership/Gun salesman since Obama.

>that stupid bald Cuban lesbian is the best NRA membership/Gun salesman since Obama
Nah that would be Hoggwash.

>bald Cuban lesbian
I'm impressed by how much of a lesbian feminist stereotype she looks like.

He is at least attractive.

Vikings are just sea hobos, if you can't trace your ancestry to Rome you're just one of the fucking barbarians

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Bump for freedom

Shoo shoo, shill.

If this shit really hits the fan, you Vermonters are welcomed into Maine.

And then the process begins in Maine. We never learn.

I think Oregon said that once to Californians...

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Lol no he isn't. He looks like a dried stalk of grass

Hah, have you ever been to vermont? It's NYC north full of faggots and swpl retired boomers.

I mean, we should duck with them regardless, but, you want to save NE - rural Mass, ME, and NH are the only good parts left

t. ugly jealous fatass

The guy is 8/10 easily.

What's to say those areas won't follow the same path? I live in RI, and I want to move, but not too far. I'm worried NH will fall into the lunacy


They'll all follow. Jow Forums's absolute denial and cope never ceases to amaze me.

Is the only hope the fucking midwest?

I just want to know if these laws will have a grandfather clause when gun control inevitably gets passed in my state.

Fuck you, got mine.

Come on Vermont fags don't be all defeatist on us. Join the Senate session and voice opposition whenever possible, I'll be doing my part by emailing and calling from California.

the mindset that poisons the well.


Fuck off David. You're a filthy fucking commie crypto-kike and your entire family glows in the dark.

Lol goy pls, you will become a felon overnight

Shitters tried to ban priavte sales in Maine like a year ago, but the measure was shot down. Maine has been trending blue though, so it's only a matter of time.
Invaders from the south and doing everything in their power to destroy northern New England.

Both NH and ME trended a little redder in the 2016 election. I wouldn't lose hope yet. It will be interesting to see howbit looks after midterms

Reminder that Mitzi Johnson (NY Transplant of course) is doing everything she can to railroad this through the senate and keep anybody from commenting on it, up to and including refusing to allow for tallying votes for and against it.

RIP Maine

I thought they said they weren’t going to do the magazine limit?

Western ri isnt bad but its getting pozzed at an alarming rate due to providence and other libtard immigrant strongholds. Eastern ct and western ri need a seperatist movement.

Why would Vermont take gun rights away? They have basically no mass killings. It's really weird that states so far away from areas that have school shootings pretend as though they're affected by them and enact laws in response, despite the fact that they are distinct regions.

It's almost as if a homogeneous, well educated populace doesn't kill one another. What a weird idea.


It's almost as if that homogeneous, well educated populace is being deliberately disarmed, hmm.

You know why this is happening, right?
>Vermont is one of the least violent states in the Union while also having the most lax gun laws
>Some member of G-d’s chosen people looks at it, recoils, and says “Oy vey! We can’t have that!”
>Stuff this legislation through via sketchy means while hopefully nobody notices
And people still think there’s no conspiracy regarding gun control

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the ex-governer of Montana, Brian Schweitzer, is looking to advance to DC, has been going around the circuit promoting gun control and speaking in favor of banning bump stocks.

you are a huge fag

Even the LEO are on our side:
www fagbook com/vtdigger/videos/10155696511343918/


So it passed. And that turncoat Scott will sign it, I'm sure. Guess I'm moving to NH.

>sure we may be socialist, but Vermont has the best gun la--

, should've included this in my other post. There's got to be a way to fight this if it passes. Take it back to court, etc. I thought we had a rabidly pro-2A lawyer in VT, he's the go-to guy for self defense cases and such.

Welcome to the cuck list, this shit doesn't get repealed. Turn in those mags boyo.

Learn to read. It's not illegal to possess hicap devices, it'll be illegal to sell them. Which means nothing, since there's no way of proving I didn't purchase this mag years ago, officer.

This does not belong here...
Take it to Read the sticky before posting next time.

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>tfw I’m just a well armed nomad at this point. Chasing fleeting gun rights down the yellow lines until I’m murdered by some faggot state truppen on a rural highway one night.

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we still *technically* do, see . We also still have constitutional carry, no waiting period, and the new age limit means nothing, since you can take your hunter safety course and get around it.

Emailing a senator does little compared to calling up their office aides and politely informing them of your opinion.
>Vermont has no gun crime to speak of. All this bill does is sacrifice the rights of your law-abiding constituents on the altar of political correctness and we, in Vermont, fought a war over that sort of thing in 1776.

Where will you buy them when they're banned from sale everywhere?

Fuuuuck. I'm next door and VT was my escape state if the massholes fuck us up.


NH? The internet?

To continue this thread of "how to affect governments on a state level":
Canvass city council meetings. Contact your city secretary and get it a point on the city council agenda (at least a week before the meeting) to discuss an official letter of recommendation to [senator/governor/congressman] regarding your rights as citizens of [city/state]. Go in organized, with a small presentation (poster board, outline of a speech founded on personal experience (emotional) and historic precedence (fact/legal). Keep it short and respectful of everyone and their time. If it's on the agenda, they can vote on it. If they vote to send the letter of recommendation, provide them with a sample so they'll basically just have to change the city name, sign and send in their letterhead (if they have it).
When you've got some 13 cities sending official letters of recommendation, unified around a single message, it can force a politician take notice. If he disregards the letters of recommendation, you can ask the local papers to push an article saying that "he don't care about our city. He completely disregarded our Letter of Recommendation"
As always, be courteous. When asking the secretary to pencil in your agenda item, you might ask if there's anything in the city's bylaws that would prevent this from moving forward. If there is, just tell them to nevermind, strike it from the agenda, and then thank them for the consideration. It's better than waiting through an hour of city council meeting, giving a 5 minute speech, and then them saying "Uh, cool speech bro, but we don't do letters of recommendation. Our bylaws forbid it. You just wasted everyone's time."
Sadly, this won't work for Vermont this week. Not enough time.

Its almost as if a homogenous, well educated populace turns liberal

Mods here are absolutely retarded.

I've also noticed that if I follow their link to Jow Forums, I can't reply to the thread anymore.


You know, thats a real good point
Having a peaceful community of gun owners puts the lie to their narrative. So they go after the one place, VT, that fits that mold but is also maybe liberal enough to pass it.

Whatever you need to tell yourself

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Yeah Vermont is bursting with non whites that's what's going on here