Post your favorite camos, argue when others call it shit. Designs welcome.
Camo Thread
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Begin M90 posting
This site has great info on camo
I love woodland.
Why do the Russians wear uniforms and gear in US patterns? Wouldn't this be a bad idea in a war with the US?
A war with the US would be such a shitshow in so many other ways, I don't think they care about that very much.
Deep down all Slavs are Americaboos its a true fact besides if you have same camo with enemy enemy has more likely chance to engage in friendly fire xaxaxaxaxa
It's wild that the most futuristic camo came out in the 90's
those windows must suck to replace when they get cracked
>all Slavs are Americaboos
Can confirm. AMERICAN gun guys jerk off over Gorkas and Soviet/Russian gear because it's so different from what they're used to. Russians do the exact same with US/NATO stuff.
Source: living near Russians
If the windows on that are cracked you're probably gonna need to replace the whole MRAP, takes a bomb to break those.
Then where's the US repros of Russian patterns?
Only ones I know of are Red Dawn KLMK and if you dyed UCP a dark green color it would probably look somewhat like digiflora. But where's my US made Izlom/Skol/Dubok/TTSkO?
That's not an MRAP
Unless you're using MRAP as a descriptor of the type of vehicle.
And bulletproof glass actually cracks very easily.
t. muhreen that stood between ballistic glass and afghan kids throwing rocks
And even then it's just a variant of a camo from the early seventies.
I'm not sure if this is well known, but I've looked at my M90 through my NVGs and it's NIR resistant.
Bump in the night
Im a sucker for grey. I love the anti terrorism police in the UK
can confirm: something like the soviet-afghanistan war is less interesting to me as a slav cuz it's been talked to death throughout the years here but something weird like the us military in say vietnam is interesting because it's alien
>fuck yeah tiger stripe
>desert stripe too but maybe less so
I am literary attracted to this camo
I love it
But it's so out of place, i mean what the terrain where it would actually work?
Brainlet here, what camo pattern is this? Can't find it anywhere
I've loved this pattern ever since i played through the metal gear series
Why did the soviets put bunnies on their uniforms?
A made up one maybe?
Well if the Aussies can put dicks on theirs then why not
Anyone ever designed a camo pattern?
I'm thinking a video game would be a good easy way to prototype. Any realistic-looking games that are easy to mod?
Any other ideas?
Do want. How?
Whatever camo the IRA used