I live across the street from a bunch of dope boys

I live across the street from a bunch of dope boys.

What's a good flash bang to buy that works outside?

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Fat Man.

mir tactical

The ATF considers them DD's (yes for real).


no they don't if they did/were you couldn't buy them in fucking walmart

that being said the atf considers a can of gas ad a box of matches by a grill a destructive device and constructive intent

There are non-dd "flashbangs". Ive seen one that used blank shot shells and a horn over the crimp to make redonculous bangs. No blinding effect, but a big enough boom for permanent hearing damage.

This is a CO2 operated device


Wait, you think the ATF considers thunder b's a fucking desteuctive device? Are you a fucking retard?

If the flashbang has more than 1/4 ounce of explosives (AKA, any non airsoft-tier shit) , than it's a DD.

>more than a quarter ounce of explosive
>carbon dioxide powered
>carbon dioxide is an inert gas
user...user, we need to have a talk...

>Completely misses the point

>CO2 flashbang

Why would you waste money on this?

Read. The. Reply. Chain. I recomended a shotshell bang device. user said they were DD's and THEN stated they were co2 powered, implying that AIRSOFT GRENADES were DD's according to the atf. Shotshells do not have a quarter ounce of powder. That would be a 110 grain load. You could toss shotshell bang nades all day long and the atf couldnt so shit. They would also be ballpark 160 decibels.

To be honest I missed the first CO2 post, But I never claimed that it was a DD in the first place.

Constructive (((intent)))
Oh boy. Here we go with this shit again.

>more than a 1/4 ounce of explosive
>(AKA, any non airsoft-tier shit)
You know Military/LE stun grenades use about 1/6th of an ounce of flash powder, right?

Make your own out of 90% potassium chlorate and ten percent aluminum

Do you know any recipes for growing crystals?


Add baking soda if your going to store it, you dont want acids anywhere near chlorate, and never use sulphur with it

These are CO2 powered noise makers for airsoft

Just throw pipe bombs in their house for violating the NAP

Buy the largest mortar firewerk shells you can and rig up a shoulder fired rig out of rebar and PVC pipe. That'll teach those junkies to not fuck with my dog when she's raking a shit.

I like the way you neighbor, neighbor

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>neighbors refused to sign the NAP
>nothing but irradiated empty lots around and me

Non-signatories are not protected by the NAP

ATF website says no more than 50mg of flash powder for consumer fireworks.
The m84 flashbang contains 4g of flash powder. Neither of these quantities are anywhere near 1/4oz.