1911 Adoption Day

107 years ago today, on March 29th, 1911, the M1911, .45ACP sidearm became the official sidearm of the US Army.

Post stuppen powah memes

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If I were to want to buy a nice 1911 that wasn't some Kimber overpriced crap or Dan Wesson tolerances-tighter-than-your-asshole bullshit, what would I get? Does a budget around $850 get me there?

If its not a classic A1 that was used to nigger-ize Nazis or gas gooks, its not worth it

Tfw not a fan of fuddy five but like 1911s

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Ave 1911

Still looking for an aluminum frame doublestack though. Read something about les baer and some para p14-45 though that sounded close.

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Springfield armory loaded.

>giving money to companies that fund gun grabbers
That's gonna be a no for me, dog

Then I guess you're out of luck, given your criteria.

They have them in 10mm

Brandfags will probably shit on it, but Ruger's SR1911 is good in my experience. The example I recently inspected was actually better than the Colt Government model being sold in the same store. They had comparable levels of fit and finish, but the Ruger actually had a properly tuned extractor right out of the box despite being less expensive.

What's wrong with .45?

For some reason I thought the Ruger 1911 was around $500. I'd heard good things about it and don't irrationality hate Ruger, so I'll keep it in mind, thanks.

Those 1911’s are junk now. There are better ones out there but they’re massively over priced

Why not buy used?

Because I want a nice shiny 1911 to beat up on my own. Nothing against used guns, though. 5 out of my 8 had previous owners.

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I just prefer a greater capacity for my fullsized handguns. Just my preferance

Not a fan of meme calibers either

That’s respectable then. I’m getting a used Springfield for 600, that’s why I asked.

>In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
>With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me.
>As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free,
>While God is marching on.

Old girl is still keeping men free. Today is a good day for a cleaning.

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man it is really that time again for the M1911's Birthday

Taurus does two guns well: their M9s and their 1911s.

I got a PT1911 that comes with a nice beaver tail grip safety, picatinny rail, 3-dot Novak sights, full length guide rod, ambi safety, and lowered external extractor NIB for $500. It's accurate and soft shooting and I can't recommend it enough.

I'd also recommend a Ruger SR1911 or a Kimber Custom II, they're really nice and also fall within your price range.