Why are AR-15 owners the most retarded race?

Why are AR-15 owners the most retarded race?

Attached: ar15 rage.png (1970x1446, 504K)

Glocktards are up there too

I think it's all the polymer.

Attached: ar15_Woody.jpg (2000x1500, 836K)

Because they know, deep down, that Ubermensch use Minis.

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t. fudd

No matter how many times I see it it never fails to impress.

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For me it's the haters that express their blatant faggotry shitting up this board daily.

i think this is very subtle communist subversion, you are trying to villainize ar 15 owners

Attached: communist subversion.png (626x677, 188K)

Because we skipped school to fuck your mom, vatnik

Hi PTS shill

>knocks you the fuck out and stomps your brains out
>wipes your brains off the bottom of my boot

Bye PTS shill.

That is some sexy shit right there

ok thats nice

Why do I love these so much?

AR and Glock owners are just overwhelmingly plebeians.
Not all are that way, but you'll inevitably find them at much higher rates if they own those guns.

Because you're a retarded faggot. AR-15 is an awesome platform. Some firearms are better for specific other uses, the AR-15 is great for what it is. Go fuck yourself with whatever meme gun you feel is the only one you'll ever want or need.

>being this mad
You don't even own one do you?

>Because they know, deep down, that Ubermensch use Minis.

Attached: breivik_comfy.jpg (395x392, 23K)

>wrong, Übermensch use whatever gun they prefer

Attached: HCAR-33.jpg (2083x2083, 191K)

Most furries don't role play as cringy or edgy as your autistic ass.

>doesn't even get the comic format right

The left can't meme

Fuck the raid but at the same time, there's a reason I don't stick my head into the ARG thread or go to that particular forum for ar15 guys.

Prick a shill
Bleeds degeneracy
Checks out

Fuck off back to facebook cunt.

go cry on cabellas customer support hotline loser faggot bitch

But a retard would not own an AR especially at these low prices.

Go home Glomar, You're drunk.

>Glock 20 owner
I like my Glock that holds nearly 3 revolvers of .357 per magazine thank you.
>A2 master race
Cause carbines are for POG's.
So POG that they jump into the enemies rear echelon.

the way it should be

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Fuck you!

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I own a damn springfield saint, my only degeneracy is putting a eotech 552 on it cunt. Sit your meet ass on a dildo and die there for your parents to see.