I've had this idea that won't leave me alone for years...

I've had this idea that won't leave me alone for years. Is there anything illegal about owning and sailing a warship as a private citizen?

If not I want to crowdfund a warship, preferably a battleship. It wouldn't be frontline materiel, so we could make it much cheaper than the government can/should by cutting some corners and just being more efficient. Put a large berth in and we'd bypass the need for that private island we always talk about.

To my understanding it's perfectly legal to manufacture, carry, and operate destructive devices as long as they have the ATF paperwork...even torpedoes, cannons, rockets, etc. My understanding of maritime law implies that as long as we don't enter other countries' 12 mile coastal waters there's no problem.

Come larp with me Jow Forumsrewmen, tell me your shippy/weapony desires

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They are legal but you will never be able to afford and crew it, a modern submarine would be cheaper.

>I've had this idea that won't leave me alone for years. Is there anything illegal about owning and sailing a warship as a private citizen?
So long as you aren't acting as a pirate or a threat to a US ally, probably.

do you have any fucking idea how expensive those ships were and still would be? you know how big the crew was?

why do you faggots think they were cheap. the royal navy was the majority of britains gdp. it was the only way they could afford to keep those megaliths afloat.

I think it would be easy enough to find volunteers, especially considering this is mostly a "fuck you" gesture to the gun control mob.

As far as fueling I could see a mix of wind/solar power to charge battery banks, probably couldn't run 24/7 but it would be much cheaper.

I agree, we wouldn't harass bystanders except in self defense and most countries have very restrictive gun laws so we couldn't enter their territory anyway (without violating point #2).

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Delusions of Grandeur

They're too expensive to maintain and people are expensive to maintain, even volunteers.

>I think it would be easy enough to find volunteers,
Trained and skilled ones willing to do the shitty jobs for free?

I think a Jow Forumsommando tried this a few years back in Canada and got arrested. Although if I recall he wanted an oil tanker to make a floating Jow Forumsompound
>pic not related

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OP is underage and an idiot faggot.

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Putting aside the costs -- which are so enormous, most countries can't even afford the type of ship you are proposing -- what are you going to do on the ship? Shoot your guns? Living on a ship is boring AF and there's a reason why most people in the Navy absolutely hate it

He thinks it is cool because he gets to be captain, he will change his mind if he is made to clean shitters and chip paint for 16 hours a day.

Why are we still here?

what would happen if they shot that hill with the 16" at that range.

>I think it would be easy enough to find volunteers

yeah, just stop being retarded

I probably wouldn't be captain, I've only got some small craft experience. Obviously part of the daily activities would be to maintain the ship, but we could also do excursions to us-owned or uninhabited islands, do public tours in free US states, shoot floating targets, make youtube vids...idk get creative with it.

Since we don't have the same standards as the military it could be much cheaper to build than what other countries have historically had to pay. Still a ton, but hence the crowdfunding.

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>I think it would be easy enough to find volunteers, especially considering this is mostly a "fuck you" gesture to the gun control mob.

yeah, sure they will. and volunteer not to eat anything either.

>As far as fueling I could see a mix of wind/solar power to charge battery banks, probably couldn't run 24/7 but it would be much cheaper.

you are literally out of your fucking mind if you think either one of those power sources are viable for this project.

>I agree, we wouldn't harass bystanders except in self defense and most countries have very restrictive gun laws so we couldn't enter their territory anyway (without violating point #2).

the atf will point blank fuck you and you don't have enough money to fight the federal government in court over it.

HE, big boom
AP gets embedded in sand and may or may not detonate..

>idk get creative with it.
Yeah no, you're no different from a 12 year old fantasizing. In the first place there isn't much you can do legally as a civilian in the but it's clear you have no way of turning this into profit either. The only way you'll get this done is if you were some absurdly Bill Gates tier richfag and even then this project will hemorrhage money faster than a stuck pig.

Remember, no matter the size of the boat, the old saying still applies: "The two best days of having a boat is the day you buy it and the day you get rid of it"

>it could be much cheaper to build than what other countries have historically had to pay
lmao wrong, the military has the countries shipyards and industry to design and produce parts, not to mention raw materials by the tons.
What do you have? A lathe and CNC machine in your garage? Have you even been on a warship? The absolute size and weight of their machinery isn't something "crowdfunding" can cover.

>I've only got some small craft experience
Then buy a sailboat or a fishing boat and be content with that, if you really, really want a boat.

They need to bring back privateering

>ywn crew a Gearing class with your boys off the Horn of Africa, raiding Chinese ships and blasting khat-niggers

O’ Captain My Captain

My dad did a tour as XO of the New Jersey. Man I loved that old bucket of bolts.

>a chinese submarine surfaces just beyond horizon momentarily to launch several drones with orders to hunt and kill

>150lbs of explosives
>big boom

those shells weren't actually that powerful. they were a symptom of the technological limitations of the time.

Worth it

Cause lets be honest the US government might hire us to raid Chinese shipping but we'd spend all our time blasting nogs.

>nobody's yet posted the greentext about the Jow Forumsarrier
I'm simultaneously disappointed in y'all and excited that I get to share this

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There are maritime security companies that protect ships from pirates, not exactly the same thing but if you wanted to jack some pirates for their AKs and RPGs no one would probably mind.

he wanted an oil tanker, but settled for a leaky canoe and an unpinned sks. He got life in a native housing unit in leaf supermax. He was stabbed, eaten and his blood was fermented and consumed fueling the largest native uprising that leafs have seen in thirty years.

>those shells weren't actually that powerful. they were a symptom of the technological limitations of the time.

Explosive payloads haven't really improved all that much in heavy artillery from WW2

I say don't go full 16" since it doesn't really buy you anything, especially given the advancement in powder and steel strength. Maybe a nice 6" to 10" barrel with an extra rifle per turret.

Shipping security could be a legit gig to make money, maybe whore ourselves out to friendly/neutral countries with no navy to speak of. But I think you could make a decent living just renting out berths to tourists who want to sail a battleship without joining the navy. Oh yeah, my idea is to add a 200-500 berth area for infantry/tourist housing somewhere...what the navy tossed around in the 80s/90s

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>heavy artillery

which is why ships no longer use heavy artillery.