Assault Weapons Ban of 2018

Thoughts, Jow Forums?

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may as well not even try

Seems like a political post about a bill proposal at Congress. If only there were a place where people went to post those kinds of things.


Hopefully it'll hurt the Dems even more, don't think it's gonna pass either.

If it does pass, it's 1776 Part Two.

Think we're good in either situation.

you know damn well its going to pass and you know damn well nobody is going to do shit about it.

>A barrel shroud.
The shoulder thing that goes up?

That would mean hundreds of McVeigh's and Kaczynski's overnight (that sucks)

And you damn well the police won't dare try and inforce this shit because everyone will be eager to gun down the moment they knock on the door

String-pulling and astroturfing will get this to pass, against to vote of the people. It'll be annuda Shoah

Those evil threaded barrels.

>“(xxi) UMAREX UZI rifle.
Damn man, they even listing airsoft guns in this one.

shoo shoo shill

This isn't 1994 where owning an AR15 is some rare outlier

It's the most popular rifle in America and thanks to Obama there are 15 million them out there.

that's not even counting all the other scury salt weapons like AKs that Obama did a bangup job of marketing to the American public en mass

you do realize other assault weapon ban bills have been drafted since 2004 right? It's unlikely it'll pass, but it's still worth keeping an eye on.

This is an actual pipedream for dems. Get this fucking nonsense off Jow Forums.

>inb4 shark shill kike faggot(kys btw)

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Can't wait til something like this actually passes and the internet mcveighs throw a fit online but do nothing.

How long before they make a Hughes amendment for all other nfa items?

These retarded ass bills come up every 6 months. Keep telling your reps to burn these stupid bills.

All my reps are bought and paid for.

While you are correct, a lot of them are in the hands of the general middle aged American male and the Boomer.

What do they always say? That's right.
"Fuck em, I got mine."

>introduced a literal (((fag)))

fuck off neckbeard

so? people are too pussifed to do anything in today's day and age.
if the government says jump, everyone says "how high"
its over.

This, they cant pass this shit yet, maybe in 2020 or with a really blue congress in '19 but not now, buy your shit while you can though

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Fuck off

If this passes, which I don't think will, but if it does, will undoubtedly start Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo. As many people have put it, it would be a pretty determined win for the Rebels, whether it's a united Confederacy or just a bunch of militias pissed off at the government. TL;DR: if this passes I genuinely think it'll be the beginning of a restart for the country.

This happens every year my dude, if Sandy Hook didn't get us a federal AWB we aren't getting one now

my point is that if it does, no one will go against it because everyone is a pussy.

>any shotgun with a revolving cylinder is a semi-automatic assault weapon

wont get past house of representatives, you can be assured that. it would need 218 votes (a simple majority) to pass, and then it would need a supermajority in the senate (close to 60) to pass there, not to mention avoid being vetoed by the president. it's been referred to a committee to be considered and amended, but I doubt it'll get past that my dude. many people don't realize that 218 votes are pretty hard to get, especially since our current congress is majority republican (and the senate too, for that matter).


it doesnt have a chance in either house of congress like the 9999999999 other AWB bills over the years

>pic related, us when this fails miserably

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>it doesnt have a chance in either house of congress like the 9999999999 other AWB bills over the years
Exactly, they keep putting them up because they want to be able to say on TV that they tried so hard to put an end to gun violence but those damned idiots on the other side of the aisle wouldn't listen.

Goodbye circuit judge.

Why in the blue fuck are they antagonizing Republicans before the midterms?

All they had to do is stay in their echo chamber and keep the base frothing at the mouth. With the unaware, complacent Republicans they would have won big. Now I'm not so sure. Republicans I'm seeing are at least as fired up as during the election before this shooting. The Russia-McCarthyism thing was a gnawing annoyance, but they were still very comfortable. Suddenly Trump turned into super Obama, they freaked out, Democrats voiced their deepest desires and freaked them even more. Now Democrats are pushing a national anti-civil rights campaign over the bodies of children, while simultaneously using obnoxious children as a political shield, and introducing the largest gun ban in US history with huge Democrat support in congress. The Republicans I'm watching are now fully alert and some are fucking ballistic at this point.