Hi, I won on gunbroker and am trying to get someone to ship me a rifle. He keeps asking for a copy of the FFL license I am using. Where do I get this info? Do I have to have my FFL guy send it to me or is can I find this info online? Thanks

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have the ffl you're having the gun sent to send him the information.

are you the same guy who made the "how i buy a gun thread" or something

you send it to an ffl. to thank him for his service you salute him and pay him in cash. this shit doesnt show up at your house.
so get it sent to an ffl and have the ffl dealer mail/fax/whatever this guy his license to prove hes legit.

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Go to your dealer, who should always be a FFL and tell them to be the receiving address for your rifle.

use Gun Broker to help you find a local FFL.
Call FFL. Tell them you would like them to transfer a firearm you bought on GunBroker.
Then yyou give them the details of the seller for them to send their FFL info to the seller.
Seller sends gun to FFL once info is sent.
FFL calls you later to come fill out 4473.
You pass NICS check, you pay FFL transfer fee, you get gun.

Why did you make an uninformed decision?
You should feel bad.

are you sure that responsibility falls on me? I don't want to make an ass out of myself and go up to my FFL (who I barely know) and say "hey you, call this guy and set it all up for me while I lay back and do nothing"

Also, since GunBroker sellers usually sell a lot of shit, you will need to have your FFL email something like "Here are FFL details for Stupid user's GunBroker Purchase #345342q895734865720495732145 thank you"

1. it's generally a good idea to okay things with your ffl before buying a gun
2. sending the guy his info is part of why you're paying them a fee to do things for you.

Holy shit, they(the FFL) usually do this all the time. They are making $20-30 just for receiving a firearm via USPS/UPS and you filling out paperwork and them calling or running the NICS check on a computer. This is the easiest money they make and they love it.


ok thanks. I'll walk down to my FFL in the morning (he's like a block away), give him the contact info of my guy and they can take care of it

I hope he's going on vacation and makes the process difficult for you for being a dumbass.

no problem, friend
what did you buy?

swedish mauser
would it be wrong for me to ask my FFL guy for a copy of his FFL license? Is it illegal in any way for me to possess it?

Typically you need to get an email address or fax number from the person selling the firearm and give that to your FFL. That makes it easier than getting your FFL to call them. Your FFL will know what to do with it.

For what?
and nice gun

Give FFL guy the info of your purchase.
"Hey FFL guy, Its me, Stupid user. I bought this GunBroker #24524354235 stupid fucking Mauser from GunBrokerSellerGuy. Can you send GunBrokerSellerGuy your FFL info and run the transfer for me? Whats your transfer fee? Oh, only like $30? I'll gladly pay your fee. Thanks FFL buddy."

what the flying fuck

You need to do some research in life before you do shit and throw your money around so poorly. Sort yourself out user jesus christ.

I'll give him the phone number and email address of the guy, he can choose I guess
$470, they typically go for $400-450 but this one was clean as shit. I got a good deal
fuck off, I've done a transfer before but it was from PSA where they had everything on file and it was all taken care of. I was not expecting this

>fuck off
you made the thread instead of just looking it up or asking a gun store or the guy you bought shit from or reading "getting started" on gunbroker
this is a great place for information but being independent and gun ownership go hand in hand.

you chose to post in this thread and get angry by my lack of knowledge on a particular subject. so who is the sucker

I meant
>for what?
to getting a copy of the guy's ffl license.

nvm, I don't know what you're asking
I'll just have my guy do it all for me

i also answered your question but think you need to sort yourself out instead of being unable to answer basic questions and now you're mad because someone is telling you to fix yourself. k
you got your answer, just learn to do a modicum of research going forward

fuck off

user, do us all a favor and don't vote. On anything. Ever again.

Not even him, but fucking kill yourself. You could have answered your own question in less than 2 minutes of searching.

fuck off

I have a copy of my local shops FFL.
I made a bunch of copy's to send with money orders when I buy guns.
It makes it simple when the seller gets money order and FFL copy at the same time.
Gunbroker checkout asks for the FFL number, I just type in the number and it pulls up the stores info- but sellers want a hard copy for their records.

Some shops wont give out copys- usually in large city's or places like California where someone transfers in a gun that's illegal and they get sick of dealing with that.