>not owning steel shot protection gloves
The absolute state of Jow Forumsuckmandos.
>not just shooting them
those are called "sap gloves"
>advocating gun violence
Fuck off Jow Forumstier-tard.
Go back to r•ddit, commie cuck
still illegal in jew york and commiefornia
what did the roblox dude do to get the medal?
genuinely curious how sap gloves are for tacticool gloves
I use a pair of old MX gloves right now
Do abos still gang fuck a rotisserie chicken when they receive their welfare check in stralia?
How about those Sudanese? Gang raped your women yet?
Iraq vet.
>Discreet and concealed weapons that can't be traced after use are illegal.
>your brain on Jow Forumsfaggotry
apparently upsidedownland has to use a special blend of gasoline with fewer aromatics due to the abbos huffing the fumes
oh damn. Thank goodness some of these brave soldiers are being recognized for all the sacrifices they made.
As I am a second generational Sudanese and this is a no flag board I find this really offensive. I'm all G when I'm carjacking, I'm not like the others I don't get caught.
Jk, fuck off you Jow Forums /jp/sy Jow Forumstard shitheel.
Read 'black medicine a dark art of death' and study physiology books.
Resistance training punch speed.
Anyways guess I'm out.
is ponyposting allowed here?
Yeah, sure.
Did you say "yes sir" or "yeah, sure"?
The snozzberries taste like snozzberries
littering and POSTING THE PONIES
It's okay because it's a cute mecha.
these memes are epic bro!