How would Jow Forums handle a Red Dawn scenario where NK starts parachuting in its troops and occupies major cities. Bonus points for solving the problem with the South Americans invading Texas.
Red Dawn Shizzle
I would sit back and wait. Let's say hypothetically even if NK had the strength to invade the US they couldn't occupy it. They would be restricted to keeping their forces in the city because they would be ass raped by Cletus and friends anytime they set foot outside. Inside the city however, they have to deal with Jamal and friends which will be more of a nuisance than anything. In conclusion NK has no reason to invade because they gain nothing meaningful from it
You mean the USSR right? NK is shit.
>red dawn
>north korea
Fucking hell. Come on, op - even your pic is the original red dawn.
OP you're thinking Homefront.
I live in ND, they don't even know we exist.
North Korea is not in a position to become that powerful, nor will it ever unless China gets completely fucked over
Wait for them to burn Hollywood to the ground first so at least some good comes out of i
Obviously join our new masters and drive the capitalist pigs from America OP!!
shoot them as they float down initially. they can keep the cities just IED all the roads in and out. snipe off any attempts to detect and diffuse the IED's. ambush their supply lines and steal what can be carried burn the rest.
seduce them to fuck
>they would be ass raped by Cletus and friends
literally or figuratively? or both?
I live in rural Texas so I would probably just chill and watch them get absolutely destroyed in the summer since the norks have never felt 90+ for months at a time and every other person here has a major chub for this exact situation
I would welcome them with open arms and rat out my shitty neighbors, cops and city council staff as counter revolutionaries. Then, with my commie credentials in place, my rise to power will begin.
T. Cletus
I don't think I've ever seen red dawn
worth watching?
My scenario is better than Red Dawn
Skip the remake it's horrible.
>How would Jow Forums handle a Red Dawn scenario where NK starts parachuting
If it is with Russians then I laugh and send in the troops because American troops believe in freedom, liberty and diversity. Transgendered marines will make mincemeat of evil white Russians.
But if it is China then we are doomed for China is far superior in nationalism and genetic makeup.
>Traditional Characters
Fuck off to your shit island KMT
I'm definitely joining the Chinese. I've always felt I had more in common with them than anything.
>Red Dawn
While Hollyjews were making these BS movies and scaring the idiot goyim with MUH RUSSIANS, mexicans invaded the US, conquered it, and Americucks haven't fired a single shot to defend themselves. They just took it in the ass like beta faggots and now they'll lose 1A, 2A and the country as a whole. Bu they always play alphas in the movies while they're betas IRL.
Red beans.
I'd get the stiffest, biggest boner of my life.
Rush to load ALL my AR mags.
Die of a heart attack before I make it to my truck because I'm fat as fuck.
You should listen to comrade putin on your jew obsession
Kinda corny but good for a jingoistic warboner.
This better not get deleted, mods have been letting /leftypol/ shit all over Jow Forums.
Just let them take the west coast and terrorize all the anti gunners, after they had their fun, take it back with armed citizens and tell the anti gun fags “I told you we need guns.”
Depressingly accurate
This. They'd come prepared for a military occupation. They wouldn't be prepared for what happens when millions of feral protohumans' benefits suddenly vanish.
It would be interesting to see how they would handle it. But the rest of the occupied population would suffer for sure. Meanwhile in the country it would probably be fine. Likely lots of urban refugees. Just shoot any bipeds darker than a light tan and you'll be fine.
Trips of truth.
>inform for the Russians because I speak Russian
>acquire full auto slavshit
>defect back to the American side
>How would Jow Forums handle a Red Dawn scenario
Rob gold bullion vaults.
Join the Russians.