What's it like to have a transfer processed by an FFL located at some dude's house?

What's it like to have a transfer processed by an FFL located at some dude's house?

I was looking up FFLs near me and saw on the map that it was practically in my neighborhood.

I've picked up guns at legit gun stores before and they charge $40 for the transfer but according to the shitty geocities type website this neighbor has, he only charges $20.

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Other urls found in this thread:


weird at first but worth it.

Please elaborate. Does the homeowner just open the front door and lead you into the basement?

>Applebloom cosplay
Die you fucking Barneyfag

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.jpg (307x156, 30K)

Another person, but basically I came in. Talked for a second, filled out the paper work, handed him $15 dollars, and walked out. Don't overthink it.


Or more likely kitchen table, resulting in the term "kitchen table FFL."

You enter the guy's house, fill out a 4473, chitchat while the NICS check is processed, pay him and leave with your gun he already received by mail.

Easy, simple, cheap.

Other than inviting you into their home, it's no different than an FFL with a leased strip mall space.

I don't get it. What would possess a person to invite strangers into his own fucking house for business and publicize his address and make it known to all that there's no doubt that the house is jam packed with guns n ammo?

Usually kitchen, living room, or dining room. Do a 4473 on a laptop. He gets your gun from his safe and brings it to you. But becoming buddies with them is nice because they can order you stuff that you can't find or keep you updated when they buy rad things.

You need to do a certain number of transfers to maintain the FFL

the only place i buy my guns now is a home based ffl and we sit in the lawn chairs in the front yard with guns on the table for the world to see and just talk till we both finish the paperwork

They make money doing it, usually they are armed, and at least mine doesn't have a very large stock on him at all times.
Also this

Save money and meet a potentially cool person. It’s worth it. Odds of being underestimated and your organs sold off is almost nonexistent

>that pic

A trap?

His house is jam packed with guns and ammo. Good luck getting in

Just recently discovered a local house business run by two guys. They do cerakote work, CCHL classes, transfers, stripped lowers, hide-a-gun builds, and just started doing defensive pistol classes.

I took their first defensive pistol class and a CCHL class for a large discount. Friend is doing a Sig 365 transfer through them and will likely buy a hide-a-gun cabinet from them. One of the two guys who runs it is a veteran and a student at the local university with us.

Went in not knowing what to expect, but it has been super chill.

pretty sure it's just some kid

A male kid or a female kid?

looks legitimately like a girl under 12 to me but now days who knows

Easiest/fastest purchase ever

The original trap as it were before faggots appropriated the term

get beaten into shit you fucking degenerate

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Fucking bleed out you piece of shit

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I recently went to a range that was inthe basement of a surplus shop. Following gun people into the basement isn't always that bad.

I have a buddy who does this, he basically just runs a small business out of his house. He does FFL transfers and recently got his NFA paperwork. He'll order in guns and optics that he is a dealer for at cheaper prices for friends and family. I'm sure it would be strange the first time if you didn't know the person, but I just call him up and let him know what I would like or who he needs to send his FFL to for a transfer.

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>Recognizing cosplay
Bruh it's a girl in a T-shirt. How is it pony?

I said Applebloom cosplay. That's the character.

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I was a "kitchen table FFL guy" for years prior to Clinton and Co. Was a legal and reputable dealer. Received firearms for neighbors and friends etc. Always above board. Always on site only, not monkey business. Probably a hundred transactions per year so quite small time. Did it for my convenience mostly. Able to buy anything at wholesale, the distributors didn't discriminate against the little guys. Wishing that I'd kept it going. Divorce sort of ended the fun, grrr. We didn't carry a huge inventory so we could do transfers quite cheaply.

So you know a character and can recognize cosplay from the show. Sounds like you're a closet pony fag.

My FFL does transfers out of his home for $10-15. He's one hell of a hoarder, but a nice really guy. Big fan of broomhandle Mausers too.

Plenty of people run small home businesses that can't afford an office

My FFL guy is a basement FFL. $15 for rifles and $20 for handguns when most places charge double that. Also I swear he goes on Jow Forums.

Guy I use for transfers is like this.

Just a normal residential house, in his basement is some glass cases with guns. Always feels wierd just walking out after a few minutes in this socermom suburb and loading a rifle length box into my car.

Some guys do it for the idealogy. Like they don’t believe in charging 59 dollars for a transfer so they get their FFL to charge a minimum fee.

You know, it's funny. The other day I was looking up FFLs in my area, since I'm in a small town (albeit one that's hosting a rather large university). I found one called "Redemption Firearms." I saw that it was only a few blocks away from where I lived, so I walked over to it, and found that it was actually some dude's house. Walked away and figured the site must've had some old defunct entry in there.

So I guess maybe that guy really was an FFL?

Any tabletop FFLs from Vegas lurking this thread?

>look up FFLs near me
>see a "xxxxx Family LLC" with a zip code known for wealth
>google maps
>mfw it's a fucking palace

Legit? Maybe the guy running this one is only doing it for easy access to guns because he clearly doesn't need money. Think he would charge the bare minimum for transfers?

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Why wouldn't he be legit?

Dealt with such FFL dealers before, and they don't do it out of necessity, they do it largely as side-hobby that they personally care about.

Firearm owners looking to help other firearm or perspective firearm owners isn't anything new, and is more the status-quo than not.

I like guns and I like money, why would I not?

>and publicize his address and make it known to all that there's no doubt that the house is jam packed with guns n ammo?
As opposed to having a location in a strip mall, which doesn't have its address made public, isn't jam packed with guns?

Shit's in a safe either way, retard. If it's in your home, you don't have to pay rent for a storefront, and you get to provide armed security for your business 24/7 rather than just during business hours.

How did you even know?

>cookie cutter mcmansion
>it's a fucking palace
your trailer park roots are showing.

Kitchen table FFLs mainly do it as a way to make their hobby less expensive, rather than a way to earn money. They don't typically charge much because they need to conduct enough transactions to keep the ATF from revoking their license, and it's difficult to get customers when you don't have a storefront with regular hours.

Call them up, have a chat. Ask what they charge.

>palaces are nice

I understood that to be a comment on how gaudy it is.

The guy near me has a webstore. I ordered an ar lower and when I went to do paperwork and pay, he knocked $10 off for no reason. Good dude.

My first "kitchen table" FFL was an older, retired guy that did transfers for fun and people to talk to. Really a pretty cool dude, also did sonic cleanings in his basement. Once I moved, I found another guy that was closer. Retired LEO that did them out of his basement, also really cool and loves to talk about whatever you've purchased. Has his wife bring you food/drinks while you fill out/process paperwork. So I'm at 2 of 2 for good experiences thus far.

All I'm doing is letting people know when these faggots are shilling so that others can call them out on their degeneracy.

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Can people with an FFL use it to order stuff for themselves, as long as they're exceeding the minimum number of transfers to maintain the license otherwise?

You're not supposed to use it for the purpose of collecting.

>All I'm doing is letting people know when these faggots are shilling so that others can call them out on their degeneracy.

But it's e-drama. No one with a life gives a flying fuck. Get outside more often eh?

So just to be clear. To be 100% on the up and up, an FFL holder would go through another FFL for guns they're buying for themselves.

No, but you need to be profiting from your business for it to be a legitimate business. You have a license to sell guns as a business, not a license to buy guns for yourself wholesale.


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and die in pain

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lol, my FFL's house would pass for a meth den if he stopped mowing the grass

I've done it at a climate controlled storage unit before. I think that's the best way for small time FFLs to do it.

>Barneyfag is back
Jesus, you just don't die, do you?

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Yep. Learned my local FFL was actually a prof at my college.

I have an FFL dealer just like that OP.
>Show up after my gun arrives, ring doorbell
>He answers, I say I'm here to pickup a firearm I had shipped here and he lets me in
>His desk is right next to the front door
>I pet his 3 tiny doggos that came running while he finds my paperwork
>Get my stuff signed, we talk about the gun, some local ranges, I inspect the gun and box it back up
>Get up and leave and drive one neighborhood over back home
It went alot better than expected. He is not very knowledgeable at all and I made a thread about him trying to tell me to "harden and anneal the barrel by shooting at least 100 rounds on thefirst day", but hey its local and cheap.

Absolutely. But be aware that kitchen table FFL's have a much harder time signing up with distributors and are way down on allocation lists.

Not true, there is no requirement to make a profit (good idea though because IRS). You only need to be "engaged in business".

I’ve bought a couple of guns from a store that was like that, but they got so big they had to convert the front room into a little store counter. Pretty comfy boutique experience, you make an appointment in advance, you are they only customer there, both times I would buy something.

This is some 1950's-level comfy right here.

The guy I went to was great. He built AK's at his house and was really friendly, just read reviews and make sure he is decent seeming and you should be good to go.

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>Clinton and Co.
user, how old are you?...

Think of it like going to a gun shop without over 9000% MSRP on NCStar optics, BO, and cunts.

Most are chill AF guys and so much better than a retail shop.

I live in rural Virginia and a local does transfers out of a shed in his backyard. $25, when the big guys typically charge $50. Turns out he’s best friends with the county sheriff, has get togethers and such. Cool guy.
I message him that I have a gun incoming, he calls when it arrives, we arrange a time, I show up, shoot the shit for 20min, then I leave with my gun.

Stay mad you insecure noguns faggot. Ponies are dope.

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Go back to /pol Lee

t. inner-city apartment-dwelling mong

My favorite is when the kitchen table FFL merges his transfer business with his day job.

In MD we have a place that started as as an independent gym nutrition supplement store where the owner got his FFL and even now that he has a busy gun retail business he still charges only $20 for a basic non-MD BS transfer. He also runs "Two for $85" Anderson lower deals.

>publicize his address and make it known to all that there's no doubt that the house is jam packed with guns n ammo?

When's the last time you heard about some gangbangers looking up home FFLs to knock off?

When's the last time you heard about gangbangers trying to ram a car into the front of a gun store to get past the metal bars?

Bleed out you piece of fucking shit

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the one time I did this, the guy was a disgusting hoarder and had like three dogs so there was filth everywhere and his retarded dogs kept trying to sit on my lap. his hamplanet buddy was sitting on a chair and didn't say a word, just made that fucked up loud wheezing sound fatties make when they're trying to breathe.


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That's not true. There is a determination letter out there somewhere that a home based ffl can be obtained for the purpose of collecting if zoning otherwise allows the business to exist. This is what one of the FFLs that is currently issued in Washington DC is based on (Also held by a gun control proponent who was very adamant he make a political point).

>Applebloom cosplay
Die you fucking Barneyfag

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Speaking of transfers and 4473s does having a carry permit allow you to skip the bullshit form whenever you want a new gun?

It was pretty chill. Called before showing up, showed up, shook hands, went to his reloading den, all through in under 15 minutes.


Go ahead and find it, because that's one of the first things they ask when you apply. You must be "engaged in the business".

"Under federal law, conducting business “with the principal objective of livelihood and profit” means that “the intent underlying the sale or disposition of firearms is predominantly one of obtaining livelihood and pecuniary gain, as opposed to other intents, such as improving or liquidating a personal firearms collection.”"

No, you do a 4473 every time you get a gun.


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Well shit. Heard somewhere that you could use your permit to skip past the bullshit form and save an extra 15 minutes.

Pretty fucking rad. Guy walks out and says "follow me in through the back door, I have to keep this one closed due to my roommate's rottweiler doesn't like strangers". go in to his kitchen/living room and he's got his weight set in one corner, posters of women with big tits on the wall. We sit around bullshitting about carry ammo while he calls it in. If you have one near you, do it.

Hey Lee, come to /v/

Hey Lee, come to /a/

Maybe some states have their own quirks, I'm not sure. Or some states could have their own background check system that might be tied to permits.

Honestly they should change the whole thing to be like the Swiss background check system, would save time for everyone.


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I appreciate your hard work.

Fuck you you little shit. This board is for adults not fucking toddlers. Just because you're 18 and 3 days old doesn't mean this is some hip new site for you and all your butt buddies. Jow Forums has been a board since 2004, meaning people who were only 18 when it started are now 32. Stop thinking you are the first to do everything you do, the world has been spinning a long time and you are not the oldest and coolest person in the world even though you may be the oldest in your high school.

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MLP queers fuck off

Some people do it so they can order things you can't without an FFL

Maybe the dude wants machine guns, and became a dealer so he can go full retarded with new guns.

Quads called it


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he is most definatly a choda


Look again. This is how gun journalists can receive firearms from manufacturers, but not maintain a business presence.

Apparently the Violence Policy Center also has a FFL.

>>publicize his address and make it known to all that there's no doubt that the house is jam packed with guns n ammo?
>When's the last time you heard about some gangbangers looking up home FFLs to knock off?
>When's the last time you heard about gangbangers trying to ram a car into the front of a gun store to get past the metal bars?
We had four or so gun stores get rammed in by a group with a stolen jeep in Colorado over the past year, actually

that really isn't applicable to anything really as it's a niche part of ffl licensing and requires a lot of documentation to prove you're job as tester/evaluator. my cousin tried to do that since he had a website that did "reviews", regional atf director took about 90 seconds to say no.