*POOF* That gun you always wanted is now legally in your possession. What did you get Jow Forums ?

*POOF* That gun you always wanted is now legally in your possession. What did you get Jow Forums ?

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A Yugo M76 with an original full kit. Pic Related.

Fuck I love shorting 8mm though.

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Mateba Autorevolver, just because I could never justify spending money on this.

This badboy right here.

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>Mk.23 Mod 0 w/ LAM module & Knights suppressor so I can oper8

I'm disappointed you didn't go with the railway gun.

tsar bomba

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Aww yiss

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RCMP's coming to kill my catto

Vintorez. I'd need three tax stamps but it'd be worth it.


The best home defense gun there is

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Now to find some ammo...

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I now have more dakka.

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Why do you fags dickride this thing so much

owo what's this

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What the fuck is that? A sawed mossberg 500?


So much this, a full auto that could be fed on a budget.

MkB-42 (H)

What? The VSS Vintorez or the AS Val?

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>designed for silent urban assassinati onof armored targets
if those words don't get you hard, you may have erectile dysfunction
>you can't buy it, and even if every restriction on it were lifted, Russia still doesn't sell it or export it, ever
this just elevates it to next level

Oh boy

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$$60 billion.

only practical thing i want, without going overboard

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a) I haven't blown up a city yet
b) I ain't no angel, so I probably couldn't do that anyway

>10mm 1911
I'm newguns so I don't yet have any lofty goals when it comes to firearms ownership.

My tastes are basic bitch tier, but I know how to deal with the bullshit that comes with this one.
Weight to fun ratio is pretty good too.

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Either a legit mg42 from the reich itself

Or one of those legit watercooled machine guns from ww1

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Have you considered buying a Ruger SR1911 in 10mm?

A box with a scope.

Justice my friend, because peace was never an option.


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Hell yeah, I'm seeing some online in the $700-$800 range, does that seem reasonable?

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An fal with wood furniture

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I'm not the best to ask that, I haven't looked into them and good pricing on them much. They seem like good guns though from reviews I've seen. Held one once and it seemed nice.

Finally, I can get my standard AK 47 pistol

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>ammo counter
>real FN' NATO

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Ruger Vaquero Montado in .357. Simple I know, but a 'want' and not a 'need' on my list. Stars just never aligned on buying one.

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Gyrojet cause it shoots rockets

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A full auto MP7

My dick would never get soft ever again

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The most desirable of all pasta blasters.

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Please god let me find a luger laying out in the street one day.

MGA MK48 + Binary trigger my nigger

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I now want a top loading beretta

and my MG is as important to me as a person and the MG3 wants her little sister CETME AMELI so I get both

Bad News 338 with 26" bbl

Oh God!

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>275 chances to FTF

My brother just bought one for ~500. I want him to trade me for my gp100 but he's not that dumb

An early 1990's VHS recorder.

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>9.5x40 = 7.62 x51

I want a 300 win mag M-16...meaning I want it to be capable of full auto.

Perfect hunting and shtf gun when the bears ride into battle on moose weilding axes.

Spectrum. Ausfag with nofuns, too small to be legal here anyway. This thing's so fucking cute imma move to the US just so I can get one.

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Has he tried Viagra?

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This. Not a Nazi, but this gun is sexy as hell. Nazi guns = best guns

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I think I still want a .44 meatball more

This, but with the whole mounting system built into an up-armored humvee.

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> Nazi guns = best guns
> B-but I'm not a Nazi guys, ok?

Dude just own your interests, you don't have to justify your tastes, this website is full of pretend-Nazis anyway, it's not like anyone will mind

A full retard BAR if rifle, a 6" s&w model 29 if pistol.

I was confused by this too until I realized it was a miniature toy for action figures. I thought it might be one of those cast rubber movie prop guns until I noticed how unrealistic the sling was.

no contest

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>What did you get Jow Forums ?
transported 5 days into the future is what I got, picking the baby up on Wednesday.

Even though I've heard they're actually kinda shit, I can't help but want one.

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can I sell it ?

George Washington’s saddle pistols: $1,986,000

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I know, I'm a useless piece of shit bubba.

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Have you always wanted them? No? Then no dice, champ

Hopefully later this year.

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fine fuck you then

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Always wanted one in 9mm, don't even know why, probably its aesthetic.
Also a qt in Girls' Frontline too.

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a full retard, open bolt kg-9 or tec-9
or or

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10mm fbi issue

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Airsoft guns are pretty cheap, user, what's holding you back from picking one up?

ammo tho. 100 dollarydoos per round.

Fucking wasted my trips
Which most likely don't even work any more.

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The murder/k/une wills these gets

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Look at all these plebs, full auto P90

Living in a socialist shithole, mostly.

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I don't want a gun, I want Sakuya

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This bad shooty boi

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>top-break 357
where get?

On the positive side I now own an m14
On the negative side i'm about to be fucked by the long dick of my countries gun laws

A girlfriend