Will I have problems firing guns if I'm a scrawny DYEL?
I'm 6'2 and I'm 130 lbs, my arms get unbelievably sore when I wash my car with a powerhose
Will I have problems firing guns if I'm a scrawny DYEL?
What kind of gay shit is this. Are you handicapped? Do some fuckin push ups. You're a god damn man stop acting like a massive vagina all your life and achieve gainz
No fellow skelleton. Just pactice holding your gun and dry firing it if you have nothing to do. Also push ups help a lot.
>t. 6'3 145lbs
AR-fitteen sounds like the perfect gun for you
I have carpal tunnel which significantly reduces my grip strength but I can still shoot guns fine.
Eat a bowl of oatmeal every hour that you're awake and lift everyday. You'll gain mass
> I'm 6'2 and I'm 130 lbs
That is incredibly thin, user. If those numbers are correct, then you're underweight. For the sake of you own health, adjust your fucking diet before you worry about guns too much.
I know I most certainly gained mass.
Yes. You will probably suffer a concussion and immediate onset PTSD.
Sounds like you need a 380 that you can hide in your purse.
>6’ 233 lbs
>practically no felt recoil with a power hose
>one hands shotguns like they’re .22s
>4000 ml+ on the incentive spirometer
Feels good. One problem.
>huffing like a steam engine after running a mile
cheeseburgers are good.
This, you're on the opposite end of the "fuck up your heart due to weight issues" spectrum that we associate with fatties like
Thought that was a Chad Krieg Imperial Guardsman at first. Was gonna be real pissed at the cowardice, but no t's a virgin NCR Ranger
>6'1 260Lbs in the army 3 years ago
>quite literally proportionately large boy
>doctors and medics always confused where my weight is, think im bullshitting when i tell them im more than 200
>ran a ~13:00 2 mile up til i stopped being such a fucking new private who cared about the army and realized I was never, ever going to get a ranger school packet or do anything interesting with the shitty unit i was in
>still never stopped passing PT
I look like a fucking caveman, and i've clearly got some kind of primitive holdover genetics that were dormant for generations of my biological family, but at least im not a skellington and or manlet
>6'4 240lb.
>fat guy.
You're lucky, Caveman.
>6’ 233 lbs
Well you obviously going to have health problems if you weigh over three tons.
5'9 120 here, 5.56 should be fine, 308 will hurt from a standing position.
>t's a virgin NCR Ranger
not for long
>130 lbs
How are you even alive, user? I'm the same height and 100lbs heavier
I'm the same as him, I have stomach issues and eat one serving of five minute rice a day.
We had a guy like you that was about the same height and weight. Looked like an old timey body builder but it still didn't account for his weight. We always joked that he was literally big boned.
tfw your only 5’5”
You shouldn't have much trouble with an AR-15. My wife is 5'7 110lbs and manages with one, and she's somewhat disabled in the strength department.