Post numales with guns

post numales with guns

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Other urls found in this thread:


>boogerhook not on the trigger
>genuinely happy to get a salty rifle of mass destruction
seems fine to me

Kill yourself out of Jow Forums

He didn't say boogerhooker on the bangswitch
he's only 50% guilty

He's doing the soyboy smile

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This. I prefer prostate pusher.

With his new salt rife and when he see the gun laws he will grow out of that smile.

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He doesn't have glasses. He's not a numale. He's also not wearing flannel.

Attached: Ian_soyboy_grin.jpg (77x105, 9K)

wtf that's me

The soy got to Gun Jesus!

Provide proof

>thats me
Youre a fucking fatty with a neckbeard. Have some self respect and lose some weight, fatass. Also, find a real man to teach you how to shave, you single mom raised pudgy fuck

Are you okay user

The post

Calm down user, don't shoot up any schools.

You look like a buddy of mine from high school

What's a "numale"? Is that Jow Forums speak?

I can never understand what those snow-sniggers are saying because they're so inbred. I guess polydactyly and a downs mouth make it difficult to communicate.

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except you've never spoken with them. Only read their words, dummy face.

>soyboy smile
You gotta stop spending so much time in here user.

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>Spending so much time on the internet that you start thinking in memes
Just because someone in smiling for a picture, doesnt mean they are buying nintendo for their wifes black bf you spergs.

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Look man, it's a free country and all, you can do what you want, but you should reconsider smiling with your mouth open in selfies.

their joking faggot

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That's just a smile. When's the last time you smiled, user?

>Paul Joseph Watson

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If he's gonna be safe with it, glad he got it and glad he's enjoying it. That's one less person likely to try to vote my rights away.
I do secretly hope he learns the Mozambique drill well and is then attacked by exactly ten dirtbag urban youths, however. Let's turn that smile into an ear-to-ear happy grin day for all of us.

You really hit a nerve with these faggots OP. Most seem would post selfies and that would count as numales

>not posting the final version

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real men don't smile, they smirk

Ok weeb.

Does that picture remind you of someone?

>no subtle Jow Forums KSG
this is what you get for making a "class photo" less than three months into the year

Don't you realize that Jow Forums, Jow Forums, and /tv/ are all part of the alt-right movement?

Jow Forums is our militant wing, Jow Forums is for ideology, and /tv/ is for identifying and discussing potential propaganda.

Jow Forums is nothing more than the militia of Jow Forums and you are a newfag if you think otherwise.

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Allow me to explain the relationship between Jow Forums and Jow Forums.

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why are comic books so cringe

The sad thing is that Jow Forumsfags actually believe this.

This guy gets it

hahaha, hell yeah boy. these yankee fags in here think that they are real gun owners and patriots but they dont even know where they stand on politics and prob havent ever been to Jow Forums.

>at least he's safety conscious.
Top indicator of a numale when it comes to firearms.
He's a fucking safety sally.
So afraid of his own gun that he thinks it will fucking go off if he places his finger on the trigger.

Comic books are cool

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>delusions of grandeur


youll be thinking that wen you are hanging from a tree for being a fencsitting coward when the big day comes!


>Implying you have the balls to leave your momma's basement.

If retards like you are all that we're up against, we've won. Go back to fingering your sister, moron.

>exercising your 2nd amendment rights is now a bad thing

can we just go back to making fun of gearqueers and tripfags?

That's like almost a word for word ripoff of dialogue from the Rocketeer movie.

What about their joking faggot?

This fucking youtube channel. The soyboys and faggots are infiltrating everything.

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The virgin soysmile vs the chad smirk

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get the fuck off my board faggot

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Fuck off you kraut cocksleeve.

>mistakenly accusing someone who is actually excited about his new AR15, to a soy boy fake soysmile

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