What was this about? Why did it go down so badly?

What was this about? Why did it go down so badly?

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They were globalist scum.

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stop you Islamic scum you deserve to die.

Blame it on the cloud people..

they were outnumbered and outgunned if the French did their job properly and got air support in enough time these men would still be alive. and the stupid fucking vatniks and communist chinks mock them and say "hurr durr despite the fact that they were severely outnumbered and outgunned American special forces suck because these 5 guys were shut durrr"

Zionist dogs will always fail. I swear, Allah himself reached down onto these infidels and snapped their necks with great force.

They had a large amount of Mali troops with them.


They left the base expecting they were being sent on a routine patrol in a low-activity area, and they prepared as such. Midway through this patrol, they got shanghaied into the capture mission of a terrorist leader that had initially been prepared for a much better prepared team.

They were separated from the rest of the group once the shooting started. Personally, it sounds to me like one of their "allies" sold them out and told the hajjis where in the convoy they were, but of course it's racist crimethink to suggest such things.

Or they were just tracked. A convoy of four trucks with four heavily armed men, three of them white in a black country, isn't hard to find.

>Ambushed by nearly double their number in personnel and 4 times their number in technicals
>Equipped primarily for reconnaissance, so less heavily armed and armored than usual
>Egress blocked
>In terrain with very little actual cover
>Nigerians that weren't killed instantly deserted
>Leaving 6 Americans and a few wounded Nigerians vs 50 militants, with only soft skinned vehicles as cover
So they died.

For sure they were. It says that shortly after they arrived at the village, a large number of guys left on motorbikes. That should have been a sign something was up.


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People on the internet think "operators" are like superheroes who spend their days kicking doors and shooting up buildings full of enemies while taking 0 casualties. They're not; they're able to succeed because they have a massive amount of resources backing them up; things like weapons, training, and intelligence to allow them to strike with more precision than regular forces. Without this support network, they die just like everyone else.


Wow, that's a bit bold to see on nytimes.

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What if it was one sneaky boy?

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Remember when it was because the black dude left them to die because he hated trump and the only source for this claim was some random blog post? I do. Maybe someone will claim that again.

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>Implying the Saudis aren't in bed with Israel too.

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>muh alone, isolatd and outnumbered in a heavily disadvantageous situation
The whole point is that just HOW MUCH DID THEY HAVE TO FUCK UP to end up in a situation like this?
>muh undergunned
>muh underarmored
>muh betrayal
>muh miscommunication

This isn't some Cold War bullshit, it's kicking a downed nigger on a sidewalk. US can afford doing it more carefully.

Because Hollywood isn't real life and special forces bought into their own hype and think they can run ar's and soft skins instead of chopped rpd's, stoner 63s and armored vehicles. Also without command making sure they're only sent on low risk missions they'd get exposed for the hype they are. When you need actual combatants body bagged you send in companies of marines.

Beyond what anyone will admit. The gun is still an equalizer. Whether you're a retarded afghan villager, A British journalist, or even an American soldier. They all might as well be on the same level.

Don't confuse this, there is value in continued training. It's just bullets doesn't give a fuck how hot shit you are.


The nigger was not a Green Beret, but assigned to duty with them. He was anti-Trump and brainwashed by the liberal media and it's narrative that Trump is rayciss.

The nigger betrayed the team by revealing their plan and possition to the boss of a nigger village a day before the ambush. The nigger boss told the perpetrators and the ambush happened.

This nigger La David was found dead far away from the three other men, I dont know if they shot him or some nigger did regardless. This is why his body took so long to recover, SF didnt want to. Also why Trump was so dry and almost rude to the nigger's mother, saying "he knew what he signed up for".

This is the truth. Watch shills try to bury it.

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why did they wait 45 minutes to radio the French for help?

That's why states want to disarm their populations and why Murica is under serious threat. It's the last power people have against corrupt child fuckers.

I love operator's faces. Guys you'd never assume amount to shit if you saw them at the local mall.

>The whole point is that just HOW MUCH DID THEY HAVE TO FUCK UP to end up in a situation like this?
They left as soon as things seemed awry and they had air support on tap. They got cut off and their air support didn't arrive for hours. Nothing they could have done.
Advisory humint role in an area that had been deemed low risk by intel. They were trying to establish relations with the local leader, which is hampered by showing up on their doorstep in LAVs waving M240s. You could accuse them of complacency but they were only equipped for the information they had been given.
Because that's the nature of counter insurgencies? You think the ANA or Iraqi army didn't sell western forces out constantly? It just a reality you have to deal with when interacting with undeveloped military forces.
Because they were nearby and command elements tend to want things done asap.

It’s called an ambush you mouthbreather, shit happens

They were on a reconnaissance operation when their commander sent them to check reports about a terrorist officer in the area

Link the source

there it is

>muh excuses

It is what it is. What do you expect, that they would have a drone overhead 24/7 to drop missiles from a laptop pulled out of their ass every time they get 5 kills?

>ask a bunch of questions
>get answers

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If be remembers the basics of CQC the enemy is doomed

Yeah, because bombing civilians and the patrol themselves is really gonna bring home a win.

That guy was shot many times at point blank and the blood was literally flowing in a perfect cinematic angle. I am not implying, I am just saying the brutality of it all..

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I mean fully loaded operators moving in on a civilian SUV? ..What were they thinking.. WHY didn't they jump in the suv and step on it..

Because they got blocked and shot up. Haven't you seen the video?

I didn't notice. I thought in front of the red smoke it was clear and fire was coming only from their 7-8.

Nevertheless my problem is why not a humvee. As if they don't have enough..

I can't be assed to find sources, earlier threads on Jow Forums on this matter had them, so take this with a grain of salt.
They' were looking for a terrorist leader.They took malian speds to interview village elders. The village elders kept stalling, allowing the ambush to set up. When leaving, they're ambushed. Malians fuck off. Berets try to fight, call for support, and the French couldn't sortie in time. Someone on Jow Forums even claimed that they didn't have any aircraft ready. They're a man down from almost the very beginning, and it all goes down from there. Note that in the video Mr."HeKnewWhatHeSignedUpFor" is nowhere to be seen, neither are the malians.
The entire situation was fucked. I still don't get what's the point to this joint bullshit with retarded fucks that in 500 years haven't been able to build a functioning society. It's just training a future problem.

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The video has heavy editing. Youre right about the direction of fire, but by the time they booked it the direction had change and wright was firing towards their 9-11 because they got flanked

I cant understand how this kind of fuck ups can end in the media. How do the US manage their SFs OPs information?

I mean, im not american, ive been involved in some shit and never ever seen this degree of media exposure about our defense or national security related OPs here.

The helmet footage was released by the attackers, was it not?

>What was this about? Why did it go down so badly?
Americans can't into warfare

>Why did it go down so badly?
>Ambushed by organized larger force and ditched by friendlies
>CAS doesn't show up at all
>Still make it out with only 30% losses, not counting "friendly" jiggaboos that probably organized the attack anyway
Idk, I think that's better than could be expected.

Does anybody know how long it was from first shots fired till dudes head got splattered point blank? I want to see the full unedited vid before talking shit.

How? Is it an IED fired into it from the side? It seems to explode from behind.
Also Jesus Christ.


I can't even imagine who would claim something like this. It's damaging for the right, in that it implies an ungodly amount of hatred for their leader, but it's also damaging for the left, because are THESE the people who oppose Trump? Letting allies die out of pettiness?
How can people not think about the meaning of what they say before actually saying it?

But the US should have not make any comments about it even so. Deny everything, shut up and let the story cool off and die. Cut the media from contacting relatives of the dead, desinform etc

SFs OPs are not for the public to comment about.

No, that's not how you control a narrative. You say nothing and the media (particularly militant sources) will fill the void with whatever bullshit suits them at the time.

At the point where you're commenting on enemy sources, you've already lost control of the narrative anyway, might as well go full gaslighting at that point.
Besides they're being (and they generally are) ungodly mild, whenever they can blame fellow nato countries the US does it, but with niggers and arabs they don't? Everyone who ever dealt with them will tell you that appeasement is the wrong way to go about dealing with them.

>t.got rejected by Marine recruiter

Ever worked with Arabs? Its a cultural thing, they are mentally incapable of taking criticism. Cant even correct mistakes when instructing them or they'll take it as a personal sleight and stop listening to anything you say in defiance. Like, sure in theory they should be taken to task for their fuckups, but its just not fucking worth it in practice. Gotta assume its the same with Africans.

>Why did it go down so badly?

they trusted a black man.

> Nigerian officials shared intelligence with the American forces in Niger that the meeting with the Tongo Tongo village chief had been arranged by Johnson and that he had leaked the information of the size of the squad and the convoy that would be at the village that day.
> Johnson, who had intended to flee all along would have succeeded if not for the fact that he was shot and killed by a member of his own convoy.
> When Johnson’s personal effects were gathered, a letter was found to Johnson’s wife, which spoke at length about how he no longer felt that it was justifiable to put himself in harm’s way for a “racist president” and that he would “find a way out, no matter what.”

link: archive.fo/hm7wl
here's more link from different media, 2 french and 2 US
>washington post
>Le Monde, all in french, known in france they also have their own newspaper ( this one is mostly the "controversial" trump phone call to johnson wife )
>intellivoire, website reporting news from africa, telling about how a US SF was found tied and dead in the tongo-tongo village

It's not about criticizing them, it's making them understand that treachery is not worth it. If they think they can get away with selling you out, they will.

Kill yourself you goat fucker

>Gotta assume its the same with Africans
I had classmates from Nigeria in college, they didn't really act that way. If anyone did, it was the Chinese, Jesus Christ. If you challenged them at all it was like you'd run over their dog, starving their entire family in the process.