Gun Store Horror Stories

>be me
>go to brand new fun store in town
>the owner is the same guy who owns the range so it should be good
>get there early so I can fingerfuck funs in peace without other customers
>at counter checking out their arsenal
>only one clerk this early
>recognize her
>its a girl I went to high school with
>say hi, start talking
>her dad owns the store
>I thought it was cool
>ask to see different guns and keep up the smalltalk
>she literally giggles at like everything I say
>this fucking passive aggressive bitch
>keeps asking about my hobbies and such
>well I'm in a gun store duh
>keeps asking if I go shooting with my girlfriend/ in general do x with my girlfriend
>I don't have a girlfriend why does she keep assuming I have a girlfriend
>must be a weird sales tactic going over my head
>ask to see one last gun before I buy some 9mm and leave because she's weird and awkward
>checking fns out
>she leans over the counter real close
>look up
>shes moving her face towards mine with her eyes closed
>what the fuck
>leave trying not to freak out

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10/10 OP. Well done.

Good thing you got out of there user

Daddy was waiting in the back with a shotgun

Dude, I think she was a faggot.

Should have asked to talk with a manager and complain about her weird behavior.

That was a close one OP, you almost got roastie'd.

Good job because
>implying all the guns suddenly don't get up on their own and shoot him

Why does this never happen to me

what a faggot!

How do you own a gunstore AND range, yet your daughter grows up to be a fag?

Don't freak out but I think she was trying to steal your chance at becoming a wizard.

why would you want weirdos harassing you at every new place you go?

You want to be harassed by weirdos? What is the matter with you?

> Be me
>23 years old, manlet and babyfaced
>Everyone assumes I'm 17
>New employee at the store/range
>Gives me a hard time

I can't greentext for shit, but that's the gist of every time anyone gets a new employee at a firearm related place.

Everytime i see a copypasta like this i get angry because it reminds me of myself

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Please tell me this is not real.

She was cute and wanted to kiss whats wrong with you

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stop projecting

You are a discrace

You think being passive aggressive is "cute"? I bet you like traps pissing in your cereal don't you?

Projecting what mr freud?

real life isn't porn like your fantasies fucktard

>23 years old, manlet and babyfaced
I know this feel aggressively.

you want to fuck your dad and kill your mom

Sorta similar
>be 25
>be 6ft 1 muscle
>be at gun store
>be at any store
>shaved face
>'may I see your ID?'
>unshaved face
>'thanks for your service Navy SEAL don't get your ID out
What the fuck

>this is what numales actually believe

>going to pick up new bersa .22 (pic related)
>A couple of fudds in the shop, looking for a gun to keep in their tractor
>Owner: "I've seen a .17hmr kill a hog, and a .22 magnum is even more powerful than that, that's what you need!"
>Fudd: "what kind of scope should I get? It's gonna be out of a case and bouncing around behind the seat?"
>Fudd seems disappointed when owner suggests keeping iron sights cause nothing will keep zero that way
>Fudds leave and I start my 4473
>Two construction guys come in and start looking around
>After a minute or so hear "I'm pickle Rick!"
>..."I'm pickle Rick!"
>..."I'm pickle Rick!"
>Owner finally asks WTF that is
>Guy says it's his text notification sounds and awkwardly tries to explain what Rick and Morty is to Boomer aged owner
>Owner awkwardly laughs and says "huh, guess I haven't seen that one"
>Finish my transfer and leave

It probably does and you dont notice

I get carded at the movie theater and gamestop while I am carrying, it is the weirdest feeling in the world.

>actually happens
>hairless mongrel responds

You have shit story telling skills, who was saying what and why?

You jest, but I recently met a girl who actually was passive aggressive and annoying... And I think she thought it was alluring


JK, now pic related, pardon my phone posting

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I'm getting older harier and fatter. Enjoy your youth user

That's all young women nowadays. They have nothing to go by except media on how people interact. Since they're young they're conditioned by T.V. to be bratty, catty, sarcastic, passive aggressive cunts because that's what "girls do" according to every sitcom, cartoon, movie, tv show, music, etc

>regularly visit lgs every couple weeks
>first name basis with employees, went to owner's family bbq and got invited back, family weird though never went back
>they're mostly alright, one is aggressively tacticool prepper type always wearing 5.11 but he's ok
>show up wednesday
>new employee
>overtly autistic, immediately concerning
>eyeballs me, only other customer is fudd fucking around with a ruger gp100
>test the waters
>tell him i heard glock is pretty reliable
>autism ignites like dry tinder
>tells me to get a cz instead
>ask him for some time to think
>enjoy the last moments i will spend in the store peacefully
>interrupted with "you're not still thinking glock are you?"
>360 and walkout with long face

>idiot gun store employee gets two collapsible metal batons
>starts drumming on things
>ok lol
>starts drumming on the ass end of a bunch of open .40
>entire store drops on the floor
>idiot set off a primer

I bet they post here.


Top post. Here’s a (you)

>walking past middle school sluts in skirts and hormone induced milkers
>dick is tingling
>point gun at own dick
Don't even think about it

Unironically yes

>Be 17 year old me, cashier at Gander
>Loved my job talking about guns and shit
>A couple walks through the door the guy is kinda ree ree lookin cause he's wearing nike baseball gloves
>Tell him "Hey nice gloves!"
>Really not trying to be a dick just being naive kid
>Later on his wife comes up to my counter and starts yelling at me
>"Hes got a skin condition thats contagious and he didn't want to touch and of the guns with his bare hands!"
>Tell her "Oh i'm really sorry I just said that because he's wearing baseball gloves and I have the same ones"
>Turns out you can't wear gloves in the store anyway.

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I swear to God I would punch the living shit out of that guy, then fire him.

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Was she a FAMAS?

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>be inna LGS with pistol rage
>tried out some new ammo, then wandered around the store look at funs
>Walk by a counter where a woman in her early 30's is asking for advice about what gun to carry
>Employee: "You should get a hammerless .22 revolver! The hammer won't snag on anything in your purse, the recoil is light, and .22 will bounce around inside them! Turn hi innards into swiss cheese!"

I died a lil bit on the inside.

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This pasta is ancient

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

Its called flirting not being passive agressive

But 360 degrees means you'd be walking into him, you fucking brainless moron.

Not if you moonwalk

He went through the back you IDIOT

>not moonwalking away

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>ask for 9mm largo at gs inna citty
>get 9mm luger
what the fuck

he could have misheard you

>specifically ask for 115gr, 9mm, FMJRN
>clerk tries to sell JPH to me
>clerk tries to sell 124gr FMJ to me
>clerk tries to sell conical soft-tips to me
>clerk manages to find a different kind of JHP, and (you guessed it) tries to sell that to me
>no thank you x5
>clerk finally finds 115gr FMJ
>"eco-friendly" rounds.
>lead-free primers (iirc) doesnt sound ba...
>fuck that
>"oh and we also have this"
>holds up big brand, exactly what I need, factory ammo
>why not imediately you fucktard
18€/50rnds, decent I guess

>Ask for .40SW 180Gr, he gets .40SW 165Gr.

Every. Single. Time.


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Newfags need to lurk more, 1 year minimum.

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Because it never happens to anyone

Good job, user. Don't want to lose your wizard powers.

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Smooth operator bonus points

Just went to a new lgs. Im in norcal and just moved but theres a suprising amount of gun stores around here.
>head to west coast tactifudd store
>expect to see cucked ars and tacticool and fudd shit
>been looking for old surplus stuff never know what lgs might have
>dudes super chill him his son and mom run the store
>owners an autist for gun facts so hes cool
>buy tokarev for rapey ca prices
I checked out another one today
>fudd listening to alex jones
>rude ass dude
>dosent wanna help with shit
>has surplus .303 real cheap so ill buy some
>check out rest of his stuff and hes still a dick
Man why are so many gun stores run by asshats and the same stores usually look like theyre stuggling what is this man

Many gunstores are run as a boys club by an old fart retiree for their buddies

You are just not welcome

>turn 360 and walk out
It's a meme you idiot

Got that feeling, must be fun taking home a fat L everyday on your finances cause your a dick


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noticing it's 360 and asking if you'd just walk towards him is part of the meme too

>all of these retards who don't know that pretending not to know the 360 moon walk meme is bait

Newfags get the fuck out.

>I'm not the retard you are

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But that bait has been set up so many times its part of the meme by now.

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I have experience with like 6 or 7 different gun stores in SoCal and not a single one sucks except for one particular one. The one you're describing sounds lame. Find another one.
I have the opposite experience. One near my work is literally grandpa, young grandson and old fudds. They're pretty funny and hilarious. Good vibes from them. Not sure why you have to be a dick about it. They're not.

>implying that’s not terrifying and will hurt you pretty soon
People being nice are just lies to lull you into a false sense of security so they can fuck your over user...

You fell for the bait, RETARD

You can't read, you fucking brainlet.

>Live in outrageously anti-fun blue state
>Finally obtain pistol permit
>Me and my dad go to range
>He brings his 357 magnum
>Fires one shot
>12 lanes of people drop everything and stand behind him
>Even range master is gaping in admiration
>Proceed to gawk in awe while he takes his next 5 shotz

Not really a funny or impressive story. My dad isn't a particularly good shot, just an average dude. My state is just so fucking sally that a guy with a 357 draws a captive audience at one of the largest ranges in the state.

>Kissing girls

Get a load of this faggot

I thought I was on Jow Forums for a second there

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>12 lanes of people drop everything and stand behind him
That's just sad dude.


>Be on tinder becuase why not
>Every other girl says she is fluent in sarcasm
>Urge for purge rises

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It's like an anglerfish, desu

Yeah man, like this is probably the biggest and most popular range/shop in the state. And these dudes are staring at my 5'8 71 year old father like he's Arnold Schwarzenegger. Absolutely incredible.

>“If you can’t handle me at my worst, then you don’t deserve me at my best”

>Mfw bitches honestly believe this

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>walk into gunstore
>look around a bit
>used car salesman tries to talk to me
>just kinda 'ehhh' through his crap
>buy ammo at shelf price because not a poorfag

What if I tell you by replying to any of the posts in the 360 chain you're falling for bait?

Then you'd be telling the truth. The only winning move in a 360 chain is not to play.

i saw the bait, did a 720, and walked away.

>Probably swiped right for your pet
>I'm too awkward to message first
>Interests/hobbies are food, Netflix, music and a whole bunch of other shit that literally everyone does in their day to day lives

I swear people like this probably cause more rapes/assaults than they prevent giving shit advice like that.

>be me
>decided it’s my second year of uni and I want to find a hobby that doesn’t involve ramming imgrant dick into my asshole
>whilst playing some le epic call of duty realize guns always seemed cool. Also feeling edgy as shit since the most recent shooting
>leave campus for a weekend to visit with gf and family
>decide this is the perfect moment to stretch my tendrils into funs
>gf lives five miles from a fun store with a range
>be autistic as fuck and wear my uni jacket to the range
>walk up to the counter shaking because I’ve never been around so many men with high levels of test
>clerk is eying me, thinking I’m some Beta nu male uni fag
>ask him what types of guns I can rent for the range
>have no clue what any of them are other than the ak
>tell the clerk that’s the one I want to rent
>autism mode reaches peak as spaghetti is flying out of my pockets
>feel unnerved and want to prove to him I know guns
>”you got that chambered in three O eight?”
>silence falls over the store even the range was silent
>”hey Scott, we got that chambered in .308?”
>burley man from another room shouts back
>”are you fucking with me? What retard is asking that?”
>go white as the last of my spaghetti splats on the floor
>tell the clerk never mind
>turn 360 degrees and walk away

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>use dating site
>lots of uggos, shitheads, and sluts
>find a 10/10 qt who's caring and pure, not too interesting of a person overall but I'm not either so w/e
>been in love with them ever since
Did I just get lucky?

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>they fell for the fourth layer of the 360 moon walk meme

Holy shit newfriends, back to LeReddit!

Yes, now go leading a boring life, have boring kids, grow old together and die.