Why is this faggot on every pro gun faceberg page?

Why is this faggot on every pro gun faceberg page?

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Why are normalfagbooks on Jow Forums? Get out.

who is this? I don't use normie media so I miss out on faggot normie memes

I deleted my faceberg years ago

Pathetic. Go home clown.

Off topic but what is net neutrality actually about? I've always heard your ISP can throttle your service if they didn't like what you were trying to view. But wouldn't a company who doesn't throttle end up making more money and attracting more customers due to their good service? I fail to see why ISP throttling is an issue unless you have only one option of ISP.

It's about the idea that data is data is data, and that an ISP shouldn't be able to squeeze one service or prioritize another.

Comcast, for example, is an ISP, an Cable Company, and now a streaming video provider. But Netflix is more popular. They actually throttled Netflix in the past so hard users were barely getting service at one point, then the issue instantly resolved once Netflix paid up.

Ultimately, it's about providing an even playing field so small startups have a chance to become the next big hit instead of being crushed under the big ISPs.

You're correct. Net Neutrality is a nontraversy drummed up by Google and other big corporationz because the regulations benefit them in a number of ways, including icing out competition. They've tricked a bunch of useful idiot normies into thinking this is a battle for the internet when really it's a battle for their wallets.

And here we see the liar who doesn't understand what NN actually is.


>But wouldn't a company who doesn't throttle end up making more money and attracting more customers due to their good service?

>But wouldn't a company who doesn't throttle end up making more money and attracting more customers
Nope. Regional monopolies. A lot of places only have a single ISP servicing their area. It's either internet or no internet.

This. Where I live, I do have choices - it's Comcast, dial-up, or satellite. Those other choices sound oh-so-exciting. My free market options are so great and total not the product of internet and cable companies creating local monopolies and refusing to compete in the marketplace.

Even in a city it can be limited. In my apartment building, I have a choice of sticking with Comcast, orgoing to Centurylink DSL to Fiber Node for about the same price and speed. And the way Centurylink reps keep lying to me about how Comcasts' service works is a big turn off.

The independent Fiber company that's been expanding in the area is finally coming down my street, but no word if they'll even be building into our complex.

Centurylink makes Comcast look like a bunch of friendly bunnies wanting to give you a hug. I had to have it when I used to live further in the middle of nowhere (now in a suburb) dear christ it was slow, unreliable, and the service was completely miserable.

Not that they needed to care, because what the fuck else was I going to do, go back to 56k?

Those are sanctioned monopolies, little fella.
t. Seattle sanctioned Comcast monopoly customer
>muh gubmint needs to make the bad evil mean cable man give me whatever I want for no reason other than I feel entitled to it
Your normie memes have nothing to do with firearms and you should have posted this on Jow Forums and possibly slit your wrists afterward. Turn off your bad Netflix content and your Blacked porn and read a book nigga, take a walk in a forest, take up a hobby, perhaps shooting if you'd like to post here. One of the most pathetic things I can imagine reeeing over.

My parents have it, and it took them a couple months to diagnose that the old wiring in their house needed a simple fix at the point where it connects to the outside line.

But, on the other hand, it mostly works now, and going to Prism let them drop their expensive DirectTv service. They've even gotten rid of their thirty-year-plus old landline number and went full cell phones now.

That said, if you're on Comcast, their Mobile service is a hell of a deal. Even their most expensive plan of Unlimited is only $45 a month, versus like $90 a line for ATT, and you can stay on By the Gig at $12/m/GB or upgrade it for just the billing cycle and go back down if you need to.

On the other hand, Comcast has tried twice in 6 years to charge me rental for the modem I own. On the other other hand, I've gotten free upgrades to 50 and 75Mbps from the initial 25, and it generally tests 10Mbps faster because of the way DOCSIS 3.0 Channel Bonding works.

>Man, I sure do love these corporations fucking me up the ass without lube!

Fucking soyboy

Its alright if its the free market

Can I touch penis?

>how will I get my sissy hypno if the government doesn't make Comcast fellate Google?
Go outside lmao

>Making a defacto utility actually act like a utility is bad durr

>everything must be provided to me by gubboment
>gubboment didn't create the barriers to entry in the first place, it was the evil rent-seeking corporations
Underage redditors should leave

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>Hurr muh free-murkut utopia!

stupid libertardian

Fug that's actually me

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>i want my connection to take a shit during netflix prime time because of normalfags and have my plan's price to go through the roof because cumcast has to provide with no strings attached to jewgle and netflix without payment
you're retarded.

>Thinks that's not exactly what happened pre-Title II
You're quite the idiot.

>Voting for Cruz
Texasfag here, mind explaining why you'd vote you that retard who wants to reinstate the gold standard?

.......................do it.................