I have to say hands down this episode was great! it was long but it was Good and I thought mae's face shooting the B.A.R was rather comedic especially when she lost her footing. her face went from stern to what the fuck in a millisecond.
C&Rsenal B.A.R episode
I love mae ┬┴┤( ͡ل͜├┬┴┬
fuck that was supposed to be a lennyface creepily peeking around the corner fuck i fucked it up fuckedy fuck fuck
You don't need to make these threads fifty times a day othais.
It's getting ridiculous.
fuck off mae i can do what i want
fuck off and stop bumping your thread if you have nothing of value more to add
>17 min episode on the lebel
>1 hour 4 min on some Italian revolver
this is why C&R is bad, and gunsmithing episodes with Mark "I have brain damage and irritate everyone" Fuckface are trash.
what are you gonna do faggot I can self bump as much as I want
It was a great episode, but I was disappointed by how Mae didn't fire it from the shoulder or attempt walking fire. The one full auto burst was fun, but not really that informative.
Who doesn't love mae?
>in b4 anime trash
fat betas who have ridiculous expectations because all they watch is hentai.
wait shit you said
>inb4 anime trash
but it is true
The filmed a lot of shit in just 2 days.
I think they fed a lot of 30-06 into a Browning 1917.
As for walking they said they had very little room for error so probably a narrow berm?
nah my favorite episode was the Springfield 1903 episode.
>"hurr i am to stupid to actually pay attention and watch an educational video durr"
C&Rsenal is the best channek.
Mudnight bump so this thread is alive when i wake up