Second american civil war starts

>Second american civil war starts
>Rebels immediately gain control of your city
>You have several hundred assault rifles and sidearms in your basement

What do you do?

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stay indoors and hope I don't attract attention

Some regular army unit gets briefed that theres a group of "russian backed terrorists" "murdering people" and then you get bombed

>You have several hundred assault rifles
No you don't.

Context is needed. Who's rebelling and why.

It's a hypothetical, you know

Let's say it's the constitutionalists.

Then I am the rebels.

stay at home
open up a can of tushonka

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turn on the electric fence, set up a watch rotation, and otherwise try to wait this thing out

>tfw live in LA
>OP suggesting real american rebels coming in and taking over libtard and crime central
Freedom party time.

Confederate flag flying guntruck convoys rolling through downtown LA and beverly yuppie hills weapons free.

I wonder what services would fall out of operation in such scenario. Depending on time of year, neighborhood, and slew of factors much the city could end up aflame with no water to put it out. Personally I'd leave the ideologues to battle, keep head down and try to help who I could from line of fire without exposing myself because can't save someone else if you need saving.

Maybe though I would sit in my own liquids in my apartment in fear of catching a bullet where eventually I would do so anyways. Postulation won't get us far in understanding ourselves in extreme situations, only direct experience; which in this case hopefully we never will.

“Join them”

Hypothetically, it’s for a project


Then I guess I'm not in my basement huh.... I'm removing liberal filth from the streets

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distribute the rifles and sidearms to my fellow rebels, obviously

I'd be siding with the Feds as I personally believed that violent conflict is the LAST resort for revolution.

Realistically I wouldn't have hundreds of guns and I'd try to pack up with a couple of firearms and flee into a Fed-controlled area. However if I DID have that many guns, I certainly wouldn't want it to fall into rebel hands. Presuming that I managed to keep my arsenal (armory really) a secret from everybody so far, I'd just keep quiet and certainly wouldn't mention anything about it.

Oh no, I've seen Syria. Sell them all to bubbas except two, get the fuck out of dodge before the shells come down on them.

Start a libertarian third faction that tries to carve itself an enclave out of territory taken by the rebels which we then take.

>Implying gun owners aren't the rebels

You're getting a bullet.

Depending on the nature and leanings of the rebels either join in or begin to plan how to topple them

Work for the government and distribute booby trapped and low quality guns and ammunition. Purposely sabotage my own weapons cache so they are rigged to fuck up. Poison all my food and water before giving it to rebels. Sit back and eat tendies in comfy shitty apartment in government controlled city and watch the pathetic rebels get mowed down by government live on TV while shitposting. Fast forward 20 years later and bait former rebs that fought in the second civil war on neo/k/ while I play battlefield "a house divided" or whatever the fuck they'll call it and watch Gettysburg 2 electric south rises a new.

>sell them to both sides

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Try not to get killed.
Real life isn't an action movie or some greasy teenagers violent fantasy, I'm not gonna kill 400 men.

>tfw the civil war will have the rebels be antifa and they're after your guns so they can use some in their efforts to disarm more americans and burn the guns they cant use in their goals

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I keep going to work to sustain the economy of my free city

and then I wait for occupation so I can resist

>guns kill people
>400 guns won't kill 400 people
Um try again sweetie

Lets get this out onto a tray...

So the rebels are ISIS-tier now?

I thought they were constitutionalists.

If the rebels start killing people based on their beliefs, then I'm shooting rebels

Go back Grandpa

>being anti-American government is synonymous with ISIS whom are funded directly from the US government

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The US wouldn't drop bombs on it's own citizens. They're not nearly as retarded as you give them credit for.

>assault rifles
Nice try, Moshe

>They're not nearly as retarded as you give them credit for.

Yet they don't make a sound when conspiracy against peace and crimes against humanity get committed in their names

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we'd have blackout areas of electricity, water, internet, etc.

But life would be pretty normal in lots of places.

What? So you just want to join the rebels so that you can shoot people?

If you're the type of the person that wants to turn the US into some war-torn shithole like Sudan, you'll be one of the first rebels to get your ear tacked on my wall.

>The US wouldn't drop bombs on it's own citizens.
Yes, they absolutely would if it was necessary.
>They're not nearly as retarded
It's not retarded. The CIAniggers are in cahoots with all the silicon valley kikes as well as old school media. They can stifle the flow of information as needed. That is, presuming they even need to. As events show time and time again, the people simply do not give a single fuck. USAF could carpet bomb Alabama and nothing would happen.

>The US wouldn't drop bombs on it's own citizens.

They would, but they'd try to minimize it. Realistically, if they designated it a rebel-controlled area, any civilians that would still be living there have probably sided with the rebels anyway thus disavowing their citizenship to the US.


Put on my nice uniform and get outside

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Absolutely nothing. I hope whoever is coming likes a long drive, even though I live in England I hold dual-nationality and have a house and land in the States. It's in Middle-of-Nowhere, WY.

Help the rebels.

>Let's say it's the constitutionalists.

To the government and media, any secessionist or rebel faction are automatically foreign supported terrorists

Probably. I would assume military would either force people to keep facilities running or man the positions with their own specialists. No way to protect all and everything though, especially not in such a sprawling nation.

Join the rebels

>i live innawoods
nothing to see here.

someone has to smuggle in food and supplies user

>rebels gain control
>rebels would be pro-america
Lol guess I'm gonna do nothing


We will purge your loyalist scum first

>Call Russia, tell them that area is ready to be taken.
>Call government, tell them Russia is in area.
>blast Soviet anthem and star spangled banner at same time.
>rebels get fucked
>Watch world war 3 go down

We killed turncoats, didn't we?

>Arrive at Federal Compound
>All Property, Including Firearms is confiscated for "safety"
>You are issued a solid color jumpsuit and a number
>You are now cattle

Why even bother, just shoot yourself.
At least you'd die free.

Philadelphia MOVE bombing. Next.

I open up one of my burners and start collecting info for the Fed.

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The fledgling Army Air Corps left aircraft "unattended" for the Mining companies who went on to bomb US citizens during the Battle of Blair Mountain.

Arm the rebels

Parlay with their leader. Cut a deal for rank and authority within their structure in exchange for the guns.

Use said authority to help establish peace and security within the controlled territory.

You're going to get the same answers you got the previous days you data mining fuck

I live in Baltimore so I try to help the "rebels" as much as I can.

>Federal Compound

Yeah, okay.

First thing that goes is media stations

Go back to Africa, war-monger.

Uh, sorry but in OP's scenario, I'm the one with all the guns in the fortified position.

I'd say good luck, but we both know that you and your buddies will be dead on the ground the moment I spot your kind marching my way.

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